Lehetetlen ellenálás!(Tóth László-Spacc/Marics Peti)

Lehetetlen ellenálás!(Tóth László-Spacc/Marics Peti)

4,098 174 15

A táncos csajok Vanda és Blanka felkérést kapnak két előadótól a Brúnó x Spacc duótól a közös munkára. Vandából furcsa érzéseket vált ki Laci amit nem tud hová tenni ám Petivel is történik köztük valami ami összezavarja Vandát. Na vajon mi fog történni?😨Hogy megtudd less bele a történetbe!😉❤️…

kellemes | Pető Brúnó ff.

kellemes | Pető Brúnó ff.

1,935 115 9

Brúnó már több mint egy éve vetett véget a kapcsolatának azóta pedig csak próbálkozik megtalálni a tökéletes partnert magának. Eddig minden kiszemeltjében csalódnia kellett viszont miután fejben már feladta a dolgokat, egy buliban összefut Alexandrával akibe első látásra beleszeret. Lányos lány, ártatlan tekintettel szép szimmetrikus arccal, kellemes kisugárzással ami nem kicsit babonázza meg a fiút így végül az egész estét együtt töltik és Brúnó elhatározza hogy megszerzi magának.a történet teljes mértékben kitalált, nem tartalmaz semmiféle valósághoz köthető cselekvést a formáció munkásságán kívül, ha viszont mégis, az csak a véletlen műve.…

Szörnyen kezdődött (Spacc ff)

Szörnyen kezdődött (Spacc ff)

228 6 4

Ez egy lányról fog szólni aki miközben a gondjai elől menekül megismerkedig egy fiúval akivel viszonylag normális életet tudna élni. Trágár szavakat és 12/16 +os jeleneteket tartalmaz…

Special Frans


26,363 496 8

Neko Romano makes luv to Spain ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)…

Brothers At War (Gerita & Spamano)

Brothers At War (Gerita & Spamano)

41,058 1,816 15

Romano and Italy get into a nasty fight, ending with Romano declaring war on the younger brother. Italy seeks Germany for help and Romano runs off to join Spain. Italy and Romano both seek comfort in their new allies, but will their alliances become more? *I do not own Hetalia or any of the characters*I wrote this story a year ago and it's so cringey but if you want to read be my guest…

I'm sorry (Spain x Romano)

I'm sorry (Spain x Romano)

21,063 967 10

A love triangle is in the mixwhat will happen between the nations?…

Jealousy ~ (Mono x Seven)

Jealousy ~ (Mono x Seven)

14,318 395 16

this is a Moven story that I thought of whilst reading others from some amazing creators.this is also the first book I have made so, it might be quite cringe and badly written, but I still hope you enjoy it jsksksjAlso Seven is 16, Six is 16 and Mono has just turned 17 and basically all fluff.Best ranks or something-#1 - moven #67 - Seven#65 - Six#3 - Mono#6 - thinman #4 - runawaykid#2 - sevenxmono#7 - monoxseven…

The New Otogakure.. (Sakura!Otokage)

The New Otogakure.. (Sakura!Otokage)

92,679 2,743 30

It begins, Orochimaru attacks team 7 on the Chūnin exam but something happens make Sakura keep thinking about the snake guy.. But, Sasuke came back to the village with his teams.. Karin make a lies... Sakura and Hinata life full will hated... Wait..? What? Orochimaru asking Sakura to married him but he died and his last wishes was for her taking his position, being the new Otokage along with Hinata at her side as an ANBU..? The dead people come to life..? The Hokages? Uchihas? More people? Akatsuki? But the tailed beast..? And then Ino and Tenten come being oto nin too..? What the hell is happening on here?…

Sweet Dreams - Little Nightmares - Mono x Six

Sweet Dreams - Little Nightmares - Mono x Six

105,011 3,767 33

Book 1/2Why did I write this...... *shrugs*I dont own anything from little nightmares (duh), also dont own the picture above or any for that matter, all I own here is the writing. (Mono and Six are 18 in this story.)Best Ratings??1 #Monix1 #Littlenightmares21 #Six1 #MonoxSix2 #Mono4 #Unknown8 #Littlenightmares…

A Fox Spirit

A Fox Spirit

3,858 153 7

This story is about a girl named Jessica . She is different . She thinks she is the last one left of her kind . She isn't a werewolf or a vampire or even a witch . She is ..............read the tittle .…

Runways for ever- Mono x Runway kid

Runways for ever- Mono x Runway kid

495 23 5

What if instead of Six it was Runway Kid in the Hunter's Basement? The normal story will repeat but what if Runway Kid and Mono fix the loop? What will happen in the tower? Who knows but, these two kids will grow a friendship and kill and escape Monsters together.…

Wishful Dreaming

Wishful Dreaming

5,726 241 18

What if Mono stayed in the Wilderness? What if Seven survived the Maw and went to the Wilderness? What if Mono and Seven become friends instead of Six?Basically this is from a series of "what if" questions that I attempt to answer. I might have also added a bit of romance to liven it up.-Mono is a small boy who lives on his own in the dangerous wilderness. He's been there for what seemed like forever, and it's come to the point where he can't tell the difference between living and surviving.That was until he rescued another small boy, who knows more about the world than Mono could ever understand.Will Mono and the new boy be able to survive this terrible world? Or will they find out how to actually live in it?-This is a Mono x Seven/Runaway Kid! Which also means that it is a boyxboy story! There will be no smut, and hardly any kissing, as these are children. Mostly nice fluff and some angst, because that's what I like.If you do not like any of the stuff I just described, then please leave, as I will not make you read this.This is a fanfiction of the game Little Nightmares II.-The terrible cover and art is mine btw, I tried I really did lolCompleted! (Feb. 3, 2023)Highest Rankings:#1 in Moven#1 in monoxseven#1 in Mono#1 in runawaykid…

After Being Approached by His Son's Dad

After Being Approached by His Son's Dad

2,695 12 16

not mine please do not voteAbout the novels I post:》They are Not. Mine. 》For Reading and Offline Purposes Only.》Originally Chinese novels, I only MTL'd it.》Belongs to the Author.》I don't own anything.…

Adventures | Mono x Seven | Little Nightmares | Complete

Adventures | Mono x Seven | Little Nightmares | Complete

4,129 130 9

Mono x Seven. Read the end of all the chapters, please. I'm not doing any kind of smut or sexual things, they're children in this book. None of the art in this book is mine, credit goes to the artists!I do not own Little Nightmares one or two, credit goes to Tarsier Studios.Nov. 14th 2021 - #2 in NomesNov. 14th 2021 - #146 in SevenMar. 11th 2022 - #17 in LittleNightmaresNov. 19th 2021 - #182 in Six Nov. 19th 2021 - #4 in TheJanitorNov. 19th 2021 - #5 in MonoxSevenNov. 19th 2021 - #8 in TheTeacherJul. 12th 2022 - #1 in MonoxSeven…

The Future of Us

The Future of Us

247,902 3,597 19

Naruto comes across a jutsu that allows the user to see important things in the future. So what happens when Naruto and some of his friends see what is stored in their future? Both the good and the bad will be seen. Some of the things that they see might break their hearts but some might fill the gap in their heart. Let's find out their reaction.…

Enna is a Land God: Book 1

Enna is a Land God: Book 1

7,289 360 18

Enna went from bed ridden and dying, to dead and reincarnated in the blink of an eye. But the life she found herself in was nothing she would have ever thought of as the after life. And was she standing? On her own two feet?! And... is that a child with the face of a fox?Spirited away to a strange new world, Enna finds herself in a very unlikely situation. She was the new Land god for a forest filled with monsters and magic. But how could she be a god? surly you needed qualifications for that? A resume at least. Well, its her life now.…

mario x meggy

mario x meggy

27,217 120 11

Mario and cappy landed in inkopolis and cappy located power moons but Mario saw a familiar inkling. could Mario have feelings for her or not. find out…