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(y/n), a girl who has lost everything. Broken, beaten, and been through so much. But what happens when two certain theorists come into her life? What happens when life is turned upside-down? What happens over a Diet Coke during a midnight visit to the convenience store? What happens when this girl, (y/n), is welcomed into a new family? A crazier one. A bigger one. One that will never leave you hanging with a clap-and-a-half. This is (y/n)'s story. (y/n)'s crazy experience, with a YouTube family.Cover art by @Aki-Shi, go check her out!EDIT: Story is done, but also know I wrote this a looong time ago. I was less knowledgable. Less... good at making plots I guess. Nonetheless, people seem to really enjoy the story, and for that I'm glad. Just know that some of the themes may not be accurately portrayed because of my own inexperience with them. And unfortunately, I don't plan on revisiting this to make it better. Anyway, please enjoy this crazy story I wrote all the way back in the early days of middle school!…