Brain Doodles
Stream of Consciousness Brainstorms from an ADHD Mind-*-*-Hi! I'm Kestrel. I've recently been informed by a therapist that I probably have ADHD: Inattentive Type. What is that, you ask?It means that my brain focuses differently than most people apparently do. I am really good at hyper-focusing. I can keep my attention on a single thing for impossibly long periods of time. But there's a catch... it has to be something that really, really interests me. Otherwise? I have a very hard time focusing on anything at all! My mind jumps from one topic to the next and I have a terrible time paying attention to the things I'm actually supposed to be attending to.This book is not going to have a plotline. It's not going to be updated on any kind of consistent schedule. In fact, this book is unique because there is absolutely no purpose to it at all. In-double-fact, I don't actually care whether other people even read it. (Although if you do decide to read it, that would be pretty awesome.) This is just a place for me to ramble all my random thoughts, in whatever order my brain pleases. In other words, it's a written sketchbook. A doodle book. A collection of words haphazardly strung together in pleasing patterns. If you do decide to read it, I hope that it sparks your curiosity in knowing how other people think. I hope you find it at least a little bit fascinating. I do.Enjoy!…