76 1 9

Narradora: Hola les voy a contar una historia bueno ella se llama Elsa Snow Queen ella esta o estaba enamorada de un joven llamado Jack Frost y el también esta enamorado de ella , ellos se conocieron en un restauran ella era mesera y el era cliente ellos se conocieron y de ahí se fueron muy rápido se casaron lo mas rápido que pudieron ellos decían que ya no soportaban estar lejos de ni uno ni del otro ellos se casaron después de unos meses ellos intentaron hacer familia pero el se de primio y ella le dolieron sus palabras de el, ella se marcho sin dejar rastro sin nada y el la busco por todos lados el se dio cuenta que el la necesitaba y estaba muy arrepentido de sus palabras pero ella ya se aviado ido lejos de su amado y de sus hermanas Mérida y Ana, ella avía llegado a Estados Unidos Texas ella enfermo a ya y de ahí un joven la ayudado y la convirtió en su amada para que ella no la reportaran a México ella se caso y tuvo un hij(@), y a los 2 años a el detectaron una enfermedad que ya no pudo combatir y ella quedo viuda pero en una carta la va hacer cambiar su destino a los 3años ella tiene que regresar a México para ser un trato con unos de los empresarios y unos de esos empresarios es Jack el no sabrá que su amada regresara y ella solo esperara la calma ella y su criatura........¿Qué será niño o niña la criatura de elsa?¿Quién crees que será el padre de esa criatura?¿crees que alguien lo planeo para que ellos no estén juntos?BUENO DESCUBRE ESTA HISTORIA HASTA DONDE LLEGA.......subiré los capítulos de lunes a viernes y tratare de subir los fines de semana bueno les dejo el primer capitulo espero que les guste Posdata: si llegan a ver falta de ortografía disculpen solo avísenme donde correguire y lo resolveré...!…



562 0 52

Una segunda parte de ELLAS, un libro más de frases y escritos para aquellas personas y en especial a las chicas.Quisieras encontrar algunas palabras para ella o él, pues aquí tienes un libro para tomarlas. Si eres amante de las cursilerías como yo seguramente te gustara.Te invito a que lo leas y a que te lleves una de ellas a tu corazón.…

Resiliencia [+18] ©

Resiliencia [+18] ©

22,566 888 32

⟨⟨ EN PROCESO ⟩⟩Volvió a verla... Volvió a ver a esa dulce niña en el espejo, aquella pequeña con lágrimas en los ojos, se miraba fijamente evaluando si era posible ser suficiente. Sus ojos estaban vacíos y opacos, parecía que ya nada le brindaba alegría y luego estaba la otra sombra, la adulta. La que veía al fantasma de su pasado superado, esa mujer que ahora lucha y brilla por sí misma. Derribó tantas barreras, cruzó limites que sola se puso y superó todo, pero ella jamás olvida, lleva el nombre de la Diosa de la noche, todos la respetaban y admiraban, pero cuidado porque cuando dice, cumple, cuando planea, ejecuta y cuando determina algo, siempre lo culmina. No hay límites, no para ella... cuando el nombre de Nix se escucha más vale inclinar la cabeza porque la Diosa no perdona, nunca olvida y más importante, jamás se rinde. Traumas, cicatrices y fortaleza, ya nada la detendrá... 🚫 Se prohíbe el plagio o cualquier adaptación, esta obra es completamente propiedad mía.#6 furia - 21/04/2022#6 resiliencia - 26/01/23#5 furia - 09/08/23#1 furia - 16/08/23#1 tristeza - 16/08/23#3 muerte - 16/08/23…

ink - sirius black

ink - sirius black

1,937,641 71,354 118

in which sirius black is afraid of anneliese callaway.✧──────✧#1 in sirius 4/15/21#1 in potter 5/6/21#2 in james 4/15/21#1 in lilyevans 4/21/21#3 in siriusblack 4/18/21#1 in padfoot 4/19/21#2 in jily 4/21/21#1 in prongs 4/22/21#5 in oc 4/21/21#4 in maraudersera 4/20/21#59 in fanfiction 4/15/21…

Dawn Chorus (Proxies x Reader)

Dawn Chorus (Proxies x Reader)

1,786 64 53

In a world with monsters, a new type of adrenaline junky arises. Instead of testing their fragility against great heights, feats of nature, or death-defying stunts, those who believe flaunt their mortality in front of the bloody jaws of monsters. (Y/n) made her first run at the age of 14 and in a decade of runs she hasn't once seen a monster. She starts to grow disillusioned with this attempt to grasp the thrill of life, questioning her own grasp on reality and the event that set her down the path long ago. If only that questioning hadn't been answered.…

Mending Broken Hearts-2

Mending Broken Hearts-2

546,259 18,233 163

Life has a funny way of humbling you. Knocking you down and for a while just to keep you there. No one prepares you for the hardships you will face but it has a funny way of surrounding yourself with good people. People who will be there to help you pick up the pieces and mend them back together. People who will fill your broken heart with love that it deserves. I am finally learning to accept the love others give me and I wouldn't have it any other way.Grey's Season 7-12*I do not own any Grey's characters or plots. I only own my character Gen and any original characters such as her family.…

No Importa Donde Estés, Te Encontrare

No Importa Donde Estés, Te Encontrare

756 33 20

En el escenario actual del mundo, Douma y Shinobu, dos corazones unidos, sufriran una desgarradora separación y deben de mantener viva la fuerza del amor, enfrentan la desafiante realidad de una relación a distancia. Douma y Shinobu, dos estudiantes de secundaria, comienzan su historia cuando las circunstancias los separan físicamente, pero su conexión emocional sigue brillando en la oscuridad de la distancia.Douma y Shinobu enfrentan un nuevo tipo de batalla: la prueba de mantener viva su relación a través de fronteras y husos horarios. A través de videollamadas, mensajes de texto y notas escritas a mano, cultivan su amor a través de la pantalla de sus dispositivos, compartiendo risas, sueños y secretos que mantienen viva la llama de su conexión.Sin embargo, la distancia también trae consigo desafíos. La ausencia física se convierte en una lucha constante contra la soledad y los celos. Douma y Shinobu deben aprender a confiar el uno en el otro mientras enfrentan las tentaciones y distracciones del mundo que los rodea. A través de las noches en vela y los días de espera, su amor se fortalece, revelando la resiliencia de dos almas destinadas.A medida que enfrentan la realidad de su situación, Douma y Shinobu se embarcan en una travesía de creatividad para acercar sus mundos. Desde cartas escritas con tinta virtual hasta sorpresas enviadas por correo, encuentran maneras de construir puentes entre sus corazones, superando las barreras físicas que intentan separarlos."No Importa Donde Estés, Te Enocontrare" es una historia de amor contemporánea que celebra la fuerza de la conexión emocional en medio de la distancia. En un mundo globalizado, Douma y Shinobu demuestran que, incluso cuando los kilómetros los separan, el amor verdadero puede superar cualquier distancia.…

Soccer/Football Imagines

Soccer/Football Imagines

1,490,859 21,326 200

Original soccer/football imagines I have reached the maximum of 200 chapters on this story. So, if you want to keep reading my works, go to Soccer/Football Imagines Part 2 for more footballer imaginesSuggestions open…



1,632,248 100,481 193

[wattys 2018 shortlisted]Humans see her as a dangerous threat -a witch that must be executed. With the uncontrollable ability to form ice at her fingertips, Ravenna is forced into hiding amongst the humans, stealing to survive. That is, until she hears of an ancient dragon with the ability to breathe ice instead of fire.Enter into a world where sexy demons run wild and a powerful Ice Queen is created. ~If you happen to be reading this story from any other platform other than Watty (or Tapas), please note that you are very likely to be at risk of a malware attack. The biggest culprit of this is a website called Novelhd. If you are reading this book on Novelhd, then please, please, please visit the link below. You are risking a malware attack and Novelhd has posted this book without my permission, so it is also stolen :)If you wish to read this story in it's original, safe form then please go to: https://www.wattpad.com/user/SeraynaThank you and happy reading! ♡…

Fifty shades of Life is a Pain  2#Young Love 2018 Teil 2

Fifty shades of Life is a Pain 2#Young Love 2018 Teil 2

53,663 1,549 127

Hier geht es nun weiter mit dem zweiten Teil meiner Geschichte. Es ist dringend erforderlich zuerst den ersten Teil zu lesen.Meine Geschichte startet am ende von Buch Teil 1. Ich hatte nicht vor Christian und mich so einfach aufzugeben. Doch er meldete sich nicht und auf die Unterstützung seiner Familie brauchte ich nicht hoffen, das wurde mir schmerzlich bewusst, nach einem Gespräch mit Carrick Grey im Grey House. Nach der Trennung von Christian brachen die Ereignisse nur so über mich zusammen. Zuerst starb meine Mom zusammen mit Ehemann Nr. 4 bei einem tragischen Autounfall und dann tauchte plötzlich aus dem nichts Luke auf. Dazu kam noch meine unerwartete Schwangerschaft und ein Erbe was ich antreten sollte. Hin und her gerissen zwischen meinen Gefühlen, entschied ich mich mit Luke nach England zu gehen und mein Erbe anzutreten.Doch irgendwann holt einen die Vergangenheit wieder ein. Man kann nicht vor ihr weglaufen. Wird Christian mir jemals verzeihen können?…

The Many Loves of Spider-Man

The Many Loves of Spider-Man

956,683 18,087 197

The What If? stories of our favorite webslinger as each chapter shows the many relationships of Peter Parker or the Amazing Spider-Man with the heroines/villainess of his life!One-Shots Collection.The pictures in each chapter that has a separate picture, belongs to their respective artists…

Overwatch Headcanons Compilation (1)

Overwatch Headcanons Compilation (1)

293,151 5,782 200

A series of headcanons in line-by-line fashion regarding characters from the popular game Overwatch. These pieces have been archived from my Overwatch Tumblr blog, overwatch-imagines-hub. Since Wattpad apparently as a posting limit of 200 parts per piece, you can read the second installment, including new pieces, here: I do not write non-con, dub-con, incest, or any abusive, etc pieces. I also will not write romantic/sexual prompts for characters such as Winston, Wrecking Ball, Orisa, or Bastion; I'm open to platonic pieces though.All writing is done by and belongs to me; you may not repost my work…

The Keeper

The Keeper

4,005 78 146

Every schoolgirl has crushes, but could a schoolgirl crush last a lifetime?When 17-year old Martha starts at a new school, she carries a glimmer of hope that this time will be different. She doesn't seek popularity, but rather a quiet space where she can focus on her art without drawing attention. Little does she know, she'll soon capture the gaze of an unexpected admirer.Her art teacher, Dean Finlay, a man of principle and kindness, can't help but notice her. Despite the barriers that should keep teachers apart from their students, he finds himself drawn to her in ways he never anticipated. Yet, he's determined to do what's right, even if it means keeping his feelings at bay."The Keeper" is a tale of two souls destined to be together, their paths diverging due to circumstances beyond their control. As their lives unfold, their stories intertwine, creating a tapestry of longing and connection. Join us on this captivating journey as we follow the path of these two kindred spirits, drawn together in a love that refuses to fade, even as they grapple with the possibility of a life without it.…

Kaylee; Entre Nosotros [TERMINADO] (COMPLETA)

Kaylee; Entre Nosotros [TERMINADO] (COMPLETA)

421 0 51

Si alguien me pregunta qué es lo que más temo, lo que me saca el aliento, diría dos simples palabras: mi familia.Todos escondemos las partes más oscuras de nosotros mismos, e incluso yo tengo una; me secuestraron y, en aquel mugroso lugar, resurgieron mis más grandes temores, mis peores vivencias y aquellos recuerdos que mantenía siempre bajo llave.Ahora no tengo escapatoria.El pasado viene una vez más para atormentarme con aquello que una vez me dio la vida.Soy Kaylee, y esta es mi historia.Todos los derechos reservados.…

A Love across Time

A Love across Time

139 0 5

Synopsis:"A Love Across Time" is a captivating Filipino time travel historical love story that takes readers on a journey through different eras of Philippine history. The story revolves around the lives of Maria and Juan, two individuals from different time periods who find themselves connected through a mysterious time portal.Maria, a young woman living in present-day Manila, discovers an ancient artifact that grants her the ability to travel back in time. Through this newfound power, she meets Juan, a charming and courageous revolutionary fighter from the 19th century. Despite their differences in time and social backgrounds, Maria and Juan forge a deep connection and fall in love.As Maria and Juan navigate the challenges of their unconventional relationship, they also face the harsh realities of the different historical periods they travel through. From the Spanish colonial era to the Japanese occupation and the struggle for independence, their love is tested by the turbulent events that shape Philippine history.Throughout their journey, Maria and Juan encounter influential historical figures, witness significant events, and experience the cultural transformations of each era. Their love story becomes intertwined with the rich tapestry of Philippine history, showcasing the resilience and spirit of the Filipino people.As the story unfolds, Maria and Juan must confront the question of whether their love can withstand the barriers of time and history. Will they find a way to bridge the gap between their worlds and create a future together? "A Love Across Time" explores themes of love, sacrifice, cultural identity, and the enduring power of human connection.With its blend of romance, adventure, and historical elements, "A Love Across Time" offers readers an immersive experience that transports them to different periods of Philippine history, while celebrating the timeless nature of love and the strength of the Filipino spirit.…

Curly Headed Cutie (Original)

Curly Headed Cutie (Original)

59,072 3,227 53

"I can't believe I came out here to get you!!!"I turn around and find Travis standing over me, droplets rolling down his face and neck. He's soaked in water and his jeans look heavy due to the rain.I giggle and shout over the rain, "You didn't have to come out here! I was just trying to prove a point!!""And you did!!" He replies, rubbing his black hair back, his shirt sticking to him. I look him up and down noticing the outline of muscles in his shirt. I bite my lip and just stare.Goddamn!~I need Jesus!!!"My eyes are up here!!" Travis says, cupping my chin and forcing me to look back up at him. I blush, as he lets go of my face, "I wasn't purposely trying to stare!!"Bitch, why you lyin'???Just admit you were staring!!"Riiight~" He purrs, grinning devilishly, "If it makes you feel better, my eyes wandered off to other places too~"His eyes flash down to my shirt, and I look down noticing my shirt is kind of see-through; revealing my black sports bra underneath.Oh my-"TRAVIS REEL!!!" I shout, pushing him, my face probably as red as hot pepper. He chuckles, stumbling back a little, "You were staring at me first!!"I roll my eyes, "Not the point!""It kind of is."I turn away, "No it's not..."~~~~~~~~~~~~#1 in Awkwardsituations (2.22.24)ALL RIGHTS OWNED!!! PLEASE DON'T COPY MY WORKKKKK!!!Previously known as "Nothing But Trouble". There's only 49 chapters, just exclude the intro, authors note, and cast members, lol. Also this is my first book ever!! So, there may be flaws, and what not but it's still a pretty good story!!!When awkward, anxious teen, Tiffany Green, accidentally spills her drink on the school's "asshole/badass", Travis Reel, she runs away before he could even ask her name.Little does Tiffany know, this caught his attention...Started February 2021 - Finished September 2021…

[PART 3] Imperial Commander: His Pretty Wife Is Spoiled Rotten

[PART 3] Imperial Commander: His Pretty Wife Is Spoiled Rotten

188,122 5,431 200

Part 3The iron-blooded Master Mu had three specialties: great marksmanship, great skills and masterful ways to spoil his wife! Everyone in Jingdu knew that Yun Xi was the apple of Mu Feichi's eye. Anyone who saw her would be envious and anyone who crossed her would hurt their bones. Reborn one day, Yun Xi the star of death was unloved and neglected by her parents. However, she somehow ends up in the devilish vortex of Mu Feichi's love... 帝少爆宠Author: Gu Jiaqi…

Fearless Fiery Beauty

Fearless Fiery Beauty

182,562 5,072 31

How do you tell the difference between adventurous and life-threatening if you are impervious to fear?You could ask Edana Keelia Greenwood, a 17 year old girl that most would refer to as ‘delinquent’, but considering the mess she got herself into, she obviously doesn’t even know herself.Her dad left when she was a child and Edana supports her mother, by way of numerous criminal activities, and she always has to keep her friends at arm’s length. They suspect Edana has a big secret, but no-one knows what it is. Enter Darren Silex, a man with secrets of his own. In a moment of rash intrigue, Edana reveals her secret. Her worst mistake ever, and unfortunately, only her first.Darren becomes paranoid: fearful that her secret will consequently reveal his. Plans of kidnap are born from his paranoia, but Edana is not the easiest girl to get to. Thankfully, for Darren at least, his stooge catches her at exactly the right moment. She’s bored, got nothing to do, all her friends are busy… Hey, why not allow yourself to be kidnapped? That was her second mistake.Thankfully, her kidnappers are completely unprepared for the whirlwind that is Edana. They reach a stalemate. Their secret must be protected, but they just don’t have the heart to hurt her, especially since most have somehow come to care for the crazy girl. They don’t know what to do with her, so they take her to the one man who does, Gabriel Potens. There, she discovers a prophecy - a prophecy that Gabriel is convinced is about her. He makes her an offer she can’t refuse, but accepting the offer was her third and final mistake.Gabriel begins to lead her down a path she'd rather avoid. Forcing her into a world she never knew existed and she isn't sure she'll escape alive.Good thing she's impervious to fear.…

Another character book

Another character book

8,117 470 197

No explanation…

(1) Imperial Commander: His pretty wife is spoilt rotten

(1) Imperial Commander: His pretty wife is spoilt rotten

1,021,902 25,249 200

The iron blooded Master Mu had three specialities: great marksmanship, great skills and masterful ways to spoil his wife! Everyone in Jindu knew that Yun Xi was the apple of Mu Feichi's eyes. Anyone who saw her would be envious and anybody who crossed her would hurt their bones. Reborn one day, Yun Xi the star of death was unloved and neglected by her parents However she somehow ends up in devilish vortex of Mu Feichi's love...Edited by meNOT MINEAuthor: Gu Jiaqi…