"Цэцэгсийн дундах Монита" Oneshots

8,625 574 11

10 сарын 13-нд болох "Chimmy day" зохиолчдын уулзалтын эхний үйл ажиллагаа болох "Цэцэгсийн дундах Монита"-д зориулсан булан юм. Шот бүрийн зохиолч өөр болохыг анхаарна уу!…

Pure blood prince [Completed]

Pure blood prince [Completed]

21,531 2,227 17

Түүнийг таньж мэдэх нь намайг илүү гүн харанхуйд унагаж байлаа. Гүн хар нүдээрээ удтал ширтэхдээ хэдийн намайг урхидчихсан тэр, зүрхээр минь хооллох хүйтэн цагаан могой мэт... Гэсэн ч зѳвхѳн чамайг л гэвэл би бүхлээрээ залгиулахад ч бэлэн байх юм.…



409 111 19

"Bits of My Life in Poems"A journal of sorts;Dipped in poetry.[all poems are originally posted on tumblr @ www.rgmarshalljr.tumblr.com]…

Truth or Dare - BomLu {oneshot}

Truth or Dare - BomLu {oneshot}

147 13 2

Era para ser apenas um jogo entre amigas na festa de aniversário de Gaga mas por um desafio especifico torna as coisas bem divertidas!…

Лидерүүдын дайн

Лидерүүдын дайн

6,938 634 8

- Амаа тат хонгор минь.: Далд ор тэнэгээ.- Чиний хайртай тэнэг биз дээ?: Мөрөөдөхөө боль.- Угаасаа бидэн шиг хонь чоно байсан хүмүүс сүүлд нь биенээсээ хагацахааргүй сайхан хос болдог гэсэн. : Мөрөөдөхөө боль гэж хэлсэн.- Тийм ээ. Би чамтай гэрлэхийг мөрөөддөг.: Тэнэг. Анх 2015 онд зохиогдож байсан миний анхны манишот. Дахин засварлан өөрчилж шинэчилж буй болно.…

Сахиулсан тэнгэр /SeokMin/

Сахиулсан тэнгэр /SeokMin/

2,898 393 5

Сахиусан тэнгэр биш юм шүү. Сахиулсан тэнгэр. Тэр минь тэнгэр харин би түүний үүрдийн сахиул.…

my rapist my lover

my rapist my lover

446 7 5

Bianca hardly makes friends but ever since Vincent came she fells more of a girl than a weirdo but little does she know that he comes from a family that doesn't get along with hers…

The Alpha Werewolf's Rejected Mate is an Eldritch Abomination

The Alpha Werewolf's Rejected Mate is an Eldritch Abomination

2,796 352 10

[Alternative Name: The Botanical Almanac of the Eldritch Being Who Ended Up in the Body of the Alpha Werewolf's Rejected Mate]"I, Fenris Lowell of the Meute de Loups Pack, reject you, Noah Brink, as my mate." After accidentally causing the destruction of his universe and angering his Lord Father, the creator of all things, Nyromlleyotho is banished from the Palace of Absence and sentenced to a mortal lifetime of mortality. In order to return home, he is sent to a world of his Lord Father's creation and tasked to raise its energy level to substitute for the one he had previously destroyed. When he ends up in the body of Noah Brink, an inhabitant of a supernatural werewolf world, he is unsure of how to proceed. According to his Lord Father's plans, the body is fated to be rejected by his soulmate, the Male Protagonist of this world. "..."Somehow, combatting the urges to eat the Male Protagonist was the last thing Nyromlleyotho needed to worry about. The storyline had completely strayed from his Lord Father's Great Plan and it's up to Nyromlleyotho to fix it lest he wishes to remain in this blasted meat suit for the next mortal century or however long wolf-human mortals tended to live. (Perhaps encouraging the development of nuclear weapons in his former domain had not been the best idea after all.)"A classic Wattpad Werewolf Romance for the Ages"…



8,612 349 6

Frank Iero had always been best friends with Gerard. That was until Bert McCracken had appeared and tore Gerard away from his friend. Months have passed and Gerard has became a very secretive, very nervous man. What will happen when Frank begins to question Gerard on what goes on behind closed doors?…

This is no longer a cliche

This is no longer a cliche

13,083 1,710 13

"Bom, provavelmente você já leu uma história clichê.Onde jogos de garrafa sempre dão merda, alguém se esbarra nos corredores, demoram vinte capítulos pra falar eu te amo. Entre outros clichês.Mas deixa eu te contar...É TUDO UMA MENTIRA."Onde Louis não acredita no clichê mas acaba caindo num.…

Nerf Zombie Strike franchise

Nerf Zombie Strike franchise

800 94 81

The Zombie Strike series, as its name suggests, is themed after the concept of a zombie apocalypse, as popularly depicted in various pieces of media. A number of blasters have a "homemade, DIY" theme to them as well, featuring power and hand tools built into their designs; others have a cloth-like pattern molded into their handles.Some blasters feature the logos of other series sculpted into their shells; the Crossfire Bow and Sidestrike have the N-Strike Elite logo built into them, whereas the Fusefire has the Vortex logo. The European releases of these products reflect this in their packaging, as these logos are depicted alongside the Zombie Strike one, making it appear that Zombie Strike is a sub-series. This is missing from the United States releases, which emphasize that Zombie Strike is its own distinct series of products.…



2 0 2

yarı texting +18 içerir…

There's No Need For Shame

There's No Need For Shame

17,272 620 16

A YouTuber from England and a YouTuber from Arizona love to play Minecraft with each other, but what happens when the British boy stays in Arizona with his secret crush? What will happen when the American has his crush from England stay over for a week? And when a Canadian tricks them both.This book has two different parts so there's different time zones halfway through the book.•THERE MIGHT BE SOME TRIGGERS•Oml this sounds so dramatic🙄just read the dang book😂…



123 13 7

I like him he likes her.. Is she the anchor to keep him human or will he choose someone else. Can she be happy? Will she live? Will they end up together?? Will he ask her to stay?? Find out in this story titled Stay!!! Hey 👋 guys this is my first story every!! It will most likely suck but hopefully not too much.. may not stick the all the Teen Wolf scenes and new scene will be added.. I do not own Teen Wolf it's characters or plot. I only own my character.. Thank you bye!!…



10,439 709 8

Picture this; It's pre-Black Parade era and Mikey Way has just been diagnosed with early onset Alzheimerz. There's no hope to regain his memory and he has six months to live. What does he do? He writes letters. Letters to his brother and his friends, an attempt to redeem some of his many regrets that he has had over the years.…

After The End: Book 1

After The End: Book 1

6,138 237 43

Exploring organized crime, platonic friendship, trauma bonding, persistent mental illness, and the meaning of family beyond blood. What do you do when your best friend almost dies from a heroin overdose?When One Direction is broken up, and the entire world is left to wonder just what rumor to believe, the boys all split to live there separate lives. All but Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles. Now living together with the most toxic friendship known to mankind, Louis has become the full time caretaker of Harry who has chosen to indulge himself in the darker areas of life. And Louis is content with that until the police are threatening to cart Harry off, and until Harry starts losing his handle on it, and especially when Naomi comes and changes everything.…

After the End: Book 3

After the End: Book 3

7,799 573 86

Harry has been missing for 10 months and won't stop trying to convince people that he's dead. Louis is drowning in responsibility as he tries to pick up the broken pieces of his life and to be a dad, brother, guardian and musician again if he can ever get himself in front of the piano to actually play. Naomi is running away and trying to survive under the weight of everything she's done. What happens when Harry comes back? Can a year really destroy everything?…

Хамгаалагч сахиусан тэнгэр

Хамгаалагч сахиусан тэнгэр

647 56 5

Миний хамгаалагч сахиусан тэнгэрт зориулав.Just my feelings...…

In Love and War of Styles

In Love and War of Styles

4,877 79 18

One fatal bump into a jerk changes everything. That's just the thing that happened to 18 year old Cassadee Faye, senior in high school, closing in on graduation only being two months to go. That's when her life is turned up side down and made into a living hell by the schools heart throb Harry. Who would have thought one simple bump would change everything?…