whipped • valkyrae x reader

whipped • valkyrae x reader

49,735 797 8

whether it was fate or if it was two people making questionable decisions at night, you meet a girl one day that will change your life.valkyrae x gender neutral reader since those are lackingkey:y/n = your namel/n = last name…



77,306 4,174 20

Upon his death, the king had dictated that the queen would rule until she remarried, but her refusal to do so has the nation of Ethios in turmoil. Greedy for power and her cruelty knowing no limits, the queen has even reinstated the slave trade long since outlawed by her husband upon his ascension. A glimmer of hope for a suffering nation arises in a small baby. The Royal Sage has procured the late king's bastard son and has stolen him away to the city slums to live with Harren, a man who bravely rescues orphans from slavery.Naming the boy Kyran, Harren takes him in with the promise of one day returning him to his rightful place on the throne. Ten years later, these plans are dashed when Kyran is exposed to the queen. Harren must race to the safety of the Riverlands, who hold no love for the queen, if there is any chance to save his son, and future king. Saving Kyran saves the nation. If the queen is to be dethroned, the boy must claim his Birthright.…

These Oceans between You and Me

These Oceans between You and Me

565,328 8,980 12

A story between two boys in love and their struggle to find each other through life.Inspired by the song 'Oceans' by SeaFret.…

Blue Moon // Brynjolf // Complete

Blue Moon // Brynjolf // Complete

1,256 75 12

Brynjolf fanfic based on my dr so I can better connect :))-amazing cover by: @IndigoKnight_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~started ~ 7/18/21finished ~ 8/14/21~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#2 - brynjolf - 5/6/22…

Guardian of the Twins

Guardian of the Twins

22,426 1,578 35

A LOT out of my usual thing here, but what if both Dream AND Nightmare impregnated Blueberry at the same time. Terrified of what his brother and au would think, Blue runs away crossing multiple different aus and birthing the new Guardian Twins in his travels. Will they find and reform Dreamtale into what it once was? Will their daddy's ever find out? If Nightmare does find out, Will he take his Twin and make the Negative Twin into a mini him?Look, I know it sounds really weird and... not good.. but! It isn't too bad a idea I have in mind if you're willing to bare with me.…

Skyrim oneshots and preferences

Skyrim oneshots and preferences

111,530 1,460 66

Requests open!*on hold*Literally anyone but Cicero and Hermaeus Mora. Read the requests page for some explanation on that! Updates at least once a week!…



3,807 219 33

Lyra a Mage of the Inquisition and one of the Inquisitor's Inner Circle has no recollection of her past .When a letter are found by an Inquisition scout questions on who she really is and where she comes from arises .…

Kartą, seniai seniai

Kartą, seniai seniai

22,707 2,659 35

Tai ne pasaka, kurioje gyvena princesės, įkalintos užburtuose bokštuose, ir princai, siekiantys jas išvaduoti. Esu tik aš. Ir raganos, kurias aš medžioju...Tylus, amžinai rūke skendintis Dūmoro miestelis, pagarsėjęs kaip gausiausia raganų buvimo vieta. Raganų deginimas, vaikų ir vyrų pagrobimai bei negyvos jaunos mergelės be širdžių - tai vietinių gyventojų nebestebina. Taip jaučiasi ir Emerė, mergina, kuri apsimeta vaikinu, kad galėtų medžioti raganas. Tačiau nors ir Emerei toks gyvenimo būdas visai ir netrukdo, dažnai jos galvoje aidi vienas klausimas. Ką tokio slepia jos praeitis?…

Learning to Fight (Leo Valdez II)

Learning to Fight (Leo Valdez II)

1,404 48 9

After six months of training and working through her PTSD from captivity, Kyra leaves the safety of Camp Half-Blood on her first official quest. Her new friends, including one who's starting to feel like more than a friend, promise she's ready and assure her they'll have her back. But with the threat of Gaea awakening, Kyra isn't sure she can handle everything that's being asked of her. She's grateful for Leo's constant presence by her side and is finally beginning to trust him. As they face new dangers together, Kyra starts to explore her deeper feelings for him. Will their bond grow stronger, or will the trials ahead test them in ways they never expected?…

Modded Skyrim: The Dragonborn's Wild Adventure of The Universes +Story Idea

Modded Skyrim: The Dragonborn's Wild Adventure of The Universes +Story Idea

1,184 3 2

Modded Skyrim X Alternate Universes/MultiverseHalf Oni Male Reader/Aelder X (Short) Harem.Note: This is not some multiverse crossover crisis. or whatever this is different.…

One-Shots // Skyrim

One-Shots // Skyrim

10,181 106 6

Some one-shot stories for the Elder Scrolls : Skyrim.…

Learning to Trust (A Leo Valdez Love Story)

Learning to Trust (A Leo Valdez Love Story)

81,307 2,112 42

Kyra, a very unique demigod, has been abused and tortured by countless monsters and even mortals. She no longer trusts anyone in fear for they might hurt her. But, her luck changes when Piper, Jason, and Leo stumble upon her during their quest. Can Leo help her come out of her shell and get Kyra to trust him? Or will she live in fear for the rest of her life?…

A Love Story On The Field

A Love Story On The Field

299 6 6

Skylar, a 21 year old Australian footballer, has just signed for arsenal. During her journey, she find a spark between Kyra Cooney-Cross... ⚽️❤️🤍…

Klasės žudikas.

Klasės žudikas.

132 0 21

ČIA YRA MANO PIRMOJI PARAŠYTA KNYGA, TAČIAU YRA VISIŠKAI TAISOMA. PRAŠAU, RAŠYKITE KOMENTARUS, NES JIE MAN SVARBŪS. Dešimtokų klasėje pasirodo naujokas, visi laukia jo atėjimo, tačiau tą patį vakarą jis nužudomas. Klasės draugai Karolina Majers, Semas Manelis, Katerina Tremben ir Simas Krindelis priversti susidurti su šokiruojančia realybe: jų klasėje gali būti žudikas. Tačiau tai dar ne visos bėdos: atsirado dar dvi. Pirmoji. Nors naujokas dar net spėjo įsilieti į jų gyvenimą, jo praeitis, kupina patyčių ir intrigos, atsiskleidžia po nužudymo. Antroji. Netikėtai Karolina suvokia, kad viskas gali būti daug rimčiau. Kai prieš kelerius metus buvo Niujorke buvo sugautas serijinis žudikas Edis Marsonas, jis pasakė, kad turi vaiką, kuris jiems atkeršys. Niekas juo netikėjo. Bet viskas apsiverčia, kai paaiškėja, jog viskas yra tiesa.Karolina, išmani ir drąsi, imasi iniciatyvos išsiaiškinti tiesą, tačiau Semas, garsėjantis savo aštriu protu, ir Katerina, nuolat analizuojanti situacijas, ne visada sutaria dėl sprendimų. Tuo tarpu Simas, dažnai laikomas klasės juokdariu, slepia daugiau nei tik juokelius. Kiekvienas klasės draugas turi savo paslaptis, o pasitikėjimas vienas kitu greitai tirpsta. Ar jie sugebės išsiaiškinti, kas iš tiesų stovi už šio baisaus nusikaltimo, ar liks pasimetę tarp draugystės ir pasitikėjimo?,,Klasės žudikas" - tai įtempta detektyvinė istorija apie paslaptis, išdavystes ir kovą su patyčiomis, kuri privers ne tik herojus, bet ir skaitytojus apmąstyti, kas iš tiesų yra geras draugas, o kas gali tapti pavojumi.…

Liberi Fatales

Liberi Fatales

2,393 35 5

It seems 'obsession' is a family trait. Just like his Father's with the Black Lion.Lotor's current obsession? The Red Paladin.Meanwhile, the Paladins comes to term of Shiro's disappearance and Keith's new role as their Leader. Things become complicated with Lance's feelings comes into the mix and the Lions' decisions about their pilots.(Part 1 of Distant Worlds series)…

Crazy (Dust X OC)

Crazy (Dust X OC)

1,586 46 18

4 of 5They want to make him 'better'. They think he's crazy. He's not crazy! He's perfectly fine. Just him and Papyrus and the fun in killing them all and.. her?…

Azalia // Skyrim Fanfiction

Azalia // Skyrim Fanfiction

28,477 1,184 19

• Completed Skyrim fanfiction•Azalia is the sarcastic, fiery and unknowing daughter of two Daedric Princes.When she finds herself in Riften sitting across from a red-haired man who critiques her thievery, Azalia is drawn into the life of outlaws, finding kindred spirits in a band of thieves. Top Ranking: #3 in Skyrim~•~Beware: This story contains a love square and a few ~mature~ scenes.~I do not follow the Thieves Guild story line~Disclaimer: I own none of the origional characters or settings of Skyrim but the storyline and a few characters are of my own creation.…

Crash; {Kyrie Irving}

Crash; {Kyrie Irving}

58,589 1,336 26

•"I'm not exactly the best driver"•"I noticed"He thought he would never fall in love again, but instead crashed into love.…

Matilda's one shots

Matilda's one shots

127,171 2,198 81

One shots with all the Matilda's players and readers requests are appreciated!🥇injury 🥈mini🥇national🥇Kyra 🥇Alanna…

A New Man (Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Fanfiction)

A New Man (Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Fanfiction)

8,823 229 7

The Dragonborn finds her former foe still alive in Solstheim, without any memory of who he once was.…