~Amistad... o sentimientos?~// gaara y tu

~Amistad... o sentimientos?~// gaara y tu

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hola soy______(tn) Suzuki,Mis ojos son de color (tu color :v),Tengo 13 años,y soy un ninja de la aldea llamada Konoha,Aunque aun no soy oficialmente genin.Anteriormente viví en una aldea,cuyo nombre era Kirimaku,No era muy conocido ya que era un pueblo pequeño,estaba ubicada en la tierra del fuego.Mi historia es que unos minutos de cuando nací mi madre murió,y mi padre estuvo obligado a cuidarme,aunque sabía que no me amaba.Cuando tuve 5 años,mi padre mandó a los cazadores Ambu a hacer una emboscada a nuestra aldea,¿objetivo? matarme. Todos me odiaban,decían que gracias a mi,la aldea estaba fuera de control,¿por que? mi madre era la que controlaba todo,era como si fuera un "kage".Pero ese día todo cambió,cuando los Ambu querían matarme,sin tener conciencia,Los maté con solo mirarlos,Mis ojos,se volvían blancos,pero luego volvían a la normalidad.Cuando vine a Konoha me hice nuevos amigos,Dai y Kei,son basicamente hermanos mellizos,pero no se parecen mucho.Y bueno esa soy yo.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-Holaaa bueno aquí les dejo mi fanfic de gaara y tu 7u7r,será que el niño mata personas bien zukulentoh se enamorará??? no lo se xdlo que si el nombre de la aldea "Kirimaku" es uno inventado por mi :v xdxd no se me ocurría nada pero ya que 7u7r.X----------XTodos los derechos son reservados >:v bueno los dejo leer,no olviden las estrellitas y comenten opiniones o que quieren que pase 7u7rbueno bai :*°~Haisuke~ °…

My Music Taste ;)

My Music Taste ;)

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So this book is kind of a list of the songs I loove to listen to and also the lyrics are available aand the video clip! Length? - as long as it gets (let's find out)Wishes? - 1) It'd be really cool if you voted the songs you like so to see which songs are more popular among you guys :) and which ones you don't prefer.. and - 2) I'd really like it if you commented on the songs telling me why you like it or if maybe you have connected it with some memory of yours.. or even to who you would wanna dedicate this song ;) .. or I don't know.. any of your thoughts! :)…

Soul of the Arctic Wolf

Soul of the Arctic Wolf

13 0 11

Story Synopsis:In a distant galaxy, the wolf race reigns as the dominant species, possessing immense strength and wisdom. They are the rulers of the planet, but their existence is challenged by a harsh environment filled with ice and cold.The protagonist of our story is a young wolf named Sulin, with an indomitable will and a burning desire. Sulin dreams of becoming the leader of its kind, a protector of its pack, and earning respect and reverence from all.To fulfill its dream, Sulin embarks on a journey of growth, leaving its family behind to face the planet's trials alone. It battles bears, competes with other wolves, and withstands the unforgiving nature, each confrontation making it stronger, each defeat strengthening its resolve.Eventually, Sulin becomes a formidable wolf, earning recognition from its pack and rising as their leader. It stands atop the planet's mountains, overseeing its territory, with its people bowing at its feet, relying on it as their leader, protector, and beacon of hope.Guided by Sulin, the pack experiences prosperity and peace. It safeguards them, leads them, and brings them honor and dignity. Sulin becomes a symbol of spirit for the wolf race, a legend of the planet, and the beginning of a new era for the wolves.Yet, Sulin yearns for more than just ruling the planet. It aspires to explore the vast universe, to bring its kind to greater horizons.Thus, Sulin leads its pack on a cosmic odyssey, traversing stars, challenging the unknown, and continuously growing and conquering.This story is about the journey of Sulin, its dreams, courage, wisdom, and leadership. Sulin leads its kind into a new era, becoming a legend of a planet and opening a new chapter for the wolf race.…

Rock Mania

Rock Mania

342 4 59

Go Ahead And Favorite Your Favorite Song If You See It...If You Don't I'm Happy To Take Requests or Ideas...Go Ahead Message/Comment…

Festive Focus: Balancing Celebrations with Academics

Festive Focus: Balancing Celebrations with Academics

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As the colorful vibrancy of the festive season envelops Sonipat, students at Bright Scholar School find themselves amidst a delightful dilemma-how to immerse in the joyous celebrations while keeping a keen eye on their upcoming studies and exams. Bright Scholar School, renowned as the best CBSE school in Sonipat, has always championed the cause of holistic education, where learning goes hand-in-hand with cultural enrichment. This blog post aims to arm our diligent scholars with effective strategies to maintain their concentration on academics during the bustling festive times.Plan Ahead with a Study SchedulePlanning cannot be overemphasized, especially when festivities are on the horizon. Before the celebrations kick in, draft a study plan that accommodates the holiday timeline. Here are a few actionable steps:Prioritize topics that need more attention and allocate time accordingly.Utilize calm periods, such as the early dawn or late evening hours, for uninterrupted study sessions.Have an honest conversation with your close ones about your study schedule to gain their support and understanding.Establish a Dedicated Study SpaceIn the communal hubbub of festival gatherings, a personal study haven is invaluable. At Bright Scholar School, we advise students to carve out a study niche at home-a tranquil corner where textbooks and notes take precedence over the festive clamor. This niche should be sanctified against the common intruders of focus-electronic gadgets and the endless scroll of the internet.Cultivate a Positive MindsetRather than perceiving festivals as barriers to your study regime, view them as intervals for rejuvenation. Adopt a positive outlook that allows for well-deserved breaks and encourages a refreshed return to your study materials. It is this equilibrium of mind and study that often yields the best academic outcomes.…

》Ghost Charmer《 Premiera Sierpień 2018

》Ghost Charmer《 Premiera Sierpień 2018

43 3 3

Emma Baker od najmłodszych lat weszła w posiadanie daru, przez który miała wiele problemów. Jej życie nie było usłane różami, jakby się to mogło wydawać. Jako małe dziecko zdawała relacje różnym osobom z jej otoczenia o swoich doświadczeniach. Maluchy bowiem nie potrafią utrzymać języka za zębami. Zazwyczaj są bardzo gadatliwe i mówią o wszystkim każdemu, kogo tylko napotkają. Nie byłoby w tym nic dziwnego, gdyby nie fakt, iż w jej życiu miały miejsce naprawdę dziwne rzeczy...Z początku jej rodzice bagatelizowali sprawę, jednak dziewczynka wciąż uparcie stała przy swoim. Jej rówieśnicy zaczęli się z niej naśmiewać, co bardzo ją bolało. Nikt z nich nie miał do czynienia z czymś takim na własnej skórze. Szybko uzyskała miano wiedźmy, które prześladywało ją przez całą edukację. Emma zamknęła się w sobie co zaniepokoiło jej rodzinę. Była rozgoryczona faktem, iż nikt jej nie wierzy. W duchu przeklinała ten dar, który jak uważała zniszczył jej życie. Rodzice uznali ją za wariatkę i chcieli wysłać do zamkniętego oddziału psychiatrycznego, co jeszcze bardziej zezłościło nastoletnią dziewczynę. Szybko odcięła się od przeszłości nie wspominając o tych wydarzeniach ani słowem i zaczęła nowe życie na własny rachunek. Dziś jest już dwudziesto dwu letnią kobietą i pracuje jako kelnerka w jednym z pobliskich barów. Zdążyła już zapomnieć o wszystkich krzywdach, jakie zafundował jej los. Jej umiejętności poszły w las. Myślała, że to już koniec problemów, jednak był to dopiero początek jej zmagań...One znów ją nawiedzały. W powietrzu unosiła się tajemnicza sprawa zniknięcia pewnej kobiety. Jej rodzina nawet nie chce myśleć o tym, co mogło ją spotkać. Rodzice obawiają się najgorszego - została zamordowana, a mają ku temu powody. Ślad po niej zaginął a ona sama jakby wyparowała. Policja ma założone ręce. Nie mogą zrobić niczego w tej sp…



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Kiedy była małą dziewczynką, często myślała o swoim życiu, a także problemach współczesnego świata. Należała do grona wyjątkowo inteligentnych dzieci, co zauważali nie tylko bliscy, ale również osoby spoza jej rodziny. Lubiła się wyróżniać, a także posiadała w sobie pierwiastek zdolności do manipulacji. Miała zadatki na wyjątkową dorosłą, a całe dzieciństwo Grace podporządkowane zostało pod jej przyszłość. Każda zaplanowana sekunda była dla niej rutyną, do której zdążyła się przyzwyczaić. Nigdy nie zadawała zbędnych pytań, zamiast tego wykonując nawet najmniejsze polecenie nadopiekuńczej matki. Nie miała świadomości, że zachowanie kobiety było jedynie przykrywką. Nie była bowiem rodzicem, który spełnia własne ambicje kosztem dziecka. Nie oczekiwała również od córki bycia najlepszą w każdej dziedzinie, a także nie marzyła o edukowaniu Grace na najlepszej uczelni w kraju. Pragnęła jedynie jej bezpieczeństwa, które z każdym kolejnym dniem gwałtownie malało. Obwiniała się za krzywdę, która mogła spotkać malutką córeczkę, aczkolwiek nie była w stanie zmienić własnej przeszłości. Nie potrafiła zdusić w sobie uczucia do człowieka, który był źródłem wszystkich jej problemów. Wpadła w swego rodzaju pułapkę, była niczym bezbronny owad, który nieumyślnie zaplątał się w śmiercionośnej pajęczynie. Jednak w jej przypadku było zupełnie inaczej. Nie została sparaliżowana jadem, aby następnie w agonii udać się w ramiona Stwórcy. Utożsamiała się z Prometeuszem, każdego dnia na nowo rozpoczynając własne piekło. Mimo wszystko, jaskrawe płomienie były kuszące, piękne, a przede wszystkim - obdarzały ją nieznanymi jej wcześniej uczuciami. Nie zapewniły jednak obiecanej ochrony, dzięki której mogła wieść z córką pozornie spokojne życie. Bowiem po wielu nieudanych próbach, pułapka, która usiłowała dostatecznie zniszczyć kobietę, osiągnęła n…

The Emperor and the Spy

The Emperor and the Spy

28 0 1

I was an experienced, antiquarian book dealer who had seen many unique collections. However, NOTHING was ever as remarkable as Colonel Sidney Mashbir's personal letters, photographs, official documents, which I came into possession of. It will change the way historians and the general public look at WWI and WWII.Born in 1891, Mashbir joined the Arizona Guard at the age of thirteen as a bugle boy, during the time of cowboys and Indians, and the U.S. Cavalry...His long career continued into the Atomic Age!Some of his earlier clandestine missions included both chasing, and assisting in the negotiations with the legendary bandit/revolutionary, Pancho Villa. His efforts helped stabilize the U.S./ Mexican border...Mashbir also uncovered and eliminated extensive enemy spy networks in the U.S., prior to U.S. entry, and during, World War I.Colonel Mashbir went beyond heroic patriotism, he also took on the role of a diplomat in the pursuit of peace. During the 1920s and 1930s he allied with top leaders of Japan, including members of the Royal Family. Together they attempted to prevent conflict between their nations and the outbreak of WWII . . . Regrettably, Mashbir would find himself torn between his close friendship with many of Japan's more enlightened leaders and the major role he would have to take in defeating that nation.During WWII, he headed a top-secret, military intelligence organization, ATIS, which dramatically shaped the battle strategy of the Pacific theatre of war, significantly shortening the conflict.Once WWII ended, to encourage a smooth transition of Japan into a future ally, 11 Secret private meetings between General Douglas MacArthur and Emperor Hirohito were arranged, where Colonel Mashbir served as the main translator, liaison, and facilitator.As personal advisor to both General MacArthur and Emperor Hirohito, Mashbir helped shape the rapport America would have with Japan during its Reconstruction period, and far beyond.…

Study in Australia | Abroad Education Consultants - TrioSpace Overseas

Study in Australia | Abroad Education Consultants - TrioSpace Overseas

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TrioSpace Overseas emerges as a distinguished consultancy, offering unparalleled guidance for individuals seeking to pursue their education in Australia. Positioned as a leading abroad education consultant, we take pride in providing comprehensive services to streamline the process of studying overseas, particularly in Australia.Our team of dedicated professionals at TrioSpace Overseas is committed to assisting students at every step of their educational journey. From elucidating academic options to navigating the intricacies of visa applications, we ensure a hassle-free experience for those aspiring to study in Australia. Our expertise encompasses a deep understanding of the Australian education landscape, enabling us to offer informed advice and support tailored to individual aspirations.TrioSpace Overseas understands the transformative impact of international education and strives to be a reliable ally for students aiming for academic excellence in Australia. By fostering a supportive environment, we aim to empower students to make well-informed decisions about their educational pursuits. Leveraging our extensive network of reputable institutions, we facilitate access to a spectrum of academic opportunities in Australia.Choose TrioSpace Overseas as your educational partner, and embark on a rewarding academic journey in Australia. Our commitment to excellence and personalized guidance positions us as a trusted facilitator for those seeking to broaden their horizons through the enriching experience of studying abroad.…

Se fue el periodista, surge la leyenda - Jorge Kahwagi

Se fue el periodista, surge la leyenda - Jorge Kahwagi

6 0 1

Considerado una auténtica leyenda y un maestro del periodismo mexicano, Jacobo Zabludovsky ejerció su oficio de manera ininterrumpida durante 70 años, en televisión, radio y prensa escrita.A lo largo de su trayectoria el periodista realizó memorables entrevistas, reportajes y crónicas, entre otros la del devastador terremoto de 1985 en la ciudad de México y la conversación con el entonces presidente de Cuba, Fidel Castro, que le valieron dos de los 11 Premios Nacionales de Periodismo que cosecho a lo largo de sus siete décadas de ejercicio profesional.Celebridades de todos los ámbitos fueron entrevistadas por Zabludovsky, como Mario Moreno Cantinflas, La Doña María Félix, el tenor Plácido Domingo, el pintor Salvador Dalí, el poeta argentino Jorge Luis Borges, los escritores Gabriel García Márquez y Carlos Fuentes y el ex presidente de Estados Unidos, Ronald Reagan.Casado desde hace 61 años con Sarah Nerubay Liberman -Sarita,como solía nombrarla- Zabludovsky jamás olvidó sus orígenes humildes y de enorme esfuerzo.Nació en la colonia Doctores, de la capital del país, el 24 de mayo de 1928; pero creció en el barrio de la Merced, del que hablaría siempre con orgullo, toda su vida.Estudió en la Preparatoria Nacional No. 1 y se tituló como Abogado por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), institución de cuyo signo de identidad nunca más se desprendería y llevaría --según sus propias declaraciones- en lo más hondo de su corazón.Jorge KahwagiSus pasiones inseparables fueron la ciudad de México, en particular el Centro Histórico -"lo conozco casa por casa"-, el tango, los toros, el espacio, los libros, y la UNAM.Al recibir el Premio Crónica 2012, en la categoría Comunicación Pública correspondiente a la Tercera Edición, señaló con humildad y satisfacción: "He disfrutado ejerciendo con terquedad el mejor oficio del mundo...".Content Source…

How Geothermal Air Filters USA May Help

How Geothermal Air Filters USA May Help

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Air contamination isn't simply "filthy" air. It's a mind boggling blend of gases, particles, and fluid beads in the climate created by characteristic causes like rapidly spreading fires and human action, for example, vehicle traffic, power age and assembling forms.What's sure, notwithstanding, is that exposure to air contamination for a prolonged time is hazardous to human wellbeing. This makes AC filters in Roseau in homes and other spaces where we spend time inside, for example, business places of business, mechanical and retail offices so significant.Let us look at what sufferings as well as solutions are we looking at with uprising level of pollution around us.The Adversities of Air Pollution Air contamination, especially contamination identified with vehicle traffic, has been related with an expanded danger of neurodegenerative sickness, especially Alzheimer's illness, and even neurodevelopmental issue, for example,Attention deficit hyperactivity disorderAutism spectrum disorderLearning and intellectual disabilitiesSchizophreniaHow Geothermal Air Filters USA May HelpExperts at 4qualityair made a connection between neurological sickness and air contamination. Home and business air filtration frameworks despite everything assume a basic job in forestalling maladies with a demonstrated connect to air contamination.High-productivity particulate air (HEPA) channels are intended to expel particulate issue (PM) down to a size of 0.3 microns in breadth, at an effectiveness pace of 99.97 percent. So, use of PowerGuard Pleated Panel Filter gives the user an edge over air pollution.Microfiltration frameworks, or Geothermal air filters, which commonly utilize a superabsorbent fiber material like initiated carbon, expel vaporous contaminations like unpredictable natural mixes, tobacco smoke and ozone among others.…

Danganronpa Ink and Shadows: A Tale of Toko's Pen

Danganronpa Ink and Shadows: A Tale of Toko's Pen

38 0 2

Toko Fukawa could be anything to the people around her. Weird; Shy; An excellent victim of harassment and bullying. But one thing she for sure wasn't... was weak. Since the day she came to the world, pain is something she constantly received and endured. Not only at home with her two diabolical mothers and useless father, but at school as well. Dissociative Identity Disorder was soon developed by the traumatized litlle girl, who wasn't at fault for simply wanting to live outside her mother's womb. The only true friends she ever had in her life, was her novels and her pet bug Kameko. But... soon she would discover that suffering could get even worse.After being ridiculized by everyone at school, for having her caring and kind confession letter exposed on a boletin board, by the one she truly thought she loved, something broke so hard on her heart and spirit, that she dind't managed to control it; control her. Genocide Jack craved for revenge, and it wans't long before she arrived at Shikoku and find her first lover. Killing him was so much thrilling and exciting, in more ways then expected, that she even felt surprised.However, since that day forward, something changed inside Toko. Something she quite wasn't afraid of feeling. She started to become more reclused then ever, although with an empowerment never seen by her peers before. She changed to an new being, and started to call more attention on a positive manner to everyone. Since the day her teacher read her confession letter, and told her to improve her writing style, she was soon publishing 'So Lingers the Ocean', becoming famous and receiving many awards, at a still young age.She was accepted at Hope's Peak Academy as the Ultimate Writing Prodigy, some years later. But she never expected what type of Despair would appear to her, as soon as she stepped on the school grounds.…

Historia De Una Army •futuro• 👊[pausada]

Historia De Una Army •futuro• 👊[pausada]

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Son frases y relatos de como podría ser la vida de una ARMY • por favor espero le den mucho mucho amor ❤👊😚 Recuerden q ellos aun estaran con nosotros y permaneceran en nuestro corazón las verdaderas ARMY's quedaran hasta el final en apoyo emocianal o en pareja. :-) 👊❤Recuerden esto ARMY's ARMY FOREVERBANGTANGFOREVER Son las mismas palabras que jeon jungkook utilizo en la carta q todas sabemos que lo puso sentimental eso es, tiene derecho a lorar y nosotras estaremos con el, con ellos con todos esos chicos 👊❤Fecha de capítulos publicados →31 de Marzo del 2020←→31 de Marzo del 2020←→29 de Abril del 2020←→01 de Mayo del 2020←=PAUSADADA=////\\\\[]××\=″¡…

Dreamweaver; Successor Of The Nightmare King

Dreamweaver; Successor Of The Nightmare King

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It's been roughly thirteen years after Zanbongfar's defeat. Zan and Ayumi now have four children. Though the three youngest children have began to manifest abilities, Sanziri, the first born manifests no abilities. His siblings try to cheer him up but unbeknownst to them, he is not depressed and has been undergoing his own sort of training. He is also determined to avoid the tragedies that befell his predecessors. However when he is taken to see his Gramps, the Nightmare King, he commences training under the Nightmare King's tutorship and is presented with a mysterious Tome which may determine whether or not he can avoid the tragedies that befell his predecessors or will instead inherit them.…