Harley is in love with both Tesehki and Ahna. Which one will she choose in the end?…
Harley is in love with both Tesehki and Ahna. Which one will she choose in the end?…
BOOK 3 TO 'DOUBLE VISION' & 'ONLY YOU' It's been four years since Tesehki's breakup with Harley Parrish. Will Tesehki eventually find her happy ending or is love just not meant for her?…
BOOK 2 TO 'DOUBLE VISION' Harley ended up choosing Tesehki to be with. What will their relationship be like?…
i know alot of ultimates so if your stuck on an oc, why not give this book an attempt?you may also comment some ultimate ideas, and i will probably make them into a chapter…
[COMPLETE✔️]Tolong Tanyakan pada tuhanmu . bolehkah aku mencintai umatnya? Dan bilang aku tidak akan merebutmu darinya -Barra…
Memiliki ingatan yang baik adalah anugerah. Tapi jika terlalu baik malah menjadi buruk. Memori itu akan menumpuk dan larut antara satu sama lain. Seperti kopi dan air yang sudah diseduh.Hitam Pekat.Tapi bagi sebagian orang itu nikmat.…
Kaylani and Tesehki have been best friends since diapers. Kaylani is openly lesbian, but Tesehki has a boyfriend. Tesehki has been trying to figure out her sexuality while still being in a relationship with her boyfriend. What will happen between Kaylani and Tesehki?…
BOOK 2 TO 'PIMP' What happens when Chinx Rivera finally makes it out of the pimping world? Will Tesehki finally become Chinx's one and only?…
THIRD PART TO 'PIMP' & 'OVO QUEEN' MUST READ THOSE FIRST It's been five years since we last heard from Tesehki and Chinx? What's happening in their lives now?…
Tento příběh vypráví o Layle Brownové a o jejím životě, který se mění hned po jejím únosu. Zažije strach, ztrátu, bolest, ale možná i lásku a nové přátelství. Nic nebude lehké, ale vše se dá zvládnout, dokud drží pospolu.…
Announcement: Boleh beli special gift box Elitis ( dapat novel, box, postcards dan free gifts) di shopee: azida_ishak!Blurb:Siapa sangka, Danielle diterima masuk ke Duke's College yang elit itu. Semuanya atas budi Uncle D. Tapi yang tak bestnya, dia kena berdepan dengan Hunter yang kekwat nak mampus! Entah macam mana dia nak sesuaikan diri dengan Hunter dan gengnya yang kaya level petik-jari-semua-boleh-dapat tu."Jangan jadi naif sangat, boleh tak? Kau ingat, bila dapat melepak dengan geng Hunter, diorang akan terima kau masuk dunia diorang? Kau sedar tak, kita langsung tak setaraf?""So, kau nak cakap apa sekarang?""Aku nak bagi kau sedar. Bila-bila masa aje, diorang boleh campak kau macam kain buruk. Percayalah, sebab aku dah banyak kali terkena. Aku dah masak dengan perangai orang macam ni. Depan cakap baik tapi belakang, diorang kutuk macam kita ni tak ada maruah!"Danielle bingung. Antara kehidupannya dahulu dan dunia yang baru ditempuhnya, bolehkah dia bertahan?…
Lost a bet.Mainly centered around Jaya.I don't own ninjago, but I own the stories…
V kouzelnickém světě zuří válka. Harry Potter změní taktiku a uprostřed Prasinek vyzve kouzelníky k boji. Severuse čeká nelehký úkol, protože Potter svým činem ohrozil stovky nevinných životů. Jenže se blíží Velikonoce, a každý den se až nepříjemně podobá Svatému týdnu.Na koho ale čeká kříž?Soutěžní drabble výzva.…
Max is an ordinary citizen living in Ninjago with incredible hacking skills. He lives normally until Jay calls him for something out of the ordinary. He then tries to dig into their day-to-day life. No one in the Ninjas team knows who he is. Just his first name. Warning: Minor cussing Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago but I own the story As well as there are grammar issues on purpose mainly to reflect Ninja's personality…
"Tae ka tihpalh Mangtha leee. Tun atang chuan i hmuhphak ah ka awm tawhlo ang. keimah vang in eng zahna mah i tawk tawhlo anga eng harsatna mah ka thlen tawhlo bawk ang che. Engkim vangin ka lawm e. Mangtha leeee. Ka Hmangaih Che"Chu lehkha tawi te chuan V thinlung chu chhun ang mai a na in a siam a. Engvang in nge khatiang khan alo tih kher kher. Ava inchhir tak em, siamthat theih a ni tawh silo. Hun hi pawhkir leh theih se ava ti tehlul em.. 😥😥…
|پایان یافته|-دبیرجئون؟+اوه آقای کیم بامن کاری داشتید؟-بایدخصوصی حرف بزنیم!کاپل:VKOOKتعدادپارت(نامعلوم)…
I woke up fifteen again, remembering everything-betrayal, potions, and the love they stole from me. Belladonna Peverell. Death's chosen, Magic's favorite, my wife, and the mother of my son, Hadrian.But this time? I will do anything to protect them. I am possessive, ruthless, and merciless. Dumbledore, Voldemort, and Lily Evans will pay for what they did.I will have my revenge. They should have never messed with a Potter.…
Short stories full of love…
Aku bahagia menjadi matahari yang bersinar ceria untuknya. Melelehkan hati sedingin es. Namun saat kau berubah menjadi matahari, mengapa sinarmu begitu menyengat kulit. Aku merindukan dirimu yang sedingin es walaupun dinginnya menusuk tulang. Bukankah dari sinar panas yang ku berikan dan lelehan es yang dingin akan menghasilkan kisah yang hangat?-Keiko Dianto Dulo-#9 Coolboy (28 Mei 2018)…