Lyrics Book! [SLOW UPDATE]

Lyrics Book! [SLOW UPDATE]

1,931 41 101

"It's more than just words. It's how you feel about it."© mintyuser, June 2016…

The Talented couple.

The Talented couple.

409 4 1

Marinette asked adrien to go to the school dance in 2 weeks with him and he said yes but later 3 days away from it that same day kagami asked and he said yes and told marinette that kagami is prettier than her and that kagami said that she was ladybug and then marinette was crying and while most of the school was praising her and thanking her for saving them,while her real friends alya,nino,rose,mylene,ivan,max,nathaniel,juleka,alex,kim,sabrina and even chloe.They didn't believe her even one bit.After that marinette saw all the people that helped her and then ran away.In this world celebrities were allowed to wear disguises and so that's what marinette did.They are also allowed to make a fake identity but when they're found out,they must never wear a mask or have a fake id again.Sayuri zoldyck is marinette's real name.(She is not an assasin).While she was running away,she bumped into luka and luka so her state so he comforted her by hugging her and rubbing circles on her back while he was whispering soft words to her.Luka then carried her home bridal style and felt like she was wearing something but didn't ask then when he had dropped her home on her lawn,she kissed him on the lips and he kissed her back and then she smiled and said thank you and he asked her to the dance and she said yes and they both said that it was their first kiss(in the episode of dark cupid he wasn't kissed by her because a lucky charm she had somehow defeated black cupid even without chat noir).luka also wore a mask.Luka's real name is paras asatsu.They both live with their uncles and aunts.So juleka is luka's cousin.Each of their aunts,uncles and cousin knew their real identities.P.S they're both ripped and know martial arts.…

Fallout: Neverland

Fallout: Neverland

19 3 1

War. War never changes. Since the dawn of humankind, when our ancestors first discovered the killing power of rock and bone, blood has been spilled in the name of everything: from God, to justice, to simple, psychotic rage.In the year 2077, after millennia of armed conflict, the destructive nature of man could sustain itself no longer. The world was plunged into an abyss of nuclear fire and radiation.Even the legendary Neverland was not spared from the nuclear apocalypse, as it was a real location on Earth, just off of what was once Cuba, in what was once known as the "Bermuda Triangle." Now, it's simply "The Neverwastes," a place where the laws of biology seem to break down.It is here you can find the deadly "Unicorn," the name derived from the fact that it has a long, venomous barb protruding from its forehead, like a unicorn horn. But don't mess with this beast, not that you'd want to after seeing it. Imagine an eight-legged horse, four legs on each side, but the front and back two sets are spider legs and the middle two are crab legs. Oh, and it has crab pincers and a scaly back that is also covered in one-foot-long venomous barbs, too. This all-black abomination from Hell blends in perfectly with the dark, And this is among the least deadly things you'll find here. Mutated American Saltwater Crocodiles that make Tic-Toc Croc look like a baby salamander, Twelve-foot-diameter King Diamondback Rattlecobras (Diamondback Rattlesnakes with venom as potent as a King Cobra's, with the hood to match.) who's mouth you could actually walk into, and some have, thinking they were small caves, never to emerge again, and let's not get into the six-tusked carnivorous Killer Elephant, who's main food on its diet is actually humans. Not a safe, or fun for that matter, place to live.And yet, in 2100, three humans and two fairies live here every day, making a life for themselves after their entire world crumbled away, leaving behind a charred husk of what it once was...…

"Silver and Shadow: Midnight Pursuit" | PART 2

2 0 1

**Silver:** - **Name:** Unknown - **Alias:** Silver - **Background:** Silver hails from a mysterious background, her true identity hidden beneath layers of secrecy. She is renowned as a master thief with unparalleled agility, lightning-fast reflexes, and a penchant for wearing a shimmering silver suit that allows her to blend into the night seamlessly. - **Skills:** Silver is a skilled acrobat and a master of stealth. She possesses incredible lockpicking abilities and is an expert at navigating complex security systems. Her combat skills are unparalleled, wielding dual silver blades with precision. - **Motivation:** While her motives remain unclear, Silver is often drawn to heists involving rare and valuable artifacts. She operates in the shadows, using her talents to stay one step ahead of the law and rival thieves. **Shadow:** - **Name:** Unknown - **Alias:** Shadow - **Background:** Shadow is a figure cloaked in darkness, his true identity shrouded in mystery. Little is known about his past, but his reputation as a shadowy operative and master of stealth precedes him. - **Skills:** Shadow possesses a unique ability to manipulate darkness, rendering himself virtually invisible. He is a master of infiltration and evasion, capable of moving silently and eluding security systems. His combat style is characterized by speed and precision. - **Motivation:** Shadow's motivations are enigmatic, but he often partners with Silver on daring heists and missions that involve high-stakes thefts. His true goals remain hidden, but his loyalty to Silver is unwavering. Together, Silver and Shadow form a formidable duo, their contrasting abilities and mysterious backgrounds making them a force to be reckoned with in the world of espionage and high-stakes theft.…

when i am gone, this is how i want to be remembered

when i am gone, this is how i want to be remembered

2,438 883 191

The man in the colourful bandana, staring through shaded glasses, at a world that fascinates him on every level. The tall, white goateed man, with the small gold loop earring. His senses provide the inspiration and his mind creates a universe of creativity. He knows not of style or gender. He simply takes what his mind processes and he puts it to paper. He has provided many hours of reading experiences for thousands and now ... his last collection. This is how he wants to be remembered. (a friend)…

The First Life

The First Life

33 1 8

a story of Breezys journey to joining the Lakeclan, his name changing to BreezeLight a slick grey cat slipped through the quite forest, her paws leaving no sound as she raced away from her camp. weaving around brambles and trees sye stop atop a dying log, her paws arching with anticipation at the though of what was to come. off in the distance another sleek figure broke from the tree line, his thick amber pelt shining dull in the full moons light "FlameStar...thank you for coming here" the grey cata voice rose no higher then a ruahes whisper, stepping closer to touch her nose atop his head. "of course OwlStar, anything you would need" FlamwStar gave off a low pur, his tail lashing as both cats stepped away from one another. Turning away from each other both leaders looked out across the moor before them, their eyes seemingly focused on nothing. "Why did you call me here?" the amber toms voice finally rose up, his tail curling around himself as he looked to OwlStar for a answer. sneering the grey molly let out a snort, her ear flicking down as she began to speak. "HeatherTail has seen a prophecy.... involving all of the clans" her voice dropping lowly as her eyes flicked up to the sky, its inky black color reflecting how the leader felt. "what was it?" FlameStars tone shifted, his eyes widening at the mention of starclan, his paws shifting against the cool ground below him. "the light of a new dawn shall fall apon the clans while the grasp of the claws tear them apart" her eyes sparked as the words flew from her mouth. his breath uneven as she looked over to the tom beside her. "what does it mean?" she asked, her tail curling out to touch FlameStars, her ears pinning back in confusion. "only starclan knows" he said, his own tail entiwining with OwlStar as the sky began to bleed from Blue to Crimson red as the sun began to rise.…

"Silver and Shadow: Midnight Pursuit" | PART 3

3 0 1

**Silver:** - **Name:** Unknown - **Alias:** Silver - **Background:** Silver hails from a mysterious background, her true identity hidden beneath layers of secrecy. She is renowned as a master thief with unparalleled agility, lightning-fast reflexes, and a penchant for wearing a shimmering silver suit that allows her to blend into the night seamlessly. - **Skills:** Silver is a skilled acrobat and a master of stealth. She possesses incredible lockpicking abilities and is an expert at navigating complex security systems. Her combat skills are unparalleled, wielding dual silver blades with precision. - **Motivation:** While her motives remain unclear, Silver is often drawn to heists involving rare and valuable artifacts. She operates in the shadows, using her talents to stay one step ahead of the law and rival thieves. **Shadow:** - **Name:** Unknown - **Alias:** Shadow - **Background:** Shadow is a figure cloaked in darkness, his true identity shrouded in mystery. Little is known about his past, but his reputation as a shadowy operative and master of stealth precedes him. - **Skills:** Shadow possesses a unique ability to manipulate darkness, rendering himself virtually invisible. He is a master of infiltration and evasion, capable of moving silently and eluding security systems. His combat style is characterized by speed and precision. - **Motivation:** Shadow's motivations are enigmatic, but he often partners with Silver on daring heists and missions that involve high-stakes thefts. His true goals remain hidden, but his loyalty to Silver is unwavering. Together, Silver and Shadow form a formidable duo, their contrasting abilities and mysterious backgrounds making them a force to be reckoned with in the world of espionage and high-stakes theft.…

"Silver and Shadow: Midnight Pursuit" | PART 1

2 0 1

**Silver:**- **Name:** Unknown- **Alias:** Silver- **Background:** Silver hails from a mysterious background, her true identity hidden beneath layers of secrecy. She is renowned as a master thief with unparalleled agility, lightning-fast reflexes, and a penchant for wearing a shimmering silver suit that allows her to blend into the night seamlessly.- **Skills:** Silver is a skilled acrobat and a master of stealth. She possesses incredible lockpicking abilities and is an expert at navigating complex security systems. Her combat skills are unparalleled, wielding dual silver blades with precision.- **Motivation:** While her motives remain unclear, Silver is often drawn to heists involving rare and valuable artifacts. She operates in the shadows, using her talents to stay one step ahead of the law and rival thieves.**Shadow:**- **Name:** Unknown- **Alias:** Shadow- **Background:** Shadow is a figure cloaked in darkness, his true identity shrouded in mystery. Little is known about his past, but his reputation as a shadowy operative and master of stealth precedes him.- **Skills:** Shadow possesses a unique ability to manipulate darkness, rendering himself virtually invisible. He is a master of infiltration and evasion, capable of moving silently and eluding security systems. His combat style is characterized by speed and precision.- **Motivation:** Shadow's motivations are enigmatic, but he often partners with Silver on daring heists and missions that involve high-stakes thefts. His true goals remain hidden, but his loyalty to Silver is unwavering.Together, Silver and Shadow form a formidable duo, their contrasting abilities and mysterious backgrounds making them a force to be reckoned with in the world of espionage and high-stakes theft.…

Magic starts with one word

Magic starts with one word

430 23 10

She's stubborn, he causes her to be. She's a nerd, he's a jock. She has a boyfriend, he doesn't have a girlfriend. She's anti-social, he can get as many friends as he wants. She reads at home, while he's out partying with his friends. She's not the athlete, he does basketball and football. She's not a morning person, he wakes up every morning early as can be. Meet Keegan knight, as every female species images him, perfect- Brown hair, sparkling blue eyes, perfect tan, and hot, like a God. He does football and basketball and has that sexy six pack to go with it. But that one flaw? he doesn't have a girlfriend. That means he can have any girl in the school if he wanted. Except, Isabelle. Why? Well.. Their from two different groups. She's with the nerds and nobody's, he's, well popular obviously. She hates his guts. But it's a little hard not to talk to him since they live right next to each other. This is Isabelle Is the nobody of the school. She is a cute Mexican girl, as many people see them, brown hair, brown eyes, brown everything. She has two friends, but she's just the girl with glasses and braces who it seems that nobody wants or even bothers to talk to, except James her boyfriend and her best friend, along with Amy. What's wrong with them? Well James, for starters, is super skinny and scrawny. He's not that bad looking. But not so good looking either, lets just say okay. Kinda. He has brown eyes that's nearly black, white, and has brown hair to match his eyes. He can be strict and. super protective. Amy, is the controlling one. She's in love with shopping and is super girly. She doesn't like to put her emotions out in the open. It's hard to tell if she's mad or upset at you, because she seems so happy. If she tells you to do something then to be on the safe side, you better do it. She's not popular nor loner, but she's a somebody, unlike Isabelle. Wherever she is she almost always has Isabelle with her.…

"Silver and Shadow: Midnight Pursuit" | PART 4

0 0 1

**Silver:** - **Name:** Unknown - **Alias:** Silver - **Background:** Silver hails from a mysterious background, her true identity hidden beneath layers of secrecy. She is renowned as a master thief with unparalleled agility, lightning-fast reflexes, and a penchant for wearing a shimmering silver suit that allows her to blend into the night seamlessly. - **Skills:** Silver is a skilled acrobat and a master of stealth. She possesses incredible lockpicking abilities and is an expert at navigating complex security systems. Her combat skills are unparalleled, wielding dual silver blades with precision. - **Motivation:** While her motives remain unclear, Silver is often drawn to heists involving rare and valuable artifacts. She operates in the shadows, using her talents to stay one step ahead of the law and rival thieves. **Shadow:** - **Name:** Unknown - **Alias:** Shadow - **Background:** Shadow is a figure cloaked in darkness, his true identity shrouded in mystery. Little is known about his past, but his reputation as a shadowy operative and master of stealth precedes him. - **Skills:** Shadow possesses a unique ability to manipulate darkness, rendering himself virtually invisible. He is a master of infiltration and evasion, capable of moving silently and eluding security systems. His combat style is characterized by speed and precision. - **Motivation:** Shadow's motivations are enigmatic, but he often partners with Silver on daring heists and missions that involve high-stakes thefts. His true goals remain hidden, but his loyalty to Silver is unwavering. Together, Silver and Shadow form a formidable duo, their contrasting abilities and mysterious backgrounds making them a force to be reckoned with in the world of espionage and high-stakes theft.…

Song lyrics

Song lyrics

295 0 100

Song Lyrics…

Watch List: Art Thieves

Watch List: Art Thieves

81,806 6,886 127

This is a watch list for art thieves. 'Nuff said.Read the first chapter for moar info because I suck at putting introductions in here. I'm pretty long-winded and sound like a lawyer in the beginning when I still had stuff to rant about, I get shorter and more relaxed as it progresses.I'm also really bad at remembering how to spell "thieves". Bear with me on that XDI also have a bad habit of overusing parentheses and other bracketsThis stuff -> ( ) [ ] { } < >Just dealI hope this helps people become more aware of art thieves on Wattpad, and what they can do to help.…