Black Stilletos

Black Stilletos

5 0 1

Black Stilettos was inspired by The Shoe Project and tells the true story of a newcomer's experience in attending the first job interview in the 1997 Canadian winter.…

The Mistaken Identity's Revenge (Book 1 Identity Series)

The Mistaken Identity's Revenge (Book 1 Identity Series)

1,871,308 56,052 42

"Aspen, you'll pay for double crossing us" the tall Greek God like guy seethed. Holding his gun firmly in his grip directed at my head. "you'll regret this bitch" the blonde snapped. The guy to the main guy's left was still clutching his broken nose, courtesy of moi. A glare plastered on his face. Aspen this, Aspen that. My whole fucking life I've been mistaken for the devil spawn. My 'perfect' twin Sister Aspen. This did it. I snapped. I finally snapped, and it only took getting fucking kidnapped! "for the last fucking time.... I AM NOT FUCKING ASPEN! THE ONLY THING WE HAVE IN COMMON IS THAT WE LOOK THE SAME AND WE SHARED THE SAME WOMB FOR NINE MONTHS!"I threw my arms up in the air in exasperation. "quit fucking lying Aspen, we know it's you, you really think we're that stupid?" the red headed guy, said. "I. Am. Not. Aspen." I seethe. "are we actually buying this? The Blonde asked. "for fuck sake. She is my twin, BUT I hate her with every cell in my body." They laugh."you're all so fucking thick. If Aspen was on fire and I had a whole fire truck full of water, I would stick the hose down my throat and drown myself before I did anything to help her." ........Aspen Clarke-Miss popular, loved by everyone, perfect daughter, incredibly stupid, slutty, rich, snobby, bitch, walking STI, favourite past time? - making her younger genius twin sister's life a living hell. Cassidy Clarke-Always been in her sister's shadow, graduating highschool at age twelve, speaking dozen of languages, being a child prodigy and genius was never enough for her parents. Cassidy grew up hating her twin sister Aspen, who made her life a living hell. Not a normal sibling rivalry but a deep seeding hatred towards one another.So what happens when Cassidy is mistaken for Aspen and then kidnapped? Well Cassidy embraces the opportunity to tear Aspen's life apart the same way she did hers even before her life began.~story is unedited, mature content ie. sex, action+humour…

Villainous: His Right Hand Ghoul

Villainous: His Right Hand Ghoul

19,762 333 57

He is smart, cunning, and dangerous, so dangerous that blackhat himself arrive to his place to talk. He was impressed by his skills. The alchemist brought more than just his soul, he offered his undying loyalty, as he was in the presence of the most powerful being alive. And he fulfilled his role as his right hand man. He has done everything blackhat need a gave him the most vicious of monsters(better then a certain paper headed fool). One day he disappeared. Not a trace.... Until now. And Guess who has to go get him.#1 demencia (1/18/23)#1 Flug(7/24/23)#1 Blackhat(7/24/23)…

The Lockwood She-Wolf

The Lockwood She-Wolf

27,388 514 42

Hadley Lockwood is the eldest child of Richard Lockwood, former mayor of Mystic Falls after an affair before he married Carol however her mother died when she was quite young so she had grown up in Mystic Falls with a father that didn't really want her and a step-mother who hated her as she was a reminder every day that her husband cheated, the only positive relationships she had within her family was her half-brother Tyler and her Uncle Mason. When Hadley was in the ninth grade she finally left Mystic Falls to attend a private art school in Miami just to get away from the father that didn't want her and lived with her Uncle, when she was 16 she triggered her curse by accidently killing her boyfriend in a car accident and hid it from her Uncle for three years until he triggered his own curse and they discovered that it was a family blood curse so when they got word that Richard Lockwood had died Mason went back to Mystic Falls to bury his brother and to warn Tyler about the curse while Hadley stayed in Miami since she felt no remorse for the man she shared blood with. But then she heard about Mason's death from her brother and was devastated since the man was more like a father to her than his brother had been so after months of mourning she decided to head back to the town she despised to avenge her Uncle. {I do not own the Vampire Diaries or The Originals, only my OC character Hadley and her incorporated story with the TVD/TO/Legacies Franchise}…

Just a little Glorybringer for ya

Just a little Glorybringer for ya

810,556 11,430 95

This is a story about Glory and Deathbringer's life together and their dragonets. Plus their dragonet's adventures at Jade Mountain Academy. Please comment and vote! I love hearing from readers! GLORYBRINGER FOREVER!Other Versions:-Audiobook can be found on YouTube, or on @rasgajag's profile-Graphic Novel Version can be found on my profile/@ActiveArtist's profiles. All art from @ActiveArtist-Para una versión de este libro en español, revisa mi perfil y el de @Josuesito23. Traducción proporcionada por @Josuesito23Reviews"One of the best writers I have ever incountered." -@LoveofWinterWatcher"This story is so well-written, and its absolutely adorable!" - @zaffreflare"I LOVE THIS BOOK SOOOOO MUCH" - @moonwatchersister"I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!" -@raymond1937"This is perfection" -@Midnight4132"The chapters just keep getting better and better." LoveofWinterWatcher"Great story!" -@Goldtalon"The Drama!!!!!! I love it!!!!!" -@FemaleVersionOfSatan"This is too adorable!" -@peril290"I LOVE THIS" -@zaffreflare"My ship senses are tingling" -@wingsoffirelover06"when I'm bored, I'll sit by Wattpad and I'll just wait for this story to update" -@GlorybringerRulesAll"I'm lost for words. Wow just soo amazing" -@LoveofWinterWatcher"this is AMAZIN!!!!!" -@HeartPonder45"Oh damn this is good" -LoveofWinterWatcher"this is a beautiful moment in ship history" -@FemaleVersionOfSatan"I FEIRCETEETHEN LUV UR STORYS"-@GlorybringerRulesAll"I was almost crying it was sooooooo sad but soooooo good." -@wingsoffireqibli"I'm going to be honest, I almost cried." -@GlorybringerRulesAll"I'm lost for words. Wow just soo amazing." -@LoveofWinterWatcher All Rights to Tui T. Sutherland for the Wings of Fire series, and to @SugareeSweet for Rainkeeper's name. All characters belong to Tui, except for Rainkeeper, Joy, Air, Squelch, Seashell, Kelp, Nightflyer, Firefly, Pear, Pineapple, Macaw, Faithbringer, Adobe, and Coal…

Naruto One-Shots *Closed to Requests*

Naruto One-Shots *Closed to Requests*

16,810 381 54

A collection of Naruto one-shots I wrote between 2010-2018. I am no longer open to requests for one-shots as my interest has switched over to longer stories, but I wished to share some old work that fueled my passion when I was in high school and college.Please excuse the spelling and grammar in areas as most of these are old when I was still trying to find my writing style.Also, please note that not all names in the tags match all the one-shots I wrote for. I wrote for so many characters I couldn't fit it all into that section.©2010-2018, 2021 Madness Publishing…

Random Things I Want 4

Random Things I Want 4

2,923 26 198

Clothes. Merch. Jewelery. Movies. Furniture. Unrealistic Crap. Ect...Will I get any of it? Probably not, but a little imagining never hurt anyone. (Plus saving all these pictures on my phone takes up too much storage 😕)(Although I probably just could have made a Pinterest board out of it...)…

Meet The Authors Showcase Edition #3 (3 of 3)

Meet The Authors Showcase Edition #3 (3 of 3)

3,800 611 150

Similar to the prior editions before it, more behind the scenes interviews on how your favorite Wattpad stories originated. Looking for the stories promoted in these interviews? Check my profile for the meet the authors showcase reading lists.How do I get featured? -send me a private message and I'll provide an interviewaccomplishments8/19/21 - #12 in spotlight, #3 in meettheauthors, #15 in showcases and #9 in promotions8/27/21 - #2 in promotions, #1 in meettheauthors, #9 in showcases an d #18 in spotlight9/29/21 - #3 in publicity, #2 in meettheauthors, #6 in spotlight and 37 in showcases10/22/21 - #5 in publicity, #5 in spotlight, #1 in meettheauthors, #9 in promotions and #8 in showcases11/26/21 #3 in promotions, #9 in spotlight, #10 in showcases, #11 in publicity and #3 in meettheauthors12/20/21 reached 1K views2/18/22 #1 in behind-the-scenes, #4 in spotlight, #3 in showcase, #1 in meettheauthors and #6 in publicity2/28/22 reached 2K views3/5/23 #9 in showcases, #6 in promotions, #6 in publicity, #3 in meettheauthors and #1 in behind the story5/3/23 Reached 3k views…

A Disastrous Date with Destiny

A Disastrous Date with Destiny

268 11 3

In which Destiny Davie is conned into a date on Valentine's day by her meddling sister when all she wants is to be at home cuddling all of her beautiful shoes...or is she ready for something new, something like love?…