Démonova holčička

Démonova holčička

17 0 1

ÚVOD Nejvyššímu z démonů jménem Axar začalo být jeho území příliš malé a toužil si podmanit jiné magické světy, proto se svými druhy vytvořil portál, bránu do jiných světů. Lidi mu přišli velmi bezmocní a proto je viděl, jako snadnou kořist, nechápal smysl jejich bytí. Jeho stoupeci, by pro něj udělali cokoliv, až na jednoho jménem Noricas, který toužil po lásce a chtěl zapomenout, kým ve skutečnosti je. Axar tyto city nepřipouštěl, považoval je za slabost, proto se rozhodl, že se Noricase zbaví, jednou pro vždy. Netušil však, že se jeho mocný žák spřátelil s bílou čarodějkou Zoriel v lidském světě. Díky její odvaze se Noricasovi podařilo utéct. Axar, moc dobře věděl, co to pro ně znamená za nebezpečí, než však stačil cokoliv podniknout, Noricas se Zoriel spojili své síli a společně se svými přáteli, Mauronem a Tessou si zajistili kontrolu nad portálem a stali se jeho strážci.…

Velká Hollywodská krádež!

Velká Hollywodská krádež!

12 0 1

Aneb-Král Jelimán zneužit-Tento přípěh vyprávý o 10let starém případu,který se odehrával v Hollywodu.Tenkrát,v roce 2005,se konal konkurz na vedlejší roli do filmu Madagascar. Společnost Hollywod hledala novou hvězdu lemura,který by ztvárnil Krále lemurů.Tehdy se ještě mladý a neslavný Simon Jelimán přihlásil do konkurzu.Nastal Den D! Den konkurzu je tu. Jelimán vstal brzy,nemohl dospat. Naladil si hlas a rozhýbal se. Odešel do studií Hollywod,bylo zde spoustu účastníků konkurzu. Byla na nich vidět značná nervozita,klepali se,ustavičně sebou škubali a neustále přecházeli sem a tam. Simon si věřil a tak byl poměrně klidný. Bylo 9:00 a konkurz začal. ,,Prosím čísla 108-114" ozvala se produkční. Jelimán,ale čekal dál. Jeho číslo bylo 118. Čekal dál.,,Hej ty"ozvalo se z rohu.,,Kdo,já?" zeptal se Jelimán,jelikož nepostřehl koho se dotyčný ptal.,,Jo,ty"řekl kdosi, ,,ty co tam tak postáváš u toho okna". ,,Jsem Jelimán, Simon Jelimán"řekl, ,,a ty jsi?",,Moris,Martin Moris"řekl.…



34 0 31

Healthcare means providing medical care to individuals. Due to the high globalburden of disease, the healthcare industry has witnessed exponential growth.KBV research has been the pioneer in examining the latest trends and issues ofthe healthcare industry.…



17,982 2,827 71

Headcanony z Supernatural i Sherlocka (lub Superlocka).Wymyślane lub tłumaczoneCóż. Enjoy!Okładkę wykonała @margostark_, za co jej bardzo dziękuję.…

Dancing My Way into Love

Dancing My Way into Love

38,988 327 27

This is about Joliene Seyers, a 17 year old poor girl who lives in southern California. Her life was going great, until her mom lost custidy of her and her older brother, Willow until she gets accepted into the biggest singing/dancing/acting school in America. It's also the most expensive in America. So one day, she gets a letter in the mail saying that she can go to that school, on a scholarship. There she runs into a boy, Drew Islene. She thinks he's a no life douchebag, and wants nothing to do with him. That is, until, she finds out they had a lot more in common then she thought.…



58 3 1

UVOD: Rođena sam u jednom malom gradiću Engleske. U sretnojobitelji. Mislila sam da ću tamo provesti cijeli svoj život jer me tamo sveveselilo. Baš sve što sam imala. Bilo je dobro do onog okrutnog dana kojeg ćupamtiti do kraja svog života. Dan kada su moju roditelji umrli. Bili smo takosretna obitelj. Ja, mama i tata. Svaki dan smo išli negdje. Posjećivali raznezemlje, mjesta. Sve su mi dopuštali, naravno sve ono što je dobro. I dan danasse ne zna što im se točno dogodilo. Ja sam bila u školi i kad sam se vratilavidjela sam policiju i hitnu pred svojom kućom. Brzo sam potrčala, ali onda meneki policajac zaustavio. Susjedi su mi ispričali kako su samo čuli vrisak mojemame, a onda su htjeli vidjeti što se dogodilo. Vrata su bila otključana iodmah su ušli. Našli su mamu i tatu na podu potpuno bijeli. Tati je bilo krvipo vratu dok je mama bila samo od modrica. Izgleda kao da mu je netko vilicuzabo u vrat, ali nigdje u blizini nije bilo takvih stvari. Policija je samozaključila da je to bilo pucanje u vrat kako bi se riješili slučaja iako su svisusjedi govorili kako nisu čuli nikakav pucanj. A mama je kao bila pretučena. Iimala je velike ozljede. Na dan pogreba svojih roditelja sam bila sa svomsvojom rodbinom. Ušla sam u mrtvačnicu kako bi za kraj vidjela svoje roditelje.Baš kad sam pomislila da ću i ja umrijeti od tuge na tatinom sam vratu vidjelaonaj ožiljak, potpuno crven, kao ugrušak. Meni je to izgledalo kao ugriz. Ugrizvampira. Da, znam da to ne postoji, ali tada mi je samo to padalo na pamet.Koža im je bila potpuno plava, uz malo ogrebotina koje baš i nisu imale crvenuboju. Kao da nisu od krvi. Pomalo čudno, ali od sveg šoka nisam o tome mogla nirazmišljati. Od toga dana više nisam svoju kući ni vidjela. Morala sam otićiživjeti kod bake Kate, u London. Inače to je mama od moga tate. Bilo je ljeto,tako da sam srednju školu već završila. Odmah sam u Londonu upisala umjetničkuškolu, za glumu.…



20 0 1

Začalo to úplně nevinně upozorněním na facebooku.Byl to pro mě zcela normální den, až do té doby, dokud jsem nepoznala jeho.Zrovna jsem měla chvilku,kdy jsem měla neskutečné deprese,protože jsem se srovnávala s rozchodem.Měla jsem uplakané oči...A všude kapesníky,ale v tom jsem si přidala jeho. Všechno, už od začátku...Bylo jiné.Prostě jsem se smála se slzami v očích,když mi psal.Viděla jsem jeho úsměv na fotce,a hrozně mě to uklidňovalo.Jako by byl andílek, co mi spadl z nebe.I přes všechnu tu bolest jsem se usmívala a psala si s nim. Pociťovala jsem nejistotu, ale i absolutní klid v mém těle.Nevím, co to bylo, nevím jak se to stalo.Když už došlo ke konverzaci, že by jsme se mohli sejít, vůbec jsem neváhala, napříč tomu, že jsem ho absolutně neznala.Popisoval mi stručně cestu , cestu k němu, cestu do Řep.Ale s mými orientačními schopnostmi jsem bohužel jela úplně na druhou stranu.Byla jsem neskutečně zakoukaná do knížky.Nejvíce se mi na něm líbilo to,že mi neustále volal kde jsem, z jeho hlasu se dalo vycítit,že byl trošku nervozní, ale také byl rád, že mě uvidí. Když mi tedy volal naposled, byla jsem někde daleko od Václavského náměstí, a ještě dále od Řep.Jenomže on mě v tom nenechal a jel mi naproti♥ Volal mi, že už tam je(Na andělu), a že ke mě nastoupí do tramvaje. V tu chvíli se mi neskutečně zvedl adrenalin, byla jsem opravdu nervozní, srdce mi bušilo.Bylo to tady, nastoupil ke mě, ty jeho nádherné oči, jeho všechno...Hned, jak jsme se viděli, jsem ho objala...Nikdy v životě tohle nedělám, že objímám lidi, které neznám, ale prostě jsem to udělala.Povídali jsme si o různých blbostech, cesta utekla poměrně rychle.Dorazili jsme k němu.…

No Angel

No Angel

18 1 2

kira has never been one for sticking to the law.Orphaned since birth, she was adopted by her Uncle Jake who despite his best at trying to raise another life couldnt keep his own from falling apart after his wife died.His daughter, kiras cousin Malia was just a few days old when her aunt passed, leaving Kira to be responsible for Malia. Due the Uncle Jakes nasty habbits of jambling and liquor kira was forced to take on the responsibility of bread winner for her family. Growing up in the roughest part of the city she learnt how to fend for the family.Sure she scraped by but she still managed to help with rent for the dingy hole of an apartment that they stayed in and at least get a bit of food .luckily for her she had a gift ,a strength, one that in the thieving business is sort after, I am the best street runner in the city.Her ability to swiftly enter and exit a job was unmatched. Amongst her band of merry thieves which included Mitch, Carter and Stacey she was her bosses number 1.The boss ,Mr Bovine would give them the target, using their parkor and fighting skills they would infiltrate ,collect and then deliver the package ,he would pay them and they'd split the money four ways. Being a thief wasnt a glamorous job but it paid the bills and at this point thats what kira needed.Kira was never one to stick to the rules but thieving had its downsides .constantly lying to her family for one, the late nights(senior year is no picnic when you cant stay awake) ,potentially being caught to name and almost getting killed on several occasions to list a few.Life had never dealt kira an easy hand but she tried the best she could and so far manage to get by and atleast even though it was a huge weight to carry it took her mind off of the constant wondering of who she actually was, where did she come from?who was her mom? The unanswered questions left Kira longing and feeling lost...But little does Kira know that the next job Mister Bovine dishes will change her life forever…

Tadoba Trails: A luxury homestay in Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve

Tadoba Trails: A luxury homestay in Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve

5 0 1

Our country has a rich resource of natural vegetation, which is the home to numerous rare species of animals and birds. Some of the sanctuaries and national parks of India are even globally recognized. Tadoba National Park, better known as Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve is one of them. The national park witnesses pouring a number of national and international tourists during peak season. Amongst the other prime entry gates for Tadoba, Moharli gate is one of the entry points that take you to the core zone of the jungle. Tadoba Trails is one of the resorts at Moharli gate offering a comfortable stay surrounded by thrilling jungle ambiance. The resort is created keeping in mind the comfort like a homestay and style like a farmhouse. Tadoba Trails resort at Chandrapur district near Nagpur is located on a vast grassland with a 360-degree view of the stretched Satpura range at a distance, along with the green zone of Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve. The resort has 5 air-conditioned rooms with private sit-out. You can enjoy a view of the green zone overlooking the sprawling forest area. Additionally, the resort has an in-house restaurant with a delicious menu covering from breakfast till dinner meal courses. Tadoba Trails also helps in arranging Muhurli gate safari booking that takes you to the core area for tiger sighting. Additionally, the resort offers exciting activities for the guests such as a bonfire, nature trails and bird watching, tribal village tour, bullock cart riding, fishing and many more. Located close to Nagpur, this resort at Tadoba National Park also arranges private events and ceremonies, like birthday parties, destination wedding, kitty parties, bachelor parties etc. Tadoba is one of the most preferred picnic spots near Nagpur. Tadoba Trails provides a customized package of Tadoba Tiger Reserve safari booking, for an exciting wildlife safari along with fun-filled activities at the resort.…



2 0 1

In the most intimate corner of your being, someone whose essence is woven with the rainbow of sexual diversity fights in silence against the relentless presence of depression. Her identity as a homosexual, colorful and unique person is momentarily blurred under the shadow of emotional illness.The daily struggle against depression is reflected in his eyes, where the spark that should shine with the joy of authenticity is tarnished by the internal storm. Each step is like a journey through a complex emotional landscape, where ups and downs are most pronounced by the sensitivity that comes with the authenticity of openly living your sexual identity.Despite personal victories and proven resistance to being true to oneself, depression becomes a formidable obstacle. The additional stigma and challenges that the LGBTQ+ community often faces add layers of complexity to this internal battle. The need for acceptance and understanding becomes a constant search, while depression acts as a dark filter that distorts perception of personal value.On the way to full acceptance of his identity, this individual faces the duality of being a warrior in the struggle for self-affirmation and, at the same time, a vulnerable human being experiencing the relentless tides of depression. The additional pressure to represent and challenge gender stereotypes and sexual orientation can become a heavy burden, feeding the emotional storm.However, in the midst of the struggle, there are flashes of resilience and courage. The color palette that represents her homosexual identity is the same one she uses to paint moments of resistance, looking for light even in the darkest corners of her experience. The community, with its supportive ties, becomes a crucial safety net, a force against loneliness that often accompanies.…

Le Book of Le Stoof

Le Book of Le Stoof

2,883 725 200

Basically a random book :P*temporary cover*…

Beauty On Rose

Beauty On Rose

257 0 109

At Beauty on Rose, we believe that everyone deserves to feel like a queen. Our spa rituals treatments are designed to make you feel like a queen and leave your skin feeling like a goddess. We use the finest ingredients, including botanicals, essential oils, and natural minerals to create the most luxurious spa treatments in Essendon.…

bts little space oneshots

bts little space oneshots

1,320,486 14,817 80

little space to ease your soul. ☆〜(ゝ。∂)→ bts little space one shots ➘ • no translations • absolutely no smutthank you so much for one million readslove u all!…