Not right, nor orderly.

Not right, nor orderly.

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The phrase "not right, nor orderly" comes from John Donne's poem, "An Anatomie of the World," written on the first anniversary of "the untimely death of Mistress Elizabeth Drury," the 14 year old daughter of his patron, Sir Robert Drury. The poet uses her death to represent "the frailty and the decay of this whole world." Wee are borne ruinous: poor mothers cry,That children come not right, nor orderly;Except they headlong come and fall uponAn ominous precipitation.Here I am using "not right, nor orderly" to describe how the years of my life have come along "headlong," more and more so as I head into my eighth decade. I do not feel, however, that I was "borne ruinous," nor that I am falling "upon/An ominous precipitation." Figuring out whether or how much Donne really felt so pessimistic about life is one of the pleasures of reading his poem. In some ways, this poem can be read as an expression of the impermanence of this world. Donne was a Christian minister, but his Anatomie conveys views similar to two other teachers who have shaped my life: Heraclitus and Siddhatha Gotama. But the point of these pieces is not literary explication. For that kind of analysis, you can check out my blog“Not right, nor orderly” also describes how these pieces present scenes from my life in no particular order, not chronological, nor logical. “Narrative” has become quite buzzword in the last few decades. From “narrative medicine” and “narrative therapy” to Alasdair MacIntyre’s philosophical grounding of selfhood in narrative. I don’t know whether or not I have a “life story,” but I do have many stories from my life to tell here.…

The Masked Queen (Drottingr)

The Masked Queen (Drottingr)

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First book in the Allegory of Aonta seriesIn twenty-two years, only two people have seen Drottine Lyssia's face - her father, the Kongr of Ilvana, and Seaka, an old Lach who helped care for Lyssia as a child after her mother died of the Red Fever. Grief is the reason that the Kongr states for chaining his young daughter to a mask. Fear of anyone finding out the secret they share is what keeps Lyssia chained to masks even after the physical chains are removed.Lyssia must learn to navigate her world through the narrow eye slits that serve as both her prison and her freedom. She learns one truth early on that helps her bear the burden of her secret and her role as the daughter of the Kongr.Everyone wears a mask, whether their faces are covered or not. Everyone has secrets that they wish to keep hidden.When Magnor, the newly crowned Kongr of Dunival arrives in Ilvana with the news of his father's death and the intention of making changes to the peace treaty between their two kongdomren, Lyssia realizes that Magnor's secrets could be very dangerous.Grief, trust, honesty, fear, depression, courage...these are only a few things that Lyssia must find the strength to embrace and overcome in her journey to becoming the Drottingr that the people of Ilvana - and the rest of Aonta - need.But, of course, she can't survive this journey on her own. She's going to need help, and for that she's going to have to find someone who she can truly trust. But if everyone is wearing a mask, can you ever really know who is trustworthy and who is deceiving you?**********A kongdomr of warriors, though rusted their swordsA kongdomr of voices, raised in hopeful songA kongdomr of drakuns, forsaken, forgottenA kongdomr of masks, neither young nor oldA kongdomr of faces, expectantly raisedTo this new chance, a new ageA new DrottingrIlvana of legendRise, Warriors, Rise-penned by Skald-dreg Azerian Carrynsonbeholden to Skald-middig Bjarke Duinenson…

Words of Time: A Collection of Poems Throughout The Years

Words of Time: A Collection of Poems Throughout The Years

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A collection of poems from my early years, up to the present. Many are about love, but also family, friends, life in general, as well as the struggles many of us face as we discover ourselves. #Wattys2016 #Wattys2019*Note: Stories with an asterisk have a swear word, or reference to suicide present*#1 in Cinquain - 2019/03/09#1 in Tanka - 2019/07/09#15 in Rhyming - 2018/12/28#16 in Haiku - 2019/07/09#31 in Freestyle - 2019/07/09#140 Poetry - 2017/01/14#212 in Youth - 2019/04/14#222 in Sorrow - 2019/07/09#228 in Poems - 2019/07/02#718 in Dating - 2019/07/09…

Self Talk Success and Positive Affirmations (Daily Gratitude + Prayers by Soul)

Self Talk Success and Positive Affirmations (Daily Gratitude + Prayers by Soul)

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Self Talk Success is a positive statement that repeat day by day, month by month and year by year to develop you're inner strength be more healthy, happy, wise and better.Self Talk Success will make you positive outcome in a daily basis that make us more positive thinking, positive feeling and positive motivational which is will guide us to have positive mindset and the positive life attitude in long-term success relationship in real life.Iqbal Musalim Diplomat SuccessSoul Of Mind IndonesiaIndonesia Jenius 2030Networkingnya Para Pembaharu NusantaraSekolah Pemikiran Untuk Para CEO, Millionaire, Billionaire and Trillionaire In IndonesiaKartu Nama Bisnis: us in Gank Now | Karya Karsa | KBM | Trakteer | Sociabuzz XSoul Of Mind nesiaQ31 SELFTALK SUCCESS BAHASA INDONESIA BY SOUL OF MIND INDONESIASOUL OF MIND INDONESIAVIST INDONESIA JENIUS 2030 NUSANTARA MAJU 2043 NETWORKINGNYA PARA PEMBAHARUPERSOMALPRIVATE.999045- Rp4 999 045-PRIORITY14 991 045-TERBAIK-TREND SETTER-BERBEDA - TERDEPAN Pendidikan Pengembangan Diri, Fundamental Strategi Bisnis & Manajemen Portofolio InvestasiLayanan Jasa Kami: Survey Bakat Indonesia | Sekolah Bakat Indonesia | Akademi PemikiranAkademi Pengusaha Sosial | Home Schooling Bakat Indonesia |Ahli Meretas Pertumbuhan31 SELFTALK SUCCESS AND POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONFIRST DAY(01) Terima Kasih Tuhan, atas keberuntungan hidup yang kami terima hari ini.Kami yakin dan percaya, semua keberuntungan yang kami terima hari ini adalah cara engkau untuk menyempurnakan rasa syukur kami.Kami adalah pribadi yang selalu beruntung karena secara alami kami memang orang yang beruntung!Terima Kasih Tuhan untuk hidup yang Luar Biasa Hebat, Indah dan Menakjubkan.SECOND DAY(02) Terima Kasih Tuhan, atas keberlimpahan hidup yang kami terima hari ini.Kami yakin dan percaya, segala keberlimpahan hidup yang kami terima hari ini adalah cara engkau…



287,684 6,179 39

"We both had the test going and it's positive. He's pregnant and I'm the daddy."…

ѕtrαngєrѕ  [[jungkσσk х rєαdєr]] editing!

ѕtrαngєrѕ [[jungkσσk х rєαdєr]] editing!

94,334 3,021 41

Hannah moved out of her family home and nowlives by herself. she's now 18 and still inschool. The bad boys who call them self's BTSbut a few members fight for her love but onestands out the most...jungkook Will they still be strangers? Friends? Enemies? Or lovers?My first fan fiction so I hope u like it. Also soo sorry about any mistakes I can't spell very well. Btw i love jimin, I just didn't who to choose but I love all the them and I don't mean for him to be so mean.But I hope u all enjoy it! ❤️//// EDITING!!!/////…

Baby Steps| Vmin

Baby Steps| Vmin

372,723 17,243 101

After a traumatizing breakup with his ex, Jimin immediately finds a new lover, Taehyung, but is reluctant to confess his hidden secret that he's a little. When he finally does, it doesn't go as planned at first but soon enough Taehyung becomes his caregiver and genuinely enjoys looking after Jimin. It takes small, baby steps for Taehyung to finally realize how much he loves Jimin despite things that have happened in the past and numerous issues the couple face in their time together. ***Edited but there's probably still typos somewhere lol*little space*mpreg*slight self-harmStart: 8/24/18End: 2/12/20#1 in Cutnessoverload 1/24/19#4 in Vmin 2/19/20#1 in cuteness 6/6/19#1 in fluffiness 4/19/20…