194,165 10,906 142
#1 in Kara as of March 29th, 2023#1 in Cryokinesis as of April 1st, 2023#1 in Killerfrost as of April 3rd, 2023#1 in NiaNalSupremacy as of May 3rd, 2023#1 in NiaNal as of May 5th, 2023#1 in Smallville as of May 9th, 2023#1 in Dccomics as of July 12th, 2023#1in Malereader as of July 27th, 2023#1 in Saturngirl as of July 27th, 2023#1 in Legionofsuperheroes as of July 29th, 2023#1 in Dc as of August 7th, 2023#1 in Superheroine as of August 17th, 2023#2 in Fanfiction as of August 18th, 2023------------------------------Once on the ground Kara watched as a man, silhouetted by the sun, ripped the melted shut cockpit off of the ship. Kara yelled something in kryptonian, she hadn't expected a response so she was surprised when she did get one. The kryptonian held out his hand and Kara quickly took it.------------------------------Kara Zor-El is new to the planet earth, her cousin, the ever famous Superman, has decided that in order to help her adapt to the primitive world she should experience at least the end of her childhood in the same sort of way that he himself had.After moving in with Clark's parents Kara must learn to live in a world that on her planet would have been considered in their dark ages. Luckily Kara is quick to make a friend, the son of her cousins best childhood friend, Lana Lang. (Y/N) Lang starts off as nothing special but he is Kara's friend, and to her that's what makes him special. And that's all that really matters isn't it?…