Our appearance doesn't define who we are.-------------------------------------------------- ⬇️⬇️⬇️sneak peek⬇️⬇️⬇️ "I'm going to ask you again Bible. What's in your mind right now? And you have to follow what's in your heart." she told me. "I want him to be mine, but it sounds like I'm being selfish if I do that. He didn't choose me, so I thought that it is better to let go of him." I said even if it hurts me. "No beauty shines brighter than a good heart," she said while waving her hands like doing some spell. "And true beauty lies in the purity of the heart," she said again after doing it. "Now that I granted your wish. I can go now and I hope to see you again when the right time comes. Just continue what are you doing Bible. Life is magical, meaningful, and full of surprises. You just have to be patient and wait for the right timing for everything." she said and left me. Started: August 13, 2022Ended: October 20, 2022…