The Satur Family
Original Character!Jeff x OC! (Rey)Bible x OC! (Kei)Purely FictionalSoft, Sweet, and ChaoticFamily DynamicsNo Hate, as this is just for fun…
Original Character!Jeff x OC! (Rey)Bible x OC! (Kei)Purely FictionalSoft, Sweet, and ChaoticFamily DynamicsNo Hate, as this is just for fun…
2nd ghostship pairing from the KinnPorsche series. I couldn't help but notice the vibes and chemistry of these two during all of the interviews and shows!Let's see if the pairing will take off :)…
«ពួកអ្នកមានសមត្ថភាព អាចផ្តល់កំណើតឱ្យខ្ញុំឃើញបន្លឺថ្ងៃបាន ប៉ុន្តែហេតុអីក៏មិនអាចផ្តល់ការស្រឡាញ់ឱ្យខ្ញុំបានចឹង?» Biu«ព្រោះពួកយើងគ្មានបំណងចង់បានឯងជាកូនតាំងពីដំបូង» លោក PutthaBIBLEBUILD SEUNEANG🥹01/02/2024…
One day Bible witnesses Jes the leader of a gang killing a person and Jes notices this and starts chasing Bible.....…
Jes and Bible get into the same University and later realize they are roommates.....…
After that interview asking Bible "Who is the person you want as a lover?". The moment Bible looked at him,his heart stirred only for the other to deflect his answer. Will Jeff let it go?…
Bible and Build were set up to be in an arranged marriage. They both didn't like the Idea, until one of them changes.…
My favorite Bible verses…
This is a story of Bible Build were classmates. Build fall in love with Bible at the first sight that Build has obsession and feeling possessive towards Bible until the feeling lead to another tragic incident making Bible hate him to death. The fate brought them back together when they become an adult and see how the love will blooming when they have to work together in one company. Will Bible finally fall for Build?…
Read and you will know feel them.....…
រឿងនេះ ទំាង Top BTT តួកាចឆ្នាស់ ឈ្លោះគ្នា cuteៗ Build បន្លំជាអ្នកបំរេី ហេីយបន្លំជាមនុស្សស្រី ព្រោះ Build ដឹងថា Bible ជា gay ក្លាយគេចាប់រំលោភ 🤣…
Let's see the whole story in upcoming chapters....…
One shot where BibleBuild shared a room before KPWT In Phuket What would probably happen?Note📢: This one-shot may continue into a long story Warning: Explicit Content/Dubious consent🔞Note📢: I don't own the characters in the story ~Cr to the owner~ I only own the story and the ideas is my pure imaginationTop Bible/ Bottom Build Follow me on Twitter: @builuve4565…
Short Story of BibleBuild🖤💙…
រឿងនេះគឺនិយាយអំពីស្នេហាដែលកើតឡើងដោយសារបំណុលតែអ្នកណាទៅដឹងថាក្នុងចំណោមពួកគេទាំងពីរនាក់មានម្នាក់បានលួចចាប់អារម្មណ៍គ្នាតាំងពីដំបូង ស្នេហាដែលកើតឡើងយ៉ាងផ្អែមល្ហែម តែដោយសារតែការច្រណែនឈ្នានីសធ្វើឲ្យគូរស្នេហ៍មួយគូរនេះត្រូវព្រាត់បា្រស់គ្នា ដោយមានម្នាក់និងឃ្លាតទៅកន្លែងដែលឆ្ងាយ ការឃ្លាតទៅឆ្ងាយដោយគ្មានការវិលត្រឡប់តែអ្នកណាទៅដឹងថាមានអ្វីដែលអស្ចារ្យធ្វើឲ្យពួកគេជួបគ្នាម្ដងទៀត…
A Bible-Centric AU The AU written here is mostly surrounding Bible!There will be OCxBible and Ghostships!…
When Pete meets Vegas, the residential playboy, he finds himself falling for him when he knows his shouldn't. When Vegas meets Pete, his newly assigned tutor, he realizes that maybe opening up his heart again isn't so bad after all.Highest ranking 🏅16/12/2022 - #1 bible24/12/2022 - #1 biblebuild17/12/2022 - #1 thaibl© credits to the respective owners for their pictures and characters used in this fanfiction.…
Bible have a crush on Apo...Without Bible knowing.. Apo also have a crush on Bible ... Will Apo and Bible are able to confess their feelings towards each other or keep it to themselves?…
After a breakup Bible gets drunk and has a one night stand with a random person, and the person turns out to be an enigma.…
A compilation of MileBible AUs Written by @flipthatcoinbij…