Księga Bestii

Księga Bestii

3,455 313 6

W obecnych czasach wiele rzeczy traktowanych jest powierzchownie. Wiara odeszła na drugi plan, niewytłumaczalne zostało zbyte wzruszeniem ramion, a dawnym zagrożeniom, które przodkom wszystkich kultur nie dawały spać po nocach, przypisano etykietę bezsensownych mitów i legend, tylko z rzadka wspominając o nich w bajkach.Właśnie dlatego, kiedy pradawne wierzenia po setkach lat na powrót zyskują namacalną postać i zagrażają współczesnemu porządkowi, którym rządzi zapomnienie, niewiele osób wie, co się dzieje, a jeszcze mniej jest w stanie pomóc.I aby nie narażać bliskich, naprawiając śmiertelne błędy swoich poprzedników, będą musieli działać za maskami./!\A takie tam wiecie: przemoc, brutalne opisy, krew, możliwe niecenzuralne słowa itd. Miłego czytania!…

True Bestiis

True Bestiis

200 28 6

Thanks to @cottontailMorlace for this pretty cover page.…

The Game: Who's Dying First..?

The Game: Who's Dying First..?

16 5 4

4 Friends at a sleepover... 4 Friends Vs.. A Person..Thing..or Something Else?…

Lion Guard Ships

Lion Guard Ships

62,093 814 147

All Lion Guard ships that I know of.…

Astrológicamente Compatibles

Astrológicamente Compatibles

10,562 794 14

Toca crecer... y con este cambio vienen nuevas inquietudes. Lo sucedido durante su niñez le hace a Kion cuestionarse sobre su destino con esa leona que vio en sueños. ¿Qué significan sus sueños realmente? ¿Qué representa Tiifu en su vida?…



7,615 902 9

Karishma shows to the world that she is very ruthless,stonehearted personshe doesn't care about anyone......But why does she act like this?…

Cursed ~ CZ

Cursed ~ CZ

1,121 70 27

V okolí Vylkemu, vesnice, kde jediným zpestřením života jsou mýty o upírech, drby a jarmarky, začnou záhadně umírat lidé. Najednou je ve vesnici chaos a hledá se viník. Může to být kdokoliv a cokoliv... Divoká zvěř, drak, nadměrné požití alkoholu, zapomenutí se v lese, anebo nakonec oni upíři?A co teprve, když jedna obyvatelka Vylkemu začne slýchat opakující se větu, které vůbec nerozumí...…



15,910 1,609 11

Short story…

killer & Ținta s-a - Jakehoon ✅

killer & Ținta s-a - Jakehoon ✅

836 118 35

Sunghoon este un ucigaș profesionist. El este minunat în toate: urmărirea țintei sale fără a fi observat, găsirea rapidă a informațiilor și uciderea în liniște ... dar pentru un lucru nu era pregătit și care se îndrăgostea de următoarea sa țintă."Sunghoon? Pot să te întreb ceva?" Spuse Jaeyoon."Da, sigur.""Mă iubești?" Sunghoon a făcut ochii mari."Da, cred ..." Jaeyoon îl întrerupse."Atunci dovedeste-o."!Avertizare!Conține:- un pic de înjurături- Capitole cu rating M-Acesta este doar un fanfiction, ceea ce înseamnă că totul este inventat. Nu este făcut să ofenseze niciun membru al ENHYPEN, în special Shim Jaeyoon și Park Sunghoon. Este creat pentru distracție și divertisment pentru expeditorii noștri Jakehoon-…

For You

For You

17,631 2,521 26

For YouBased on Love and friendshipFour friends, four lives, yet one decision.Four different people whom fate made meet each other and have to move in the same flat for their studies. Each one is different from the other yet they become best of friends.Swara is a bold, carefree girl. Ragini is an extreme feminist. Sanskar is full of passion and life. Laksh is cautious and reserved.Time made their bond so stronger that they were best friends. Each one was fighting from the demon of their past. Their friendship binds them together.But one mess changed their lives.Will they stick together or fall apart?#97 as on 25.07.17…

Prerish || What it should have been

Prerish || What it should have been

78,661 3,409 34

This is basically a fan fiction based on the love story of Prerna Sharma and Rishab bajaj from the very undeserving but famous show Kasauti Zindagi kay 2 (don't mind my spelling I don't think anyone know the correct oneA). Well I hated the way they ended the character first time so I am trying to continue the story after the accident of Anurag by Mr Bajaj. In this story Mr bajaj is not guilty and I am trying to move forward the story like that.…

Just Ride

Just Ride

59,350 1,337 39

This is the second book with FF7 and FF8 for Domlee! Enjoy my Fasters! Please read Let's Take a Little Ride first.Book 1: Let's Take A Little RideBook 2: Just Ride…

Fake Girlfriend // E.G.D

Fake Girlfriend // E.G.D

62,625 465 29

[inspired by to all the boys ive loved before]Ethans girlfriend broke up with him , Ethan was so devasted so he turned to his girl bestfriend and asked her if she would be his fake girlfriend just to get back with his ex.…

Ninjago: An Icy Destiny (A Ninjago AU)

Ninjago: An Icy Destiny (A Ninjago AU)

1,416 72 49

Zane's silence has become unsettling, his behaviour increasingly erratic, raising the suspicions of the Ninja. Haunted by the trauma of his experiences in the Never-Realm, he grapples with the weight of his PTSD. Compounding the tension, a sinister force has resurfaced, resurrecting long-forgotten adversaries. As hidden truths come to light, alliances will shift, and new enemies will emerge. This marks the Ninja's most perilous journey to date.…

13 Reasons Why

13 Reasons Why

322,648 3,351 14

just a load of shitty imagines :)…



246 23 2

I know there's somebody who loves meSomebody who really loves meAnd that's all I need…

Unexpressed Love

Unexpressed Love

10,063 603 15

Meeting the right person at wrong time hurts. But what hurts more is meeting them again and being unable to express love that still persist in heart. This is story of Prerna Sharma's unexpressed love for his ex Anurag Basu.…

Il Mio Amore

Il Mio Amore

94,547 2,196 13

And to love in this wild world,Is the bravest thing you could ever do.The Cullen family needs help, they need witnesses of their own to protect their members. One of those witnesses? None other than the daughter of the Volturi, a girl that rebelled against her fathers and wants nothing to do to them.Elisabetta finds Carlisle and accepts to help him with his situation, not knowing the surprises in store for her. Friendships bloom where none have before, love grows in a heart thought uncapable of love. Life moves forward when the normal is to hide in the shadows. Now, it's time to come into the light and fight for what's really important in life.…

The Bestfriends(KarEena)

The Bestfriends(KarEena)

40,404 2,516 42

This story is of our fav show Madam SirThis story is only on made of our KarEena's bonding❤For more just peep into in story....…

drarry one-shots

drarry one-shots

121,807 1,780 131

drarry-one shots…