I'm Dying For Your Love
I know the guy on the cover is Logan Lerman but I couldn't think of anyone else for this part and besides he looks damn sexy ;DI'm Dying For Your Love is a love story between Nodekah Wilson and Luke Bryson.Nodekah is a gorgeous girl who will never believe it. Long, flowy crimson hair. Emerald green eyes. Pale complexition. She's a short 17 year old girl who loses all hope when her parents die in a fire back in California. She moves to Salem, Oregon to live with her crazy Aunt Milicent who she comes to find out was never so crazy after all. What will she do when she finds out she's a powerful vampire witch hybrid, the only one in existence, that can cease the almost never ending war between the underworld creatures? What will she do when she realizes she's fallen in love with the boy she despises most, Luke Bryson?Luke Bryson is your tall, dark handsome 18 year old. He's the mayor's son who happens to be in a long line of powerful werewolves. He wants nothing more than for Nodekah to love him. But her cruel remarks to him send him over the edge and he does whatever he can to control himself from turning right there in front of her and ripping her throat out. He comes to find out that he only wants to kill her because she's his only natural born enemy, the vampire witch hybrid which is refered to as the Lynch. She's the only one alive known. But will he overcome that and help her fight the battle she was born to stop?Read to find out:)…