Hidden Potential

Hidden Potential

36 2 1

The tale of the Boy-who-Lived has been retold dozens and dozens of times, the name Harry Potter going down in legend. However, the one story that has never been told was of the Girl with Two Lives. Two days after the Dark Lord's defeat, Hagrid finds a young girl wailing on the shores of the Great Lake by the greenhouse. With no parents or relatives to speak of, she is adopted by the formidable Potions Master, Severus Snape. Growing up in a world of isolation and strict discipline, every act governed by her father's rules and expectations with her existence seen as classified information, Leilani Snape-Prince is an enigma. Not even Dumbledore knew much about her. Day in, day out, she studied, getting tested and quizzed at the behest of her father, expected to be nothing less than excellent. Summers were the same. All work and no play made Leilani a very dull girl. A question burned in the back of the staff's mind: How did a one-year-old girl end up on Hogwarts' grounds?[Alternate version of A Cold Heart Warmed: Severus Snape's Daughter]…

The Fallen Angel

The Fallen Angel

10 2 2

He had fallen to far into the multiverse after a prank horribly gone wrong. "I didn't think that it would break his wing!""It was an accident!""This wasn't ment to happen!""Please forgive us!" The angels pleaded to their god."ENOUGH!" A loud thundering voice spoke up, anger and malicious intent in his raspy voice. "You did not think that his wings would have broken? Do you not think of the consequences? It was an "accident"? I knew that you were jealous of how easily he had leveled up to legendary, but it is only AFTER something goes wrong and you are to blame that you beg for forgiveness? This is not the first discretion that you have been the cause to. All for the same reason."the God took a deep breath, trying to calm his anger. "I have had enough of this. I knew that it was a bad idea to let someone so easily frustrated and envious into my domain. You have caused the disappearance of ten angels and the death of one, which could more than likely be two by now. I am sending you to down. Know that it was your fault that led to your downfall. All of you. You will be going down to Lucifer. I did not want to do this but you have push my hand." A shaking was felt all over The world they resided in. An aura of dread was felt, it was mixed with confusion, pity, and some happiness. They knew what was about to happen. The angels knew that others were to become fallen. They also knew that there had to be a reason for what was happening so some were happy that those who were causing trouble were gone. All the way to the underneath.…

What is the best weight loss diet

What is the best weight loss diet

1 0 1

The best weight loss diet is one that is balanced, sustainable, and tailored to your individual needs and preferences. Here are some popular options:Mediterranean Diet: This diet emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, and healthy fats like olive oil. It's rich in nutrients and has been linked to weight loss and reduced risk of chronic diseases.Low-Carb Diet: Cutting back on carbohydrates, particularly refined carbs like white bread and sugary snacks, can help promote weight loss by reducing insulin levels and appetite. Examples include the Atkins diet and ketogenic diet.Low-Fat Diet: Limiting fat intake, especially saturated and trans fats, can lead to weight loss. Focus on lean proteins, whole grains, and plenty of fruits and vegetables.Plant-Based Diet: A plant-based diet emphasizes whole, minimally processed foods derived from plants. It can be effective for weight loss due to its high fiber content and lower calorie density.Intermittent Fasting: This eating pattern involves cycling between periods of fasting and eating. Common methods include the 16/8 method (fasting for 16 hours and eating within an 8-hour window) or alternate-day fasting.Calorie Restriction: Simply reducing your calorie intake can lead to weight loss. This approach requires careful monitoring of portion sizes and calorie intake to ensure you're meeting your nutritional needs.DASH Diet: Originally designed to lower blood pressure, the DASH diet also promotes weight loss by emphasizing fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy products.In the end, the best diet for weight loss is one that you can follow consistently over time and that gives your body all the vital nutrients it requires. To make sure a new diet is safe and suitable for you, it's crucial to speak with a medical practitioner or qualified dietitian before beginning.…

The Kingdom & It's Realms: The Sight

The Kingdom & It's Realms: The Sight

120 17 4

Kiylee Summer-Rain Elphonze is a Venatio Noctem who has been adopted by a elvish sorceress . Venatio Noctem are Hunters of the Night, they serve the Council responsible for protecting the Kingdom's magic realms and the human world. After Kiylee's dark early childhood Kiylee's adoptive mother, Arwyn, builds up the young adult while training Kiylee to fulfill her destiny of protecting those that cannot protect themselves. As the magic in Kiylee's blood strengthens so does her usual gift known as 'the Sight,' a rare ability that gives her visions and glimpses into the future, which she soon discovers comes with a cost. At 17 Kiylee is teamed up with Jaysen Kazimir (the level headed soon to be alpha of the Kazimir werewolf pack), Brayden Ashford (a British accented Seeker who is half water fey), Joey Smith (a sarcastic and sexist hammer wielding Venatio Noctem), Kallai Mason (a flamboyant fire elf from Africa), and Zeeza Nadyezha (a spunky and wild Russian sorceress that enjoys pushing buttons and crossing lines). The strange mix of loud personalities causes trouble for the young heroin who mistrusts a lot of close knit relationships and at times people in general. As Kiylee learns to manage her abilities and people skills, she & Jaysen's team and relationship grow along with an unsettling darkness that is harming magic blooded and the Ungifted (humans).When Kiylee finds out about their connection between the legend of Noxa and Solia, the first priestesses of Dark and Light, as well as the mysterious Kirra who shares Kiylee's face, the young protagonist is forced to discoverer a strength within herself she didn't know she possessed (as well as a bizarre ability to actually get along with people and make friends). While Kiylee still questions if she is strong enough to combine the 7 elements that uphold the Kingdom & its realms, someone has to stop another great war from happening...luckily there are a handful of people by her side to help her do so.…

Back to You

Back to You

17 2 1

Clarissa Devagi pernah jatuh cinta dan patah hati. Orang yang membuatnya merasakan semua itu adalah Devan Atmaja. Devan adalah sosok playboy tampan yang digilai wanita di sekolahnya. Namun hanya ada satu wanita yang membuatnya jatuh cinta. Wanita itu adalah Clarissa Devagi atau yang biasa disapa Ica. Namun tanpa dia sangka-sangka wanita itu berani memutuskannya. Pengkhianatan yang dilakukan oleh Devan membuat Ica bertekad untuk melupakan Devan. Ica berfikir bahwa ia pantas mendapatkan laki-laki yang setia. Setelah bertahun-tahun lamanya ternyata jarak dan waktu tidak melunturkan cinta mereka. Sejak pertemuan pertama kembali mereka, Devan bertekad untuk menjadikan Ica miliknya kembali. Apakah usaha Devan berhasil? Mampukah Ica melupakan Devan?Hari itu Ica tengah berbincang-bincang dengan Zara, rekannya di kantor. Mereka berdua tengah mengabiskan waktu weekend mereka bersama dengan berbelanja di salah satu pusat perbelanjaan. Tiba-tiba ada ia merasakan ada sesuatu yang kenyal dan lembab menyentuh pipinya. Ia tersentak. Ketika sentuhan itu terlepas. Ia menoleh ke samping, dan betapa kagetnya dia akan siapa sosok yang ada di hadapannya. Yah, sosok dihadapannya ini adalah sosok yang ingin ia hindari di hidupnya. Sosok yang membuatnya jatuh cinta dan patah hati secara bersamaan. ***"Apa kabar Honey? Aku merindukanmu". Sosok laki-laki tersebut mengucapkannya dengan senyum begitu menawan dan mata berbinar cerah. Icapun tersadar akan keterkejutannya, ia segera menutup mulutnya yag terbuka akibat keterkejutannya. Ica berdehem untuk mentralkan suaranya. "Maaf, anda salah orang. Saya tidak mengenal anda". Laki-laki itu terlihat menggeram kesal. "Yakin Baby tidak ingat aku kekasihmu?" kata-kata laki-laki tersebut."Maaf tuan, saya benar-benar tidak mengenal anda". Ica segera menyeret Zara yang masih belum tersadar dari keterkejutannya meninggalkan tersebut.…

Falling Erother'hi (Moira Mercia) - ON HOLD

Falling Erother'hi (Moira Mercia) - ON HOLD

259 57 21

(Updates every Saturday)I never wanted to be part of a prophecy, shackled to fate, yet here I am, standing next to the king. I feel out of place, I miss my home, but I know there is only one way out of here, and that is forward. ~~~~~ Moira Mercia has always been a normal girl, up until she wasn't. During the festivities that take place on Pyre night, the birth of her powers took place, making her hair float and her skin shine like stars. Once her true abilities are shown to the world, it is only a matter of time until the capital hears about her existence and sends for her, taking her to the castle. ~~~~~ "Mummy! Daddy!" I scream, thrashing around, trying to make the bulky man let go of me. Tears are streaming down my face as I dig my nails into the man's back, pulling at his shirt, thrashing my arms around, anything to get him to put me down. "Let me go!" I scream, my vision blurry. ~~~~~ Join Moira as she embarks on a journey of betrayal, love and self-growth, navigating through the perils of life at court as a young farm-girl, the danger of the unknown and the risks she must take in order to make sure there is a future for the kingdom.Started: 05.12.20Finished: ...…

Death Of Hug

Death Of Hug

78 1 1

"Jangan mencoba untuk memelukku, jika kau tidak ingin tahu akan seperti apa kau akan meninggal." Sebuah kecelakaan mobil membuatnya mendapatkan takdir mengerikan itu. Makhluk bernama Thanatos memberikan sebuah takdir bahwa Taehyung akan koma hingga akhir hayatnya, namun seorang perempuan bernama Jiu yang menjadi saksi atas kejadian mengerikan itu meminta untuk memberikan takdir yang baik untuk Taehyung karena Taehyung selalu menolongnya ketika di dibully oleh teman-temannya. Tanpa sepengetahun Taehyung Jiu melakukan sebuah perjanjian dengan Thanatos agar Taehyung lolos dari takdir Taehyung yang akan koma sampai akhir hayatnya. Thanatos pun menyetujuinya dengan syarat Jiu dan Taehyung harus membantunya kembali ketempat seharusnya. Karena perjanjian itu, Thanatos memberikan takdir pelukan kematian pada Taehyung sebagai penebus takdir sebelumnya. Takdir pelukan kematian itu dapat dia ubah dengan cara menyampaikan tujuh pesan jiwa yang sudah meninggal dan masih terikat dengan urusan dunia. Namun, semua itu tidak mudah, masalah muncul ketika Jiu kehilangan jejak Taehyung karena Taehyung pergi keluar negeri. Beberapa tahun kemudian mereka berada disekolah yang sama, namun mereka tidak saling mengenal karena saat itu mereka masih sama-sama kecil ketika bertemu, dan saat dewasa perubahan besar terjadi pada penampilan mereka. Jiu yang dulu gemuk menjadi kurus dan sedikit lebih cantik. begitupun dengan Taehyung, dia sangat tampan ketika kecil dan agak chubby, saat menginjak usia 18 tahun dia semakin tampan dan tirus.Lambat laun Jiu akhirnya sadar bahwa Taehyung yang sangat populer disekolahnya itu adalah Taehyung yang dia cari selama ini. Bagimana mereka akan menyelesaikan perjanjian mereka dengan Thanatos sebelum takdir Taehyung yang sesungguhnya datang?…

Roblox Bedwars CHATFIC

Roblox Bedwars CHATFIC

209 4 4

Wowee Nomi wrote another fic????lolol vaguely based off of my own class GC XD (aaaand another gc . and my dms wit elix.)** Immortal/Godlike kits GCCharacters + their usersPyro: Pyr0maniacAdetunde: ice ice bby!! - STOP - #1 Pyro stranglerInfernal Shielder: infernal shielder :)Aery: mm butterfly soupKaliyah: i punch children - Kal ^_^Zephyr: ZephyrNyx: the darkFreiya: Ice cat lady lolBarbarian: Sword but roblox bedwars - BARBIE LOLAres: AresLumen: LumenEmber: Delicious eyeballIgnis: I'm a guyElektra: Boom!Caitlyn: RabiesTerra: BlockKickerCrypt: NecromancerEldric: EldricWarden: warndenrVoid Regent: Not BanHammerStella: Starz :3-- (SHORTASSES)Vulcan - VuvuCyber - CryberArcher - Archer ;PBuilder - Builder-- (most kits i think)Alchemist - alcoholicAxolotl Amy - GET IN THE VANBaker - bread loverBeekeeper Beatrix - beaBounty Hunter - big boobCobalt - Charging portCogsworth - STOP BREAKING MY ROBOTSConqueror - father figureDino Tamer Dom - Dom(inant)Drill - YOU KNOW THE DRILL (HI)Evelynn - spirit assassinFarmer Cletus - CletusFisherman - ThomasFlora - bee grenadesFortuna - jester? more like ZESTerFreiya - ice katFrosty - stick dick.Gingerbread Man - gingerGompy - vacuum sealedGrim Reaper - death themselfHannah - h*nnah :(Jade - green gemLani - LaniLassy - rope children simulatorLian - ~ LianLucía - candy addictionLyla - i like flowers a lotMelody - Mel!Merchant Marco - MarcoMetal Detector - metal dedicktorMilo - give me ur moneyNoelle - ~Noelle! 💚Raven - I like birds a lotSheep Herder - sheep herderSheila - • 💙🩵 Sheila 💜🩷Sigrid - i love my elk (Sigrid)Smoke - cigarettes are bad for ur heaSpirit Catcher - cathTaliyah - chicken named pookieTrapper - hiUmbra - hat manUmeko - umeHOEVanessa - ~Vanessa 💜Whim - whimWhisper - ~WhisperYamini - YAMINIYuzi - fish eggZenith - ZenithZeno - old man…

Ms. Nerdy meets Mr. Badboy

Ms. Nerdy meets Mr. Badboy

25 0 2

A 18 year old girl name Summer Smith who is a first freshman year at the Stanford University, with her bestie name Jenny Lopez who is a supportive, loyal and funny friend. Summer was living in her own apartment while her father was living in their house.Summer was Kind, Cute and Smart like a crazy genius. Last year, She was a highest honor student in her class and she's in Top 1. Her bestie and her father was proud of what she had achieve. She wasn't really proud of herself of becoming a honor student and Top 1 on class because of a popular girl (a.k.a the most popular girl) name Violet Salvador and her other bestie (a.k.a her minion) name Amber Gonzales. The both of them like to bullied the students by their looks and thier personality especially me because of my looks and my smartness turns me to nerd. They bullied Summer in the past until today, Summer thought to herself "How worse could I get?" Summer spoke too soon because Mr. Badboy is coming to cause a big bad mess in her life? Or he will let Summer's heart to fall for him. Is Mr. Badboy really a bad person or there is a reason he's acting like it. You probably wonder why I didn't announce Summer's mother... well Summer had horrible past and that past had something to do with her mother disappearance. If you want to find out you have to read this story, I hope you like it!!…

Bloodstained Blessings

Bloodstained Blessings

45 0 2

Lyla took more beer into her mouth swallowing it down with a loud gulp. She looked me straight in the eye and got closer, inches from my face and began to whisper, "So legend says he's somewhere in that house. All ya have to do is find the door and by some miracle get inside. He'll be there they say, and once you find him, lie a rose over his body and he will come back to life. Even better, he will be servant to said person." I was frozen for a couple seconds not really knowing what to say. This was more than absurd this was crazy. Lyla was way passed buzzed or tipsy she was flat out wasted. I burst out laughing trying to hold back tears. My best Friend has officially lost it. "What's so funny? Ya think I'm makin' all this up?!" She yelled at me clearly frustrated that her so called dramatic story had the exact opposite effect on me that she was hoping for. "Lyla there's no way any of that's true. It's just not possible, ya really need to stop listenin' to the bullshit people keep feedin' ya." I said trying to get my calm back. "It is too real!" She growled. "Yea as real as my pet unicorn Lyla." I retort letting out another bubble of laughter. "Fine if you think this is all some kinda BS joke then you wouldn't mind goin' down to ol' Castro Manor and checkin' it out yourself?" She stated, bringing my laughter to an abrupt halt. She smiled knowing she had gotten to me. "Yea," I responded, acting as if it was no big deal, "I'll even bring a rose."…

Tide of Temptation

Tide of Temptation

2 0 1

In the quaint seaside town of Serenity Cove, where the crashing waves hide as many secrets as they reveal, a group of friends stumbles upon an enigma washed ashore. A glimmering object, alluring and mysterious, beckons from the sandy expanse, sparking a chain of events that will test the bonds of friendship and the limits of desire.Among them is Ivy, a spirited young woman drawn to the object's magnetic pull. But what begins as a curious adventure swiftly turns perilous as strange occurrences plague the group. Whispers of ancient legends resurface, tales of a sea creature with the power to grant wishes but at a devastating cost.As the group unravels the truth behind the artifact, they find themselves ensnared in a web of temptation and treachery. Emily, haunted by visions of the creature and its tantalizing promises, must navigate a dangerous path where every choice comes with a price.Caught between her growing attraction to Alexander, a brooding newcomer with secrets of his own, and the allure of the artifact's power, Ivy faces an impossible decision. With each passing tide, the stakes rise higher, and the line between reality and myth blurs.As the town's dark past collides with its uncertain future, "Tide of Temptation" is a gripping tale of love, betrayal, and the seductive pull of the unknown. Can Ivy resist the siren's call and protect her friends, or will the tide of temptation sweep them all into a fate they cannot escape?Prepare to be swept away in this thrilling blend of mystery, romance, and the uncharted depths of the heart, where the tides of destiny hold both peril and promise.…

PMD Pure Spark: Rise of the Legend

PMD Pure Spark: Rise of the Legend

97 14 3

The so called "Time Catastrophe" that threatens to paralyze the world is finally stopped by the mysterious human girl from the future transformed into a Pokémon and her partner Grovyle. But such deed is paid with their lives, making them disappear.Forever gone from this world, but never forgotten...Treasure Town,5 years later:Peace and serenity have once again flourished since time resumed its normal flow. The world slowly continues to recover its pieces, gradually becoming more and more stable and healing its wounds.Are we sure that an earthquake, however powerful, is only a passing phenomenon? Sparx, young and determined leader of Team Spark, the best apprentice team in the Guild, is not exactly convinced...Thus began their personal adventure, where they'll grow, discover more than they could have imagined about themselves... and where they'll have to deal with the harsh reality of having a huge weight on their little shoulders...≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈Greetings, newcomer. Author here.So, this is the rewrite (and both translation and readaptation) of my first story ever written in 2016. Despite the changes, expect a really old-style story because, well... it's old. At the same time, this is only the beginning of a still ongoing series, and I don't have the heart to change things I'm too affectionate to in spite of more originality or stuff. As you may see, English is not my primary language. Feel free to give feedback on that too!With the hope to meet you again,~Nameless…