Tags: bbb20love
Repescagem - Manny

Repescagem - Manny

1,764 88 5

Se você pudesse voltar no tempo ou a uma situação, como reagiria? Faria tudo de novo? Escolheria as mesmas pessoas? Tomaria as mesmas decisões? Seria mais racional ou emocional? Bom, a Anny teve a oportunidade de voltar, não no tempo, mas para a casa mais vigiada do Brasil. Como será que isso se desenrolou?…

A Babá- Yasnessa

A Babá- Yasnessa

1,901 225 7

Depois de alguns anos de um casamento perturbado, a esposa de Yasmin pede divórcio e vai embora, a deixando com duas crianças para criar.O que resta para a empresária que nunca tinha sido boa com crianças? Contratar uma babá.Vanessa Lopes.Uma adaptação de (missluthorr)…

Big Brother Imagines (REQUESTS OPEN)

Big Brother Imagines (REQUESTS OPEN)

71,454 898 169

Imagines about some of the Big Brother players. I do pretty much any season. Requests are open! No smut. Most requested: Cody (Seasons 16 & 22)Brett (Season 20) Derek X (Season 23) Joseph (Season 24) Pooch (Season 24) Enjoy :)…

Bully in Love(Sariette)

Bully in Love(Sariette)

47,185 4,095 26

Juliette foi intimada por Sarah desde seu segundo ano no ensino médio. Mas agora, como seniores, o que ela vai fazer quando ela descobrir a verdade por trás do comportamento de Sarah para ela?RECADO: A historia original pertence a @LeideeD, estou apenas adaptando pra versão Sariette. todos os direitos para a autora original.…

Short Fic - Sariette

Short Fic - Sariette

5,091 305 7

Série de capítulos únicos de sariette…

To Belong

To Belong

1,979 166 14

Será que o destino dará uma nova chance a Gizelly e Marcela? Duas pessoas que se amam são mesmo predestinadas a ficarem juntas?…

unknown love- sariette

unknown love- sariette

62,199 4,786 51

unknown love- sarietteSarah após ser vítima de uma trolagem de uma conta famosa no Twitter em que consiste em vazar seu número, Juliette acaba mandando mensagem para a mesma na intenção de brincar com a situação. Porém nenhum dos dois imaginaria que algo que mudaria as suas vidas poderia acontecer -vi essa fic e acho ela mega interessante, então caso tenha lido pfv sem spoiler!! Espero que gostem.Para a fic ficar mais realista irei colocar fotos e prints dos personagens conversando.Ib: @babydavirginia…

Big Brother 20 Imagines

Big Brother 20 Imagines

45,392 604 16

Big Brother Imagines for season 20!…



77,690 6,451 37

Juliette é uma estelionatária que passou os últimos anos dando golpes milionários por todo o mundo, mas tudo muda quando ela assume a personalidade de Júlia, uma arquiteta que vive no RJ e acaba se apaixonando por Sarah, a esposa de sua próxima vítima. A loira é uma madame que dedica a vida aos filhos e os bons costumes, ao marido, o empresário do ramo imobiliário Lucas Viana e a servir como espelho de família perfeita para a sociedade carioca.…

Love is pain - Rabia

Love is pain - Rabia

1,847 165 4

Rafaella foi obrigada a deixar sua namorada, sem poder ao menos se explicar ou dizer adeus....Bianca nunca entendeu por que o amor de sua vida a abandou.....…



107,690 4,129 21

The world is a cruel place filled with secrets, danger, andlies. After losing her entire pack in a deadly assassination, one rarehalf-breed wolf is left to cope alone. To make matters worse, she's forced tojoin an infamous group of ruthless, lethal rogues and act as nothing more thana well-trained weapon. She's cold, detached, and one incredibly fearlessdaredevil. Though nothing in this tortured half-breed's life seems to go asplanned and she'll soon figure out that life doesn't have to be a solitarybattle. Through death defying wars, falling in love, and sacrificingeverything she has ever known, this little half-breed has finally chosen totake hold of her life. Lose yourself and become 'Entwined' in the endless threads ofsecrets.[VIDEO TRAILER AVAILABLE IN SIDEBAR]…

Wildest Dream

Wildest Dream

575 87 27

[2nd Artbook 2019-2020]Welcome back to my 2nd artbook, 'Wildest Dream'. I hope you enjoy your stay.Warning: Do not stoop to the same level as the prisoners. You have been warned.…

Psycho Mafia: BBB2

Psycho Mafia: BBB2

8,599 598 9

People with soft heart are strictly warned not to read it. It will contain abusive, psycho, obsessive, possessive, ruthless, heartless Mafia King, Anirudh Roy Chaudhary and innocent, stubborn, soft but strong Bondita Das.…

Thoughts of you

Thoughts of you

22 3 1

a poem about love ,pain ,happiness and hatred.…



199,470 9,487 32

"How could something so incredibly wrong, feel so right?"Ivory (Ivy) Taylor has the perfect life. She's a senior in high school, she's captain of the cheer team, has wonderful friends, and the perfect boyfriend. Oh? And by the way, those of which are all full-fledge werewolves. In fact, her perfect boyfriend also happens to be her mate or so that's what she, as a regular human, was told. Thus, Ivy is a human living in the midst's of the wolf world and is expected to one day become Luna of an incredibly powerful pack. However...what happens when Adam Grey, a distant nephew of the rival pack, becomes rightful Alpha after his uncle unexpectedly passes in a mysterious tragedy? More importantly though, the impossible occurs when he suddenly spots Ivy and undoubtedly realizes she's his mate, his everything. If that wasn't enough to fuel a fire filled with lies, deception, love, and vicious battles there also seems to be something, or more someone, watching Ivory from within the shadows. Ivory is just an ordinary human girl, surrounded by extraordinary creatures and soon, without even having time to realize it, everything will suddenly... CLASH.…

Новая жизнь


24,320 1,575 19

"His eyes told a story I was yet to understand but... one I felt destined to discover."Living a solitary life is one of the many things Grace Mayfeild has become accustomed to while living on a farm in a small, southern town. She's quiet, reserved, and often more absorbed in her own thoughts than the world around her. Yet, her mind isn't only a place to escape to but also where bleak, looming thoughts seem to draw her into dark places. So, as it seems, Grace lives in a very still world where exhilaration is rare and hopeful thoughts are unreachable. Yet... alike a rubber band held quivering between two outstretched fingers, Grace's still world is on the brink of an alarming snap. When she's faced with a single choice to test her un-awakened bravery, everything will change. Moreover, each choice she makes will begin to draw her into an unknown and frankly, unbelievable world of power, enchantment, and... love. Grace Mayfeild is about to realize that nothing is as it seems and defining moments in your life come without warning - but certainly reason.…



2,845 93 6

Gizelly e Ivy são duas participantes do Big Brother Brasil que se descobrem apaixonadas dentro da casa e precisam aprender a lidar com esse amor no meio do jogo. GIVY…

Life After Losing You

Life After Losing You

317,616 13,716 30

Loss. The loss of a loved one can destroy you, consume you, and make you forget there is still a life to be lived - yours. Sophia Jameson lived an extraordinary simple life. That is, until she lost the most important person in her life. Crippled by the weight of depression and anxiety, Sophia has ruled herself out of ever getting close to anyone again. After being ruled unstable both mentally and physically, she finds herself shipped away to the quiet and quaint beach town of Mukilteo, Washington. Instead of embracing the change, Sophia shuts down and continues to pass through life in a comatose state. However, as she has sadly come to know, life does not always go as planned. Without having a moment to realize it, Sophia falls into the arms of the unexpected townsfolk of Mukilteo. In a story of love, friendship, and family, Sophia Jameson stumbles into an incredible journey, resulting in self-discover and most of all, forgiveness. Follow Sophia and embrace life in the tear-jerking, heart throbbing teen romance, Life After Losing You.…

eterna quarentena

eterna quarentena

61 1 1

Felipe participou da edição 20 de Big Brother Brasil, onde foi um dos participantes mais polêmicos e que de certa forma, movimentava a casa. Além disso, sempre demonstrou admiração por Rafael, vencedor da 8ª edição do programa e nunca escondeu ser um grande fã dele - tendo então chamado a atenção do próprio Rafael enquanto acompanhava o programa. Em um paredão histórico, Felipe é eliminado e com os passar dos dias tem contato com Rafael - que ainda assim demonstrou tamanho interesse e também admiração pelo participante desde então - formando um laço forte e diferente, mesmo que em tempos de pandemia e mesmo que em tempos de quarentena; por meio de videochamadas e mensagens de texto. Por fim, a atração entre ambos é no mínimo, curiosa.…