save my soul : k.m.

save my soul : k.m.

27,299 658 57

you picked the wrong side, girl.Book Two of 'Save My Soul.'…

Sterek Tumblr Shorts

Sterek Tumblr Shorts

8,597 468 10

These are all unrelated teen wolf shorts I wrote on tumblr. Most of these are AUs and I'll put what type in the chapter title.…

The Legitimate Daughter Doesn't Care!

The Legitimate Daughter Doesn't Care!"IND" END

24,563 1,983 89

*TERJEMAHAN BY GOOGLE TRANSLATE*Author(s)墨西柯Status in COO93 Chapters (Complete)SinopsisAda skandal besar di keluarga Mu. Putri asli keluarga Mu digantikan oleh pengasuh sejak dia masih kecil. Keluarga Mu tidak membawanya kembali dari pedesaan hingga 17 tahun kemudian! Setelah putri sejati kembali - Tidak ada kasih sayang, hanya simpati. Orang tua keluarga Mu bertanya kepadanya, "Kami memiliki hubungan yang dalam dengan Yaoyao. Kami tidak bisa membiarkan dia kehilangan muka. Kami hanya dapat mengumumkan Anda sebagai putri adopsi ke dunia luar. Anda tidak akan menyalahkan kami, bukan? " Tunangannya juga mengatakan, "Tunanganku hanya bisa Yaoyao! Keluar dari sini, anak kampung. " Sikap kakaknya, Mu Qingyi bahkan lebih rumit. Namun terlepas dari semua itu, putri asli, Xu Xinduo, berkata dengan acuh tak acuh, "Itu tidak masalah." *** Dari usia muda Xu Xinduo bisa bertukar tubuh dengan seorang remaja tertentu. Remaja itu akan selalu berseru dengan nada kesal, "Ayo beralih tubuh, aku hanya tidak merasa ingin mengambil pelajaran piano. Xu Xinduo membantu remaja itu memenangkan berbagai trofi, menjadi siswa top dan mengasah temperamen dan bakatnya yang mulia setelah mengambil alih tubuhnya. *** Pada jamuan makan malam, semua orang di keluarga Mu menyaksikan seorang tuan muda yang kaya berjalan menuju Xu Xinduo dan berkata, "Jadilah pacarku, meskipun kamu berasal dari keluarga kecil ... kamu sangat cantik." Dengan senyum Xu Xinduo menjawab, "Saya sudah mulai merindukan orang tua saya." Perubahan sikap yang begitu cepat ?! Kisah romantis putri sungguhan yang acuh tak acuh x tuan muda yang lalim kaya kotor…

Pause (Published)

Pause (Published)

15,776,224 403,926 59

#1 Humor P A U S E 'Moments of hesitation make us human.' ~ Aqueela Lawson 'Moments of hesitation make us weak.' ~ Jay Taylor *~**~* Aqueela, a dreamer and comedian at heart, has just one joyous vision - to transform lives through the mere power of friendship, friendships so solid that they last a lifetime. However, Jay, pessimistic by nature, is convinced that friends are overrated, and that Aqueela is nothing short of a whackjob with an idealistic perspective on the world. It would seem that he wants nothing to do with her. Nonetheless, blood isn't always thicker than water. Friends can become your family. And so as one after the other begin to share in Aqueela's vision, Jay has no choice but to bend his own views in order to see the world through her eyes. Join Aqueela, and said family, on many adventures that are bound to leave you laughing, gasping for breath, as they discover the true meaning of friendship together in one single pause on life.…

oneshots. [dsmp/chuckle sandwich/others]

oneshots. [dsmp/chuckle sandwich/others]

785 5 11

a collection of soft and mainly fluffy oneshots of the dsmp.aka: i needed a place to get these soft thoughts out hrfujidk…

Liebe aus Internet.

Liebe aus Internet.

13,318 278 46

Ein Mädchen namens Suela machte Facebook auf. So schön wie sie war hatte sie schon ein paar Freundschaftsanfragen bekommen. Die meisten waren nur Jungs. Sie war nicht so interissiert doch einen Jungen nahm sie an. Dieser schrieb sie an ...... Wen du weiter lesen möchtest dann sag ich dir jetzt viel spass neuer Leser!❤️…

rewind writing comp 2018!!

rewind writing comp 2018!!

755 44 5

entries for 'rewind' by @cj_adler.i had so much fun writing these and i hope you enjoy them!!…

Hot Lap! (Pause Spin-Off, Completed)

Hot Lap! (Pause Spin-Off, Completed)

308,355 21,534 21

"Racing because football, baseball, bowling and golf only require one ball." ~ Anonymous *~* As an illegal street racer, he'd grown accustomed to having just about the entire female species hot on his heels. But then along came sweet Emma. It wasn't her laugh.It wasn't her smile. It wasn't even her appearance.It was when she walked away from him. That's when he found himself undeniably hooked.*****#83 Humor…

Fast Forward

Fast Forward

323,437 14,609 53

# F A S T F O R W A R D 'Finding your feet isn't as difficult when you're surrounded by the people you love.' Aqueela Lawson *~**~* The klutz and her blue-eyed boy have finally managed to get over their first hurdle of life, but what about all the other hurdles waiting for them? Once again, the tight-knit family, Lawson's Legends, all find themselves in new places of with new challenges upon the horizon. Alone, they fail. Together, they succeed. The power of their friendship will be their strength, so says Aqueela.However, with time slipping away, dreams coming true and drastic changes being made, the squad face their biggest challenge yet: staying together.You'd think they'd learn by now. *~**~*Fast Forward into time with the family as they continue sharing in the hilarious, crazy and heart-warming moments that make up life.…

JT's Reign (Jay Taylor - Pause)

JT's Reign (Jay Taylor - Pause)

252,205 6,587 11

Ever wonder what happened to him in his three-year disappearance? 'A lot, man. A lot.' ~ Jay Taylor#13 Humor…

His Bubblegum Klutz! [#hbkcomp]

His Bubblegum Klutz! [#hbkcomp]

12,718 424 6

This is Lucy/Susie's POV. One shot for 'his bubblegum klutz' by cjustme! #HBKcomp…

Rewind (Completed)

Rewind (Completed)

7,308,072 303,276 66

#1 HumorR E W I N D'A true friendship can stand the test of trial, and a true friend inspires personal growth despite the hardships.' ~ Aqueela Lawson*~**~*The girl who brought their tightknit family together simply vanished. With it, everything came undone - friendships fell apart.But now she has returned home, and he's not too thrilled about it...The town of Burnsville has not been the same since they left. However, Aqueela Lawson's back and her friends are up in arms about her five-year disappearance. Yet, she has more pressing matters to attend to. With no valid excuse, she has no choice but to prepare herself for Jay's impending return.But just how forgiving will he be?Nonetheless, Aqueela has not come back without a new vision in mind - to rewind time and remind Jay of the real purpose of friendship.Starting right back at square one, join Jay, Aqueela, and their family, on all new wilder adventures as they journey through the tunnel of past memories, flashbacks, love, and laughter.Nothing is ever normal with this lot, nor this return.…

Christmas Crazies

Christmas Crazies

12,979 919 2

Join in on a two-in-one stroy as Bells, Maxipad, BoyBand and AJ as well as Em, Lan, Grey, Nance, Ry, Xave, Dean and Sarah celebrate their Christmas together.*Please note, this is just a short story that I've written as a 'Merry Christmas' to all of you and as a 'thank you' to all of you. This story will not be continued and is not officially part of Rewind or Pause. #295 Humor…

Nur für dich

Nur für dich

647 2 1

Das kommt bei Plichtaufgaben bei Wahrheit oder Plicht raus ^-^Hoffe es ist nicht so schlimm geworden…

Yakko as The Red Hood: Three Pumpkin Goblins chapter 2: Goblin Vs. Yakko

Yakko as The Red Hood: Three Pumpkin Goblins chapter 2: Goblin Vs. Yakko

75 0 9

It all gone down to shit... Yakko in superjail. Half the police that doesn't think Yakko a murder is fired. Dot Trying to fix the family. And Goblin has The IO business in his hands a d He has a gang called The PSYCHOS. Gary missing. Dousky is broke And Wakko mind is playing tricks on him.chapter 2/ book season 2. Goblin Vs. Yakko…



165 28 7


Fallen And Gone

Fallen And Gone

483 37 1

A small oneshot from "His Bubblegum Klutz". Characters all are from the amazing writer CJustMe.…

That Bubblegum Girl (#HBKCOMP)

That Bubblegum Girl (#HBKCOMP)

4,623 144 4

One shot story for 'HIS BUBBLEGUM KLUTZ' by @cjustme. #HBKCOMPETITION…

Why the druid can't say Yes

Why the druid can't say Yes

68 1 11

"Wenn man dich bezüglich solcher Sachen etwas fragt, sagst du nie Ja. Was ist los, Myraièn?"Die Nachtelfe umklammerte ihren Stab fester und versuchte, ihre Gefühle mit einem Lächeln zu verbergen. "Weil..."Myraièn Windsang, eine Waise in Sturmwind, wird von einem Druiden gefunden, als sie sich in der Bibliothek des Magierviertels nach einem Buch über Ysera, die Herrin der Träume, sucht.Der alte Druide adoptiert sie und bringt sie nach Darnassus, der großen Stadt der Elfen in der Krone des Weltenbaumes Teldrassil.Warum?Er will sie zu einer Druidin machen.Jahre später trifft Myraièn wieder auf ihren Menschenfreund Dyros Schattenklinge, den sie aus ihrer Zeit als Waise kennt.Sie verbringen viel Zeit miteinander, und bald macht Dyros ihr eine Liebeserklärung.Myraièn lehnt ab.Egal wann, egal wie oft Dyros fragt.Eines Tages fragt er nach dem Grund und Myraièn öffnet ihm ihr Herz.Ein Geheimnis - das sie niemandem erzählen wollte - und gleichzeitig die Vorhersage für eine bittere Katastrophe: Ein erneuter Angriff der Legion auf Azeroth.…

His Bubblegum Klutz One Shot: Confessions

His Bubblegum Klutz One Shot: Confessions

6,358 194 1

A one shot of the book, His Bubblegum Klutz, through the eyes of Jay. Jay Taylor was working at the bar. He has kept his distance from his "friends." He stops what he is doing and looks at her, His Bubblegum Klutz. Everything changes that night, because of her confession. #HBKCompOriginal story by @CJustMe One Shot by sourpatchkidmaddieDo not copy. Thank you.…