How to Survive a Shounen

How to Survive a Shounen

1,832 148 32

My Hero Academia, the shounen world where any problem, no matter how complex and morally debatable it is, can be solved with a Detroit Smash... except not really. Defeating the bad guys doesn't solve the issues that created them, and there's no way hero society is truly recovering from the absolute mess it's dug itself into over the last few centuries, so when a transmigrator is (forcefully) given the chance to enter U.A. High School alongside the main cast and help beat up, among many others, the League of Villains, Meta Liberation Army, Creature Rejection Clan, HPSC, Shie Hassaikai, Humarise, and the centuries-old demon lord LARPer himself, his response is simple and straight to the point."Are you nuts?! Screw that! I've got a few years tops until Quirk Singularity Doomsday wrecks the world and I'm preparing for it!"…

Pokémon: Indigo League

Pokémon: Indigo League

21,334 568 58

This story is the same as the original anime. My character will be on his own journey as a Trainer and will try to win the Pokémon League. (Please know that some chapters will be based on episodes from different seasons.)…

Ash the legendary pokemon trainer and master indigo league part 1 [Completed]

Ash the legendary pokemon trainer and master indigo league part 1 [Completed]

38,822 471 37

The story of the chosen one and how ash will become the pokemon master and change the life of people in pokemon life…

Kalos King- Pokemon XYZ x Male Reader

Kalos King- Pokemon XYZ x Male Reader

68,122 1,729 53

"You'll be amazing out there young one. You'll meet many new friends on your way and new companions. Now, go out there and show everyone who you are." She told me.-This is the story of one young man who repressed himself, feared that his family, who had a very high reputation to uphold, would disown him and cast him out. So he made the logical reason to run away without anyone knowing, apart from the Gym leader of Anistar City. With his trusted companion who he met in an unforgettable encounter, they set off together, for Glory.IMPORTANT NOTICES:-I DON'T OWN POKEMON! ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO GAME FREAK AND NINTENDO.-THIS IS GAY AND IS MALE READER X MALE CHARACTER-PLEASE READ THIS!…

Forca E Dashuris

Forca E Dashuris

29,956 2,425 55

Nje histori ku realiteti është ndryshe per shume njerezNje histori e mbushur me intriga dhe lakmi Nje histori ku tregon se jeta ka te papritura se jeta eshte e mbushur me surpriza qe ti as nuk i pret Ajo nje vajze e lindur ne nje familje te nje shtrese te mesme E rritur ne nje familje ku primare eshte dashuria dhe lumturia e cdo pjesëtari Esra nje studente e cila e dashuron shkollen nje vajze qe ka ambicie dhe dëshiron qe te arrij cdo qellim qe i vendos vetes Nje vajze qe asnjeher nuk dorezohet dhe mundohet qe gjithmon te jet krenaria e familjes se saj Ndersa ai i lindur ne nje familje te pasur Djali i nje nga biznesmenëve me njohur ne vend por i rritur ne nje famije ku pushteti dhe parat jan primareNe nje famije ku ka mesuar se gjithcka qe ai do behet e tija me cdo kusht Liami nje biznesmen i njohur , nje njeri i zgjuar , nje donzhuan dhe nje nga djemt qe ishte endrra e shume vajzave qe e shikonin ne rruge dhe neper cdo portal te mundshem Nje histori ku dy bote te ndryshme do te kryqezohen ne nje moment Nje histori ku ata te dy nuk kan asgje te përbashkët me njeri- tjetrin Nje histori ku do te tregoj se ateher kur mendojn se kan jetuar gjithcka kuptojn se akoma nuk kan filluar te jetojn sepse atehere do te njohin dashurin qe do ti bej edhe me te fort se me pare Ata te dy do te jen forca e njeri- tjetritPor a do te arrij dashuria e tyre t'ju bej ball te gjithe intrigave dhe kundershtimeve qe do te ken nga ata qe i rrethojnë Gjithcka varet nga ata dhe forca e tyre Gjithcka varet se sa shume do te luftojnë ata per ta mbrojtur ate dashuri ku do te jen vetme ata te dy kundra te gjitheveA do te arrij FORCA E DASHURIS te triumfoj ne fund ?…

Ash And Horizons

Ash And Horizons

55,326 938 41

Ash Ketchum has finished the world championship, but that also means he's closer to be a pokemon master.He already continue his adventure after his depart with Goh and Chloe, but he also already finished his other adventure. Ash don't know what to do after beating the championship, but it looks like Delia able to step ahead and give Ash something to do: a School life.The story will be having Ash in Pokemon Horizon, but i'll try to make Ash character better in this storyAlso Ash and Liko are 10 years old cuz some people in discord sat i should add it in description.…

How to Survive South Park

How to Survive South Park

46,515 2,103 199

A top tier South Park: Stick of Truth speedrunner gets sent into that very game, and by extension, the world of their favorite TV show by god (aka Morgan Freeman) for shits and giggles.Finding himself now in the body of the game's protagonist, New Kid, will the knowledge of the South Park superfan be enough to survive in the reality where world ending apocalypses are weekly events stopped by 10 year olds or will they crumble under the pressure and sheer absurdity of it all?Introducing the isekai victim's guide on How to Survive South Park.Reference Point: The main protagonist has been sent into South Park BEFORE Season 26 of the show came out in our reality (I started this story before said season finished), so everything up until the Streaming Wars specials is known by the main protagonist at the start of his journey.That includes the show up to season 25, the games up to Phone Destroyer, the movie, the hour-long specials up to both parts of Streaming Wars, and plenty of deleted scenes and cut content throughout all of that.The main protagonist will learn more as the story progresses, but this is what he knows at the start.You can also find this story on both Archive Of Our Own and Quotev if you prefer to view fics on those sites.…

She's mine

She's mine

38,707 685 10

As our heroes continue their journey, they have encountered Jimmy. A trainer who after battling Serena, took a very big interest in her. Although, Ash starts to feel like Serena doesn't give him attention anymore and a weird feeling shows itself in him. What will happen if Jimmy decides to stick with the gang for a while?…

Gjithçka per ty

Gjithçka per ty

46,642 2,186 48

A eshte vall dashuria aq e madhe sa te heqesh dore vetem qe ai te jet I lumtur ? Te pranosh te vuash ne heshtje dhe te qash cdo nate per mungesen e tij dhe cdo dite te jesh e detyruar te qeshesh e te besh sikur asgje nuk te intereson A mund te vazhdosh te shtiresh gjate gjithe kohes edhe kur te shohesh se ai po vazhdon jeten e tij duke menduar se ti nuk e ke dashuruar kurr A do te jet aq e fort Klea sa te perballoj sfidat e vazhdueshme qe jeta I jep? Po Enea a do te arrij te kuptoj arsyjen e vertete se perse vajza qe ai dashuronte kishte hequr dore nga ai papritur Nje histori dashurie me emocione , lot dhe dhimbje Nje dashuri qe do te kete sfida te medha , sfida te cilat do ti lodhin deri ne ate pike qe ata do te mendojn te dorzohen por qe do te jen zemrat te cilat rrahin per njera - tjetren ata qe nuk do te dorezohen kurr se luftuari per te qen bashke ....…



32,602 669 18

Paano kung ang akala mo'y masayang pagibig ay may kapalit na sakit? Pagmamahal lang ang iyong nais pero paano kung may katumbas na nakakasakal na sakit? Makakaya mo pa bang huminga kung sakal na sakal ka na sa pagibig na puno ng sakit?…

Goodbye Lucy

Goodbye Lucy

42,550 658 12

During the war of Fairy Tail vs Alvarez. This will be the "last battle "Natsu vs Zeref vs Agnologia. Lucy will discover something new during this time and she will do what ever it takes to protect the people she loves. What will happen to Lucy and Natsu???…

Pokémon Indigo League (Alternate from canon)

Pokémon Indigo League (Alternate from canon)

304,818 5,719 37

(Still don't own Pokemon or the anime)Ash Ketchum, a young boy from Pallet Town in the Kanto region starts his journey. However, some people don't think he'll be good enough because he's autistic and heterochromia. And to add insult to injury, Ash has an abusive mother, an unknown father, strange powers such as telekinesis, aura powers and some other psychic powers. Will he show the town of Pallet, Kanto and possibly the world that even people with autism can be good trainers? Maybe even contact old friends?…

Nuk mjafton vetem dashuria

Nuk mjafton vetem dashuria

14,643 1,128 44

Atehere kur mendon se cdo gje eshte ne rrugen e duhur, atehere merr goditjen me te madhe mbas shpine nga personi qe ti jep jeten..Nje histori dashurie ndrysheE cila filloi e paster si kristal dhe me kalimin e kohes u ndot nga te papriturat e jetes...Ajo Anhela Novikov vajza e bosit me te madh te mafias ruse,nje studente e shkelqyer ne Spanje teper lozonjare dhe i pelqente te shijonte jeten, por mbi te gjitha vlerat qe karakterizonin ishin te medha nje njeri me zemer te madhe dhe e ndjeshme sa po ta prekje dukej si kristal qe thyhej edhe pse ajo nuk e tregonte kete pjese por me teper ate te bishes..Jeta kishte rezervuar per te dashurine me te bukur ama do te jete po ajo dashuri e cila do ta shkateroje ne nje menyre qe ajo vet nuk do e kishte imagjinuar asnjehere...Ndersa ai Ace Fernandes nje nga biznesmenet me te suksesshem ne Spanje ama me nje te kaluar te dhimbshme,pabesisht jeta do e fuste ne nje rruge ku shihje vetem terrr dhe drita ne fund te erresires ishte e padukshme...Nje ngjarje Nje e kaluar do e beje ata pjese te dickaje qe nuk e kishte imagjinuar asnjehere...Dy njerez me drejtime te ndryshme,dy kokeforte te cilet nuk mendonin per azgje tjeter vec familjes pa e ditur do te behen pika e dobet e njeri tjetrit...Nje dashuri e cila do te zgjase vetem per pak pasi nje propozim do te permbyse gjithcka...A do te mjaftoje vetem dashuria per ta perballuar kete sfide kur mungon besimi???…

Risen from Betrayal

Risen from Betrayal

741,974 9,086 108

Ash Ketchum, with Pikachu and the rest of his Kalos team (except for Goodra & Greninja), return home to Pallet Town, where his former travelling companions and rivals are already waiting for him. Some tell him to give up on his dream on becoming the Pokemon Master while others stay by his side. What will happen to Ash when some of his friends and rivals betray him? Read on to find out.Some of the movesets of each trainer's Pokemon will be different to what it was last seen in the Pokemon Anime. Aside from the mainstream anime characters in the story, the game character Calem and maybe a few other game/manga characters will also be included. This is my first fanfiction story, and sorry if I get any Pokemon information wrong, so feel free to correct me as well as commenting on where I can improve. Hope you enjoy.All of the artworks, photos of characters and Pokemon that I uploaded belong respectfully to their rightful owners. Only the storyline belongs to me.…

fates collide // an ash xy love story

fates collide // an ash xy love story

135,496 2,428 35

When Ash receives a prophecy from Olympia that he will meet the love of his life at the Kalos League, he is both excited and confused.Turns out someone quite peculiar got the same prophecy.How will Ash fair in the Kalos League when all attention is on the newcomer?Will Serena finally confess to who she loves?Will Bonnie finally find her brother a partner?Can Team Rocket up their game and finally steal Pikachu?And just what is really happening at the League?Ash Ketchum x original character// Completed 02.08.2020 \\…

rapper imagines.

rapper imagines.

203,279 2,778 19

I address a number of serious topics throughout these imagines. if you're going to comment disrespectful things regarding these topics, you will get blocked. 🥳 book started April 4th, 2020. 💙…

We Will Carry On! (A Pokemon Story)

We Will Carry On! (A Pokemon Story)

27,534 346 75

Ash, Pikachu, Lillie, and Snowy were killed after their friends told Ash that he was bad luck! They get reborn as one girl and a Pikachu, and together with their friends new and old, they decide to prove the traitors wrong!…

Lost An Ash Betrayed Story

Lost An Ash Betrayed Story

71,205 650 17

Ash is betrayed after losing the Alola league to gladion, by all his friends and pokemon except his powerhouses. Now he is out to seek revenge. Join Ash along with his girlfriend Luna as they try to get revenge on the traitors…

A League of Night

A League of Night

18,446 310 32

Ash just won his first league, the Alola League. But when he gets home, sides change and he's barely able to escape his once trusted friends. Thinking no one could help him, he runs into Paul who shows him what the traitors fear. Will he be able to prove himself and get revenge? Or will something stop him?More importantly, what keeps using the night to protect him?Find out here!…