Unfinished story

Unfinished story

17,192 888 19

What if it wasn't Kunti who gave birth to Karna? What if Karna was born as Radha and Adhiratha's biological child...??What if Karn was born as a beautiful girl with the name Vrisha..??I don't want to hurt anyone or any religion with this story, this story is purely just fiction and has nothing to do with the original story 🙏…

𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠, ʲᵒʰⁿ ˢʰᵉˡᵇʸ

𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠, ʲᵒʰⁿ ˢʰᵉˡᵇʸ

115,902 3,887 30

- 𝐈𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 Madeline Lee finds herself forced into the once thing she swore she'd never do: marriageor - 𝐈𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 Madeline Lee finds herself falling for the same man she was warned about.…

The How to Guide: The Making Friends Edition

The How to Guide: The Making Friends Edition

756 22 7

This book is for those who want or need help to make friends.*this is an actual guide and not a story*…

"Perqafime, numri nje". ✔

2,501 497 34

Ne vitin 2023, Marta Almasit i vjen nje ftese nga nje i panjohur qe i prenzatohet si numri nje se i ka prere nje bilete per ne ishullin e Thonuzit, ne Greqi. Ende e rrenuar nga divorci me te shoqin dhe duke u ndjere e vetme, ajo pranon t'i besoje nje te panjohuri dhe te shkoje ne nje qytet te panjohur vetem per te gjetur aty nje grup njerezish nga e shkuara e saj. E vetmja gje qe Martes nuk i kishte shkuar ne mendje ishte fakti se numri nje do te ishte edhe vrasesi i pabesueshem ne ate ishull te vogel.Dy vite me pare, Xhudi Kardos e shihte jeten bardhe e zi. Nje viktime e bullizmit dhe duke u perpjekur te dale ne siperfaqe, ajo zhytet ne nje bote me ngjyra me te erreta se grija. Jeta qe ajo enderronte te bente ishte vetem nje enderr e larget, te cilen ajo nuk mund ta arrinte kurre. Pikerisht pranimi i faktit se nuk je i afte ta kapesh diçka, e ben njeriun te dorezohet perpara gjithçkaje: edhe perpara jetes.Filluar me: 22/06/2023.Mbaruar me: 28/07/2023.…

Another Tale

Another Tale

80 1 5

It's an OUAT fanfiction. What if Henry had a sister? The only character that's mine is the main one. None of the others.Hope you enjoy it!…



1,201 41 30


Hånd I Hånd - Anthon Edwards

Hånd I Hånd - Anthon Edwards

6,492 216 47

(AFSLUTTET) Håber i ville kunne lide min historie der kan godt være fejl i men det må i leve med. Jeg håber at i ville kunne lide den alligevel.Den handler om en pige der hedder D/N og er 16 år og fylder snart 17. Hun skal til en fest med sin veninde (Emilie) og til festen møder hun en dreng som hun bliver rigtig gode venner og måske bliver det til mere.De går igennem meget sammen. Men hvadLæs historien og find ud af det.…

perfect storm | bobby skeetz

perfect storm | bobby skeetz

84,326 2,308 49

"is everything we had as good as gone?"robert keating aka bobby skeetz x ocTOP RANKINGS:#1 indie#1 bobby skeetz#1 robert keating#1 eli hewson#1 josh jenkinson#1 inhaler…

𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋𝐒 ᶠⁱⁿⁿ ˢʰᵉˡᵇʸ

𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋𝐒 ᶠⁱⁿⁿ ˢʰᵉˡᵇʸ

42,601 1,235 22

- 𝐈𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 the Shelby family think they've finally been set free from Freddie Thorne. Until..or - 𝐈𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 the younger sister of Freddie Thorne who thinks she is unlovable, finds a boy who loves her as easy as he breathes.A love story between a girl who finds herself falling into a pit of troubles and a boy who seems to be the one pulling her out.…

Gjurme te erreta. ✔

Gjurme te erreta. ✔

2,476 287 36

Xheniferi e kishte falur tradhtine e bashkeshortit me mendimin se nje vajze adoleshente ne nje familje nuk do te ishte aq keq. Kur ajo gjendet e vdekur ne vasken e shtepise se saj, Xheniferi e gjen veten duke u drejtuar gishtin te gjitheve atyre qe njeh. Me problemin e OCD-se mbi vete, ajo nuk arrin dot t'i ndaje paranojat nga realiteti.Hermiona Nielsen i urrente te gjithe qe kur mbeti e vetme me te emen ne nje apartament te ngushte ne Kopenhage. Kur nena largohet duke i lene pas vetem nje leter lamtumire dhe i ati vjen per ta strehuar ne shtepine e familjes se tij te re, ajo gjendet shume shpejt pjese e nje jete qe nuk e donte. Duke luftuar me depresionin, urrejtjen e perçmimin ndaj vetes e njerezve, ne vend qe ta gjeje veten te vrare nga dora e saj, e gjen te vrare nga dora e dikujt tjeter.Filluar: 30/03/2023.Mbaruar: 01/05/2023.…

Redemption x Michael Gray

Redemption x Michael Gray

38,315 789 34

Michael Gray wants nothing more than revenge on Tommy Shelby. He is so blinded by this it is leading to his downfall as he rots away in jail. Here he meets a maid, who alters the way he sees his situation. Perhaps now, he can get redemption and make his mother's killers pay, with Tommy by his side.…

My Sassy Girl Original Story (33 Episodes)

My Sassy Girl Original Story (33 Episodes)

3,882 75 33

The story including chapters 27 to 33 which we helped to get translated in IMDb threads.…

YES TO HEAVEN || 𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗷𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗿𝗼 𝗯𝗮𝗹𝗱𝗲

YES TO HEAVEN || 𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗷𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗿𝗼 𝗯𝗮𝗹𝗱𝗲

12,223 281 23

Where 𝗠𝗮𝘃𝗶𝗲 hated all men but 𝗔𝗹𝗲𝗷𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗿𝗼 was willing to change her concept of male beings.All credits to : @𝗯𝘄𝗷𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗻Obs: Just translating…



22,816 1,169 42

Ai mashkull egoist ,mesuar me kenaqesin e fmerave droges e dhimbjes ,gjen shprese tek nje femer ne pamje e brishte e pafajshme ...Por del qe djalli paska maske dhe le te bashkohet djalli me djallushen e tij...-Virgjereshe bota udhehiqet nga njerez me kostum e kollare jo nga djem me tatuazhe ...-Nuk me intereson te di me shume per jeten tende meqe sjam pjese e saj!-Por mund te jesh...-Po!Te jem per 1 vit?Apo 2 vite?E pastaj te zevendesohem nga ndonje bukuroshe me kollare ?Smund te bie aq poshte te krahasohem me bukuroshte e tua te perzgjedhura...I kam pare zgjedhjet e tua sdua te ofendohem me teper!-Per sa kohe te jesh prane meje sdo te ndodhe!-Epo...me bej te te besoj verberisht atehere ...-Kam frike se kjo sdo te ndodhe kurre...Teksa ecen drejt atij koridori te zbrazet e te erret me shprese se dora e tij do jete ajo qe do e ndaloje,e ndjeu veten tepe te lire per te ecur drejt pa kthyer koken pas deri sa nje dore e mbertheu nga beli 2 buze ndjeu mbi te sajat cka u pasua me nje puthje ter pasjon...-Ti je e imja sheqerke.-A shtu mendon TI!-Truri yt mund te refuzoje cte doje ama zema jote me perket vec mua ...-Me fito atehere!-Do me duhej vec 1 nate!-Ore ne fito mendjen!-Do e bej dhe kete...--------------------Do te linde besimi mes 2 njerzve qe duhen por ekziston pasiguria?…

The Story of Us (Loki fanfic)

The Story of Us (Loki fanfic)

4,066 155 25

Friends since childhood, Loki and Sylvie's lives were beautiful, until their paths diverged. As they embark on a bittersweet journey together called life, they find out that the stakes are higher than they realize. Through the journey, they see themselves as well as their relationship change, while braving all odds together that come their way. 'The Story of Us' revolves around Loki Friggason and Sylvie Lushton, and their story of rediscovering trust, hope, promises, family, friendship and... love. Read this epic duology to know the story of the God of Mischief and the Goddess of Beauty, the duo destined to be together.[Completed volume of 23 chapters][Word count : 59,252][Total reading time : 4h 45 min]Highest rankings :2nd in #fangirlcontest3rd in #sylki…



2,125 134 10

It was a simple love story of Aman and Roshni who are the soulmates and loves the each other infinity..what happens when the other one learns a dark secret about there partner which states that one of them with the other will not be in future..…

Winter on manhattan ~ a percabeth Christmas tale

Winter on manhattan ~ a percabeth Christmas tale

3,970 73 8

Percy&Annabeth are celebrating Christmas together in this short winterish fanfic~Camille…

 A Love like this!!

A Love like this!!

30,081 3,688 39

''Don't you dare , do you even know the emotional and mental torture i have been through" ,she said sliding next to the door but he seems unaffected and stood there.Siya , our protoganist and a successful cardiologist , trying to find meaning of her life.Aryan, well he is a budding superstar and just enjoys life to the fullest.Well let's see how these who are pole apart in profession and as well as in life meets, don't know whether will they will be together or not....…

B E D  C H E M


2,316 107 7

In which the daughter of Damon Albarn has way tomuch fun on social media talking about her best friends friend. Elijah Hewson x OCIRL X Social Media…