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Bakugou (25) is a single dad of four-year-old Hatsuki. Full-time Hero, full-time dad, full-time exhausted and lonely, but he'd never admit that aloud to anyone.You and Kirishima have been dating for a while and often babysit Hatsuki as Bakugou relies on everyone in his friend pool to help in a situation he never expected to find himself in but wouldn't change for the world.He craves companionship and familial stability for his daughter but assumes no one would be good enough, not for either of them.But maybe he's been looking in all the wrong places.Bakugou x Reader x Krishima Poly AU. Short drabble chapters posted sporadically in between chapters of "Be Still, Just for Me." I don't know how long this will be, it's just an idea that I had and fleshed out with @weebonfilm and decided to write it out officially. I want to explore a healthy polyamorous relationship while also dealing with the difficulties of raising a kid in a world full of Heroes and villains.…