6 Things by Luna Torres | w. w.

6 Things by Luna Torres | w. w.

53 4 16

Chassidy Luna has 6 goals to accomplish.6 things she need to do...6 wishes to make it come true...6 struggles she will face... As she's going to start her journey in accomplishing her 6 things in life. She's losing her time. And it doesn't make it better when her self-proclaimed bestfriend makes her mind and soul gone haywire. What she's doing makes her see the real meaning of life and hope. Does accomplisments can truly gave you a genuine happiness? Witness as Luna struggles to accomplish her 6 goals or what she called her ' 6 Things' in life.Disclaimer:This story is purely written by the author's imagination. The names, events, places, businesses and incidents are product of the author's imagination. The author didn't copy this story from any writter's story. If there is one then it is just purely a coincidence. Any form of plagiarism done , could be punished by law. Note:Don't forget to read my Note first before reading the prologue. Written by:SpotlightSeeker_Date Published:August 2, 2020[ON-GOING]…

Maybe I'll Stay

Maybe I'll Stay

91 3 1

For Douxie, being an immortal wizard had a lot of perks, but also a lot of downsides. One being that he forever looked 16. One day he gets caught by the police and sent to live with a foster family, the Lakes, and gets far more attached to them than he'd planned. But apparently living with the Lakes came with it's own downsides, and his life gets turned into chaos. But it's all worth it for family, right?Basically Douxie gets sent to live with Jim and Barbara, but of course since Jim is the Trollhunter shit just keeps happening and Douxie wants nothing more than to keep his new family safe. In this Jim has been the Trollhunter for a couple months and of course it's very canondivergent because Douxie is now part of the equation. Canon ships only cos It's one of the only shows where the canon ships are actualy really good and cute. Also I know I used the cover art for another one of my fics but I literally cannot find any other art or anything with Jim and Douxie in it so sorry but this is my go to. Sorta inspired by this fic on AO3 called Pros and Cons of Eternal Youth by claycastles, but not a bunch. Enjoy!…

Th ultimate guide to certificate attestation services in the UAE

Th ultimate guide to certificate attestation services in the UAE

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If you are looking for a reliable and experienced attestation service provider in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, or anywhere in the UAE, contact Prime Global Attestation Services today.Mob:0569986516For any more query, please visit our site:https://www.attestglobal.com…

dk tanjiro

dk tanjiro

3 0 1

hey aujourd'hui je vous présente une fanfiction en fr elle parle de Tanjiro devenue le rois des démons ,l'œuvre ne m'appartient pas . demon slayer appartient a Koyoharu Gotōge . il y'aura des perso inventer.attention il y'aura des faute d'ortographe credit pour l'image = https://www.google.com/search?q=dk+tanjiro+fanart&rlz=1C1GCEU_frMA1006MA1006&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&vet=1&fir=nTowPOkSNYNwlM%252C_l-RsRR-Y-UZdM%252C_%253BdXisj7YiFbB7ZM%252CeviM1RDxZ9CADM%252C_%253B3Mjq5_ZlONT5nM%252CQNgBPntIWHNj3M%252C_%253BauH0mra9iFWhkM%252C_l-RsRR-Y-UZdM%252C_%253ByTXdIkUWRqQWpM%252Cnot-C9KhOoEJoM%252C_%253BvnCRy6L0kzAffM%252Ch-IOO8VkrTrghM%252C_%253BLkQcKrGIByyFyM%252C_l-RsRR-Y-UZdM%252C_%253BUEZBSLRmmnY-HM%252C_SFNRM6suurFIM%252C_%253BjCWMv1ODovDw6M%252CZydnoNpW67MwYM%252C_%253BVM6XYtLFOMgooM%252C1gYMhEli0B1C_M%252C_%253BWXPOToP4x1nSnM%252CVWi4umB9RSPJjM%252C_%253BTtH6iFVWdDOUPM%252Ch-IOO8VkrTrghM%252C_%253BjX2H0XvEoR7RdM%252CVWi4umB9RSPJjM%252C_%253Bptmq1oT1wshLMM%252CwHSyYiWTJwpxjM%252C_%253B9EErGx8VdCG1bM%252COql24A7UaU8q0M%252C_%253BoXViQeF8Xjt9cM%252Cx6JseSy7Ozm9WM%252C_%253BakrD3GlGubx4bM%252C1-pGqvApdDkUUM%252C_%253Bm0y6MsJBEHzyQM%252Ch-IOO8VkrTrghM%252C_&usg=AI4_-kSID1Ga7P-g1yrszQZzJFjQXjsvOA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjmsd3GvKz4AhXc7rsIHcDKBP8Q9QF6BAgNEAE&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=VM6XYtLFOMgooM…

virgin diaries | namkook.

virgin diaries | namkook.

140 11 1

finddomcamboys.netthat is where jungkook spent his entirety of nights at, finding dom camboys. and he did find one eventually, korean too in fact. but nothing's worse about indulging in them, not as long as you're roommates with them.…



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random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random random randomnessss…