Complications x J. Valeska

Complications x J. Valeska

2,217 165 2

Jerome and Ava had a bond, a connection, considering they were the only ones around their age at the circus. Things were going great between them, well as great as they can be when your mom is an abusive drunk and your parents are dead. But when they arrive at Gotham, things get out of hand.…

عضوه جديده في باور🥺💕(بنت)
Best of Friends | Zane x reader (MCLL)

Best of Friends | Zane x reader (MCLL)

5 1 1

this is a Zane x reader from the famous youtube role play by Aphmau minecraft lovers lane or season 3 of mine craft mystreet. someone new just moved in on the block and who knows what'll happen when she meets Zane Ro'meave.…

Hogwarts Roleplay

Hogwarts Roleplay

153 13 5

Everyone is free to join!…



11 0 1

'Something's are better left hidden amongst the leaves of the forest...'This is an AU of my OCs that follows closely along DA: I /kicks my leg in the air/ Thnx and enjoy I guess?…

Sayyna: Gaurdian of the Old Republic

Sayyna: Gaurdian of the Old Republic

4 1 1

A work in progress, but im hoping to get feedback! A story about a young jedi, her romance, and her adventure.…

Szeregowa Rita

Szeregowa Rita

11 2 1

Katarzyna Starska od najmłodszych lat marzy o karierze wielkiej sławy dziennikarki. Jej rodzice nie podzielają entuzjazmu córki i wręcz zabraniają spełnienia tego marzenia. Aby osiągnąć swój cel życiowy ucieka z domu i zrywa kontakt z rodziną i najlepszą przyjaciółką. Zdobywa sławę, ale nie trwa długo przez jedną złą decyzje. Powraca w rodzinne strony, gdzie odkrywa postać Szeregowej Rity Szczęsnej- bohaterki wojennej, która zginęła w czasie misji za granicą w bardzo młodym wieku. Jednakże napisanie artykuły o Szczęsnej okaże się trudniejsze niż młodej dziennikarce może się wydawać. W czasie pracy nad tekstem odkryje wiele informacji, które rzucą inne światło na młodą szeregową. Co kryje się za odkryciem Starskiej?…

Sleeping Beauty And Her Five Princes

Sleeping Beauty And Her Five Princes

3 0 1

She is just a Nerdy girl who just lost her memories and wake up not knowing who she is. She entered Dwayne University and met these five crazy jerks. She we're forced to live with them not knowing the reason why. Every night she dreams every piece of her memory and when she knew it....Would she leave them hanging or she will stay with them like the times she forget her memories?…

Fandom Camp

Fandom Camp

87 6 6

Sign up for fandoms.…

Bullied ByJacob-Jacob Sartorius Fanfic-

Bullied ByJacob-Jacob Sartorius Fanfic-

880 15 5

Hey I'm Sabrina I live in Arizona rn but I'm sadly moving to Virginia because of my mom had to get a job transfer I'm 13 and I'm a singer and I love artWhat happens to are love.. I don't love him I love the new boy .... so many emotional things happening...…

Which type of rings are best for men?

Which type of rings are best for men?

3 0 1

Krombholz Jewelers rings are an excellent accessory for men, adding style and personality to their looks. The perfect ring not only complements a man's outfit but also adds a touch of elegance to his appearance. But with the plethora of options available, it can be challenging to choose the right one. In this article, we will discuss the different types of rings that are best for men and highlight some of the popular styles. Specifically, we will focus on the best wedding rings for men like cable-style wedding rings and polished hammered Frank bands with a hook.…



6 0 1

Benji went away for a job and had been gone for 5 years. Jeyjey live at the same place he has always lived. One day benji can back. Will benji fall in love with jeyjey again? Or will he go back.…



2,355 46 3

this is about MA. deanna Isabella Wong , ivy , Jessica Galanza , ella De Jesus #Gawong#Deavy#Jella…

Wielkie Marzenia

Wielkie Marzenia

38 0 2

Kattie Hurt , 16-letnia dziewczyna. Miała Wielkie Marzenia! O wszystkich marzeniach opowiada moja opowieść! Chcecie dowiedzieć się więcej?? Czytajcie moje rozdziały! Postaram się aby moje rozdziały były nie za długie i nie za krótkie. Chcę aby przyjemnie się wam je czytało. Mam nadzieje że moja opowieść wam się spodoba. Do zobaczenia. Basia.…

Bex Taylor-Klaus  imagines XD

Bex Taylor-Klaus imagines XD

358 3 4

Title says it allI have too many dreams for this shit…

Love from beginning

Love from beginning

142 23 21

Stella Claire Acosta is in love with her childhood best friend but since Acre Jones start courting her she slowly fall in love with him.…

Why you

Why you

34 4 1

Benji: Benji Krol a softy but wont show it unless he's really comfortable with you he is bisexual Jeyjey: is not out of the closet he is not sure of his sexuality until the Mets Benji.Jorge is also the shy guy and likes to keep to himself…

Sir C
Falling deep