Miss. Popular

Miss. Popular

8 0 1

Olita May Shawn is one of your popular girls. She is unique, bubbly, sassy but is quite clumsy. She's called the Miss. klutz by her friends. She had a boyfriend who cheated on her with the Queen B of Humble Sky. Typical! As Olita thought of being free of any sort of boy drama, she thought too soon. Adrian's (her ex) best friend was obsessed with her ever since he came to town and met her. He did not approach her because he had too much respect for his best friend. But now the obsession is worse and Olita is single, and he is out to get her. At any cost.Gray Jameson Mathews is your cliché bad boy. He's back in town and is cold and jerk-hearted as ever. He is not a player but infact keeps women at a distance of 6 feet. Gray has everthing, money, looks, strength, confidence, arrogance, you name it he had it. What he did not have was trust and love.Lets see through the pages as the two meet. Bickering through the time and protecting and supporting each other. Jealousy, hatred, love, passion, fights, heart breaks all in all a cliché love story. Please note- This is my first story and might have a lot of errors. I will edit it after I finish it. Please read it at your own risk and any advices are welcomed.…

By Design

By Design

927 51 12

When Teresa Willows wins a scholarship to an extremely prestigious school, she knows what to expect from the students who are far superior to her in looks, intelligence and status. But who cares when there's all those fancy foods and weird gadgets to try?A complacent attitude did not prepare her for meeting Elliot Hadley however - a pleasant and charming boy with secrets of his own (which seems to be the norm with these pleasant and charming boys) - and Teresa finds herself unarmed in the face of drama, drama and more drama- oh, and also the romance.Credit for cover goes to 7Lovte7…

Spring Awakening - Dayrol

Spring Awakening - Dayrol

563 32 3

Certas coisas abalam nossa vida de forma tão estrondosa ao ponto de nunca mais conseguirmos nos recuperar novamente, mas é preciso ser forte para deixar os demônios para trás e partir em busca de um recomeço. Carol não era a única Chef que tinha lembranças ruins em uma cozinha, mas a curiosidade sempre fora seu pecado. Ao deixar o Brasil, se mudando para a pequena Amiens, na França, e acolhida pelos braços do melhor amigo, a garota não fazia ideia de que a cidadezinha reservava para ela uma inversão de papéis, porque ao buscar seu recomeço, acabaria por se tornar o de alguém. A menina que nuca soubera de verdade os mistérios do amor, se descobre imersa na enigmática Day. Carol nunca fora boa com incógnitas e os olhos castanhos de Day carregavam mais coisas do que os castanhos inexperientes imaginariam. Mas ela queria descobrir, como queria, tudo o que aquela moça escondia e queria que ela a descobrisse também. A curiosidade matou o gato, mas antes de morrer o bichano descobriu o que queria.ADAPTAÇÃO. Todos os direitos a @theharmonysaur…

Aproape pierduți // in pauza

Aproape pierduți // in pauza

63 13 3

Violet Evans e singura Lume a lui Sebastien Markey. Fiind o echipa de neînvins , Sebastien ar trece si prin foc ca sa o apere pe Violet si continua sa repete asta împotriva voinței familiei lui. Universul, care joaca un rol important in relația lor, il face pe Sebastien sa își deschidă ochii. Sora lui mai mica fumează de la o vârsta frageda si are un iubit ce i-ar putea fi frate geamăn. Mama lor plânge in bucatarie de fiecare data când el intarzie, deși el credea ca ea se refugiază in pasiunea ei pentru gătit. Problemele i se măresc. Violet descoperă un mica distracție, un loc de refugiu in cele mai ciudate circumstanțe: noaptea ,alergată de o fiara a pădurii ,găsește un loc special. In timp ce lumea lui Violet creste, a lui Sebastien scade.Viața lor se schimba . Sunt prinși intr-o bucla temporala si descoperă ca locul pe care l-a găsit Violet e cu adevărat magic. Pot repara orice greșeala din trecut si profita de asta din plin, pana când Violet se pierde in timp. Lumea post-apocaliptică, lumea interbelica, lumea antica, dar in toate aceste lumi, unde este Lumea lui Sebastien?Mersi, @notphobic pentru sustinere…

W cieniu prawdziwego mroku

W cieniu prawdziwego mroku

48 4 3

3 miesiące na wypełnienie zadania. Szybka. Niezauważalna. Bez skrupułów. Jedna z najbardziej rozpoznawalnych zabójczyń w całym królestwie Elwador, gdzie szalone wilkołaki, krwiożercze wampiry i magiczne elfy biegają po ziemi, a w przestworzach latają harpie. Serena dostaje kolejne zlecenie. Jednak tym razem wydaje się ono bardziej interesujące niż inne dotychczas. Nie każdy może pochwalić się zabiciem jedynego dziedzica tronu wampirów. I wcale nie bierze pod uwagę błękitnych oczu księcia, czy jasnych niczym popiół włosów. W całym królestwie zaczyna panować chaos. Wojna pomiędzy rasami wisi na włosku. Czy Serena na prawdę okaże się zdolna do wykonania każdego zadania jak uważała dotychczas? Zdoła wyzbyć się wszelkich uczuć i nadal trzymać wysoko głowę? A może tylko przewyższała mniemanie o swojej osobie?…

Lensed Fiber

Lensed Fiber

2 0 1

https://www.photonstream.com/products/lensed-fiber/Lensed fiber, also called fiber lens, is a piece of fiber which forms a lens shape at the end face, and is used to change the optical path, or coupling light in the optical fiber systems. Based on the specific requirement of different optical fiber applications, there are tapered, wedged, angle wedged, beveled, and spherical lens, etc. As one of the lensed fiber manufacturers in China, Photonstream offerstapered lensed fiber, ball lens fiber coupling, biconical lensed fiber, pm fiber and angle polished lensed fiber at an affordable wholesale fiber lens price. Contact us for more information!Lensed Fiber TypesConical Lensed FiberPM Wedge Lensed FiberBall Lensed FiberBiconical Lensed FiberAngle Polished Lensed FiberHow Does Lensed Fiber Work?Semiconductor components such as laser diodes, light-emitting diodes, and photo diodes are used in optical communications. These components work by converting electrical signals into light signals or vis-versa, in a process called photoelectric conversion. Optical signals are carried to the semiconductor component through optical fibers and the lensed fibers are used to efficiently connected the optical fiber to the component. Lensed fibers greatly simplify the connection between semiconductor devices and optical fibers.…



307 42 13

In which a boy leaves his love letters in the wrong person's locker.___Jeon Jungkook has been pining for fellow classmate Taehyun Park for as long as he can remember. Finally, with some persuasion from his friends, he decides to step out of his comfort zone and leave love letters in her locker. Only problem? He ends up leaving them in Taehyung Kim' locker instead.____This not my work, I don't own any characters or plot and it is purely fictional.It is written by @gxxkie[P.S.]; This is a BXB story, meaning that it will mainly involve two individuals of the same gender being romantically involved with each other. If, for some reason, that bothers you, please refrain from reading any further. Or, in simple terms, if you're homophobic: leave.This story will also involve the use of curse words.____That being said, enjoy!…

Jedna chwila

Jedna chwila

0 0 1

Opowiadam tu historię Tusi tak Tusi dobrze przeczytaliście Tusia=Wiktoria która miała prawie idealne życie ale jednego dnia 11 września 2022 roku wszystko się totalnie rozwalił. Nie wiedziała co ma zrobić więc usiadła na podłodze i się rozpłakała. Była bezsilna wobec swoich uczuć. Nie wiedziała co z tym zrobić. Przecież była szczęśliwa, a raczej każdy myślał, że jest szczęśliwa, bo prowadziła beztroskę życie miała dobre oceny,miała życia w szczęśliwej rodzinie z kochającymi się rodzicami, miała wszytko czego chciała i ciągle tryskała od niej pozytywna energia. Jednak to tylko pozory, które często bywają mylne. Tak naprawdę czuła że nie ma ojca, zdradzał ją na każdym kroku. Jedyne osoby na których mogła polegać to ona sama, próbowała udawać że wszytko jest okej dla siostry, żeby miała szczęśliwe życie. Jednak teraz to nie było powodem jej łez. Płakała, dlatego że zdała sobie sprawę z tego co czuje. Przez kilka miesięcy broniła się, odrzucała to, nie przyznawała się sama przed sobą, lecz dziś gdy dowiedziała się, że może wszstko "stracić" uświadomiła sobie to wszystko czego wcześniej się wypierała. Po jej głowie chodziły myśli "straciłam wszytko, nie mam już nic, jestem do niczego, w biedzie wszystko się traci, to koniec...".Chcecie się dowiedzieć historii Tusi? Zostaniecie ze mną na dłużej? Rozdziały pojawiają się raz dziennie. Błędy ortograficzne proszę abyście pisali w💬Z góry za nie przepraszam❤️😅…

Adventure - November edition

Adventure - November edition

17 0 30

The November collection, titled "Adventure," is a set of stories that explores introspective and thrilling journeys through natural landscapes filled with mystery and wonder. Each story takes the reader through dense jungles, vast deserts, and hidden paths, where the protagonists face not only the challenges of the environment but also their own fears, memories, and desires.The stories blend elements of physical and emotional exploration, with characters uncovering ancient ruins, secrets from the past, and clues about their identity while confronting crucial decisions. With a focus on personal adventure, this collection invites readers to reflect on self-discovery, freedom, and the quest for the unknown in a world that tests both body and soul.Ideal for those looking to immerse themselves in tales rich with action, mystery, and emotional depth, "Adventure" is a journey into the most hidden corners of nature and the human spirit.…

The walking dead memes

The walking dead memes

15,972 860 197

All the walking dead memes that I think are funny.…

Space Potato

Space Potato

117 1 80

A potato in space? What is that of a dumb idea? Wait, it's also a time traveler? God, did your parents drop you on the head as a kid? Well, I guess it can't be that bad, right? It does sound humours, let's see where this potato lands.~~~"Oh btw my name is Chris Hemthsworth." the potato stated"What-" the astronaut exclaimed"Im joking, im joking, my name is Robert Downey Junior." the potato said with a blank face"Okay, seriously my name is Mash, Mash the Potato."(Story fully taken from my Quotev Account! All belongs to me.Btw join my discord: https://discord.gg/V8q7Ub7n3f)…

cool girl

cool girl

18 0 1

"bisakah kau sedikit lebih ramah " ucap Leo"buat apa aku ramah dengan mu , aku tidak mengenal mu"jawab Lea dengan wajah datar"kita di tempat kan di tempat yg sama ,tapi kau tidak berbicara kepadaku dengan baik ,apa salah ku padamu "tanya Leo dengan wajah kesal"jadi aku harus berbicara seperti apa kepadamu ,aku harus berpura pura ramah ,berpura pura perhatian kepadamu dan juga kepada bawahan mu " jawab Lea dengan wajah marah nya"dokter Lea Michele apa kah seperti ini cara mu dalam melayani pasien mu , dengan pelayanan dingin ucapan tanpa basa basi tanpa keramah tamahan " ucap Leo"kapten Leo althafandra apa kah seperti ini cara anda dalam berkomunikasi dengan orang lain yg belum anda kenal " jawab Lea dengan mata melotot"aku sudah mengenal mu ""siapa yg bilang"ucap Lea"aku mengenal mu , kau seorang dokter yg ditempatkan oleh rumah sakit tempat mu bekerja dan kita berada di tempat yg sama, aku sebagai kapten dari pasukan ku untuk menjaga kalian para dokter suka rela termasuk kau . jadi secara tidak langsung kita sudah saling kenal" jawab Leo sambil memajukan wajahnya yg tinggal berjarak 5cm dari wajah Lea . lea yg merasa gugup dengan kedekatan mereka akhirnya menendang kaki leo dengan sepatu sneaker nya . Leo langsung meringis kesakitan karena tendangan lea mengenai tulang keringnya . Tapi aneh nya Leo malah tersenyum lebar dengan kejadian tadi #dokter #tentara#cuek#manja#romence#cool girl#sad…

The Crystal Fire

The Crystal Fire

28 3 1

Angielle has had a horrific life. At only nine years old, she is a pyrophobic (for reasons that will not be revealed for a while because I am evil) and has some serious PTSD. She has only recently begun living a normal life and still isn't completely accustomed to it. Although this is a very dark story, it is also about the true meaning of family and getting over your fears. I'm not denying the darkness 'cause this is literally THE darkest thing I've ever even thought of. I mean just off the top of my head it literally contains kidnapping, murder, drugs, alcohol, serious child abuse, swearing (it's something I'm writing for my ELA class so it will be censored), and some seriously intense PTSD. Yeah, this story is not for the meek hearted. So yeah, have fun!My inspiration for this story was a combination of three things. The first thing was the little amount of time dedicated to explaining how Griffin got his scar in "Girl Stolen by April Henry" (If you haven't read this book, you should for it is amazing!). The second thing that gave me the idea was the book "Threads by Ami Polonsky" (Also a must read) and the thing that pulled it together was a snippet from the Michael Ketterer (America's Got Talent singer) family backstory. If you are a diehard music lover and book worm like me, you can probably figure this out in an instant, but if you aren't than you should try to figure this out since I won't tell you for a long time. (Here's a hint. The title isn't ironic)…

Get Smooth Balls And Short Public Hair With Smoothmyballs Trimmer

Get Smooth Balls And Short Public Hair With Smoothmyballs Trimmer

3 0 1

It is important to safely trim your pubic hair to a shorter length before starting to make your balls completely smooth. It is highly recommended that one should trim with either scissors or a good quality SmoothMyBalls trimmer which is designed specifically for this job. Unless you frequently shave this, it is very important for first timers who are not very use to it, so that one can get his hair to be as closely cut to the skin without being too close that you could cut or nick. Once you smooth your balls you get a feeling of complete cleanliness satisfaction and minimize sweat, fungus, and bacteria buildup. To know more- https://www.facebook.com/Smoothmyballs/…