Tutu's & Tattoos z.m au
Bit life stuff
in a galaxy far away.....

in a galaxy far away.....

16 0 2

Nico Di Angelo was taken from his home planet by the Empire!Five years pass and no one comes for him!And he his left with a choice that will change the course of this war FOREVER!!*~* art by Jinbi*~*…

Short Stories :D
Holiday Specials

Holiday Specials

28 1 1

A book full of holiday fanfics…

Slashers or anime?

Slashers or anime?

24 0 1

hellooo this would be. my first time writing instead or reading but I'll try my. best just send. thee request;)…

Rodeo Love
Smart Ass

Smart Ass

35 1 1

Lindsey Richards- smart, beautiful, young highschool teacher in Oklahoma City. She has a seemingly great life- decent house, perfect boyfriend, nice family but one man -or should I say, boy- is about to change all of that. He's her 17 year old student, Drew Mullins. Read the love story of Lindsey Richards and Drew Mullins forbidden love.…

A Red Rose 🌹

A Red Rose 🌹

31 2 5

an albino finds love in a unexpected place in Europe and will see the sunset as he dies from his sickness…

Crossover (marvel x Star Wars)

Crossover (marvel x Star Wars)

98 3 2

These are stories of marvel characters in Star Wars who are mandalorians and I do not own any of of drawings and they belong to popcross studios…

My best friend||Taehyung ff

My best friend||Taehyung ff

14 1 1

I'm in love with my best friend but idk what I'm gonna do!🥺Read…

Kaylees prinxiety fanfiction, even though I prefer shrek x thomas the train

Kaylees prinxiety fanfiction, even though I prefer shrek x thomas the train

86 28 14

Haha, sucker. This is mine, because I, me, cannot sign into my account so you will have to deal with the fact that this is now on your docs. HA!I think this might be a klance thing? No, I'm thinking more of a story with no real characters that are already made up. You get some oc's. Sike! It's Sanders' side, boi. This is also unedited, btw Virgo walked into the kitchen walking and walking nd shit I don't know what to do with a starting sentence. This is just stuid and I can't do this. This will be a prinxiety thing, btw.…

Sword Art Online: Absurdal Scale -Unofficial Spin Off-

Sword Art Online: Absurdal Scale -Unofficial Spin Off-

22 2 2

Cała historia dzieje się po wydarzeniach z pierwszego i drugiego sezonu SAO i jednocześnie zapomina o istnieniu Alicyzacji i innych tego typu rzeczy. Kirito po swoich przygodach w grach postanowił stać się kimś w rodzaju testera gier VRMMO, a przy tym wyłapywać problemy z nimi oraz Player Killer'ów. Asuna oczywiście bardzo krzywo się na to patrzy i przez to dzieją się różne absurdalne rzeczy. UWAGA!Cała historia to parodia SAO oraz oklepanych do bólu schematów z typowych historii na Wattpadzie. Może zawierać czarny humor oraz multum aluzji do trollpast i kiepskich creepypast. Jeżeli nie lubisz tego typu rzeczy, jeżeli kłuje Twe oczy nie trzymanie się kanonu to cóż - nie mój problem :D…

Staying with Grandparents :/

Staying with Grandparents :/

30 0 2

Kera's life was perfect. bestfriend, normal family and financially well off. But then there is a sudden change. Kera's parents need to go on a business trip to Holland and Kera and her siblings are sent to stay with their 'wealthy' grandparents. Will Kera bond with them or will she go off the rails? A must read story of friendship, responsibility, risks and love.…

Lets rp!

Lets rp!

24 5 5

An area where anyone can roleplay or just talk. Also everyone is welcome!!…
