Cinta Yang Tak Pernah Aku Lupakan

Cinta Yang Tak Pernah Aku Lupakan

22 1 1

Aku tidak pernah tau bahwa aku akan jatuh cinta sedalam ini dengan seseorang yang bahkan warna favoritnya saja aku tidak tau. Tapi satu yang aku tau bahwa dia adalah sesuatu yang saat itu aku ingin dapatkan dan juga suatu hal yang aku sesali. Karena pada saat itu aku tidak menunggumu lebih lama lagi dan memberimu kesempatan untuk mencintaiku. Yang aku tau pasti, dari tatapan matamu, dari cara bicaramu, dari segala hal yang kau tunjukan padaku, kamu mencintaiku, dan mungkin akan selalu begitu. Aku harap, ini bukan cuma perasaanku saja. Dear Mr. Tomat, aku tidak pernah melupakanmu.…

Love Me Till It Hurts

Love Me Till It Hurts

48 3 2

The first cut is the deepest because it hurts the most, and once you get used to the pain, it becomes easy. It's a sad thought that you can get used to pain, used to getting hurt but it's also a fact. After awhile you even start to crave it, need it even. The need starts out slow and gradually builds until it's the only thing you can think about. It's a little like love in that way. Looking into your eyes now makes me think these thoughts. So here, take this blade and be afraid. This is for the best, after all if I'm going to be in love with you, I'll need to crave pain...crave you. And hey, don't forget to cut deep. Me? I'm not worried. This is the most it'll ever hurt.…



68 13 3

statistically, the chances of finding your soulmate are little to none, calculating to about 1 in 1000, which is 0.1%.--kai and luca, best friends, or the best of friends that can be at age seven, make a pact right before luca leaves that they'll find each other again. but, as time passes, so do memories. eleven years later, kai, who gets accepted into f.i.t., runs into luca, who happens to be her uber driver. will these two young kids make that 0.1% into 100% or will they never find each other again?…

Betrayed || Luke and Calum

Betrayed || Luke and Calum

289 24 9

Luke and Calum have been friends since high school. Grace came into the picture when they were 19, now they're 25. Calum fell in love the second he saw her. Grace has been dating Luke for four years and they're now engaged. A couple drunken mistakes later and Grace ends up in the hospital with a baby that Luke thinks is his.She wakes up with amnesia and only remembers her night with Cal. How will Luke get Grace to believe they're a couple and not her and Cal? Will Cal help out Luke or take advantage of this opportunity?…

alt er love covers

alt er love covers

2,636 204 17

CERRADO // CERRADO du er ikke alene. boystalkboys- © 2017…

Curves Like These

Curves Like These

282 8 4

17-year-old Raquel Ravenclaw-Brody is the new girl at Beverly Hills High School. She has no friends, no social life, and nobody in her corner. She is also 167 pounds, which makes her insecure; like she'll never find someone special. Raquel dreams of this, but keeps this to herself. Little does she know, that the school cutie Justin Bieber has his eye on her. But is his pursuit of her truly genuine?…

The Rising Star of the Real Estate Industry - Escon Panache

The Rising Star of the Real Estate Industry - Escon Panache

2 0 1

Are you dreaming of a luxurious, comfortable, and modern home? Welcome to Escon Panache, the latest gem in the real estate market that's quickly becoming the talk of the town. This project is more than just a place to live-it's a lifestyle upgrade that promises elegance, convenience, and community. Let's dive into what makes Escon Panache the shining star of the real estate industry.…

Fakty o sławach.

Fakty o sławach.

4,724 53 129

Hey, Nazywam się Nikola, mieszkam w Polsce.Jeszcze, hahaha KOCHAM OPOWIADANIA I FAKTY .TAKŻE NIE PRZECIĄGAJĄC BĘDĘ PISAŁA TU FAKTY O 1D, LITTLE MIX, JUSTINIE BIEBERZE I INNYCH...MOŻE JAKIŚ MIASTACH, KRAJACH JAK MI SIĘ UDA MUSICIE TRZYMAĆ KCIUKI ... HAHHA :)Czyli po prostu nikt się przed nami nie ukryje haha ... żadna gwiazda :) <3…

Panic Game

Panic Game

186 11 4

Taissa budzi się w pokoju, który nie należy do niej. Jest przerażona kiedy odkrywa cel przebywania tutaj. Próbuje wydostać się z domu, zaprzestać zabawy z okrutnym i psychodelicznym gospodarzem, którego imię samo w sobie przeraża. Poznaje wiele tajemnic, i odkrywa przerażającą prawdę o gospodarzu. Nie jest sama, wielu jest zamkniętych w tym domu, tak jak ona. Czy uda jej się wydostać, odzyskać wolność? A może zginie, próbując opuścić dom. Połączy siły, czy zostanie sama? Jedno jest pewne - nie poprzestanie na walce aż uda jej się wygrać. Pokój za pokojem, zagadka za zagadką. Opowiadanie bazuję na grze - Dom Zagadek, lub Panic House :))…

The Lives Of Half~Breeds Like Us (on hold)

The Lives Of Half~Breeds Like Us (on hold)

201 11 2

Cass and Luci are on the run. Both unwilling participants of an angel/demon war wreaking havoc on Earth, they have no home, no family, and no truly safe place to hide. Demons want to control them. Angels want them dead. All they want is to make it out alive. The thing that makes them so special? They are what the demons like to call "halflings." What trials and terrors will they have to face on their journey?Is there a peaceful end to all of the bloodshed and misery? Will they make it through this seemingly endless war? What will become of these two young halflings?…

The Two Years

The Two Years

3 0 1

Six months have passed since Washington D.C. and the Winter Soldier's world ended, and Bucky Barn's world began. A world filled with memories that hunt him like wolfs. This is the Story of how Bucky Barns picked his life back up, fought microwaves, and struggled at potlucks.Extra,This takes place in the MCU between the winter soldier and the civil war. I have always wondered what happens in between the two movies so this is my take on the story. Also reviews are welcome and helpful!Warning Contains: Blood, Intense Themes, and Swearing.Disclaimer: I do not own any of these marvel characters.…

Love You Goodbye | Lashton

Love You Goodbye | Lashton

15 0 1

Luke Hemmings has a crush on his handmate Ashton Irwin and he doesn't know how to tell him how he feels about him. The only one who knows about Luke's crush on Ashton is Michael. Ashton Irwin, 21 year old drummer for band 5 Seconds Of Summer has been in the band since December 2011 and he doesn't know how to tell him. But what happens when Luke tells Ashton how he feels about him. Will he feel the same or will Ash turn him down and say that they're better off as just friends?Read and find out.…

𝕳𝖔𝖚𝖘𝖊 𝕺𝖋 𝕸𝖊𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘

𝕳𝖔𝖚𝖘𝖊 𝕺𝖋 𝕸𝖊𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘

138 0 4

𝕸𝖊𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘 : /ˈmɛm(ə)ri/ noun'something remembered from the past.'Odette Ludwig is a famous and young pianist, She has the dream life her dead parents wished her to have. Rich Lifestyle, Great lover and awesome friends. Sadly they had died before they could tell her something about her family's past. When a horrifying accident almost takes her lover away Odette is called by someone to take the will of her great grand father. Elliot Ludwig. Which will eventually lead her to Playtime Co. Factory in New York.…

disqualified | l.h

disqualified | l.h

34 5 3

Cue mainstream description of a teenage girls life before she meets, what some would call, 'the boy of her dreams', but that's what you signed up for so that's what you're gonna get. Hey, my name is Electra Johnson, cool name huh? Well Electra, not Johnson; Unless your surname is Johnson. In that case you got a good god-damn name son! Anyway I'm just your average teenage girl, sitting exams, hanging with friends, eating my body weight in junk food then immediately regretting my life choices. However, as cliché as it sounds, my life was changed miraculously by this one human; Known to me as 'Hemmings'.…