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Janunu Williams, the most ruthless member of the Royals. Her skills, advanced hearing, and thinking are what makes her the perfect solider.In the eyes of her family they see her as an uncontrollable monster, who will never meet their standards as a valued member of the Royals.The only reason that no one amongst the Royals haven't killed her is because she is the Key.The Key is someone who represents the gang for their entire lives, they are also to be protected at all costs. They can't be replaced until the next key is born, which is the orignal key's 5th born child. Yeah I know it sucks, keys are mandatory to have 5 or more kids.The Royals have many rivals and the most common is the Alphas, they have been at war with them since like forever. The government has given up on trying to control the Royals and Alphas. Both gangs follow no rules of any outsider. They are very large in numbers making them spread across the U.S. Oh and they can't forget the fact that both gangs have more advanced fighters then the U.S. enforecments.Throughout Janunu's life there was many ups and downs, but mostly downs. Her rival gang has almost taken everything from the Royals, until things changed.Start reading to find out!!!!…