[1] The Moshino Toy (Female!Reader x Katarina/MNLAAV:ARLTD fanfiction)

[1] The Moshino Toy (Female!Reader x Katarina/MNLAAV:ARLTD fanfiction)

266,874 13,053 101

•This one is an OOC character•Gay, obviously Yuri here and your forever the star of the show, y/n.•The harem is still there, barely, because you're the star of the show•You've got one supportive friend, don't worry•You're the one that Katarina loves dearly, hurray"Katarina is cursed and You are her only cure."created by: D, G, H(Checker)…

200 historias de terror parte (1)

200 historias de terror parte (1)

65,472 2,275 200

escribire historias de terror reales…

Cultivo en línea

Cultivo en línea

41 0 44

Yuan nació con una enfermedad incurable que lo dejó ciego a una edad temprana y lisiado unos años más tarde, inutilizando todo lo que tenía debajo de la cabeza. Considerado desesperado e incurable, su familia rápidamente lo abandonó y el mundo lo ignoró.En este mundo oscuro y tranquilo, su hermana menor se convirtió en su única razón de vivir. Mira cómo este joven alcanza la cima como genio en Cultivation Online, el VRMMORPG más nuevo, convirtiéndose en una figura legendaria en ambos mundos.…



1,557 140 10

Love doesn't hurt... does it?Extended summary inside.© 2016 Cvlliope…

Will Them Into Existence

Will Them Into Existence

160 4 41

On a field trip to the nearby Oscorp Inc., Wilbur and their brother wander off guide during the tour. After getting bitten by a radioactive spider, he finds himself with newfound powers - and with the threat of an enemy from their past, the incentive to learn how to harness those powers as fast as possible.For a Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman, that sure is a lot to handle. For Wil, my real life hero. :-)…

Mi 1er Libro:Parte 26/My 1st Book:Part 26

Mi 1er Libro:Parte 26/My 1st Book:Part 26

2,713 103 200

Kun:Bueno,Bueno,Bueno...,!Saludos Otra Vez,Mis Queridos Amigos,y Ahora,Contemplen!,!Ya Estoy Haciendo Otro Nuevo Libro!,(Parte 26),Que Va a Tener Relatos Sorprendentes y Enormes Como,"Un Humano Na. Corriente","Boda a Medianoche","Reino De Sangre", "!You Had Arrived At The Wrong House!","Los Hermanos Van Bloodenstein:Eternos Para Siempre","Fi. Adventures Of Remy & Doris:Our Lovely Mummy","Kalilady:Journey To The Vampire Woods/The Naughty Wizards/The Case Of Doc. Malignyk","M' Quiet Date","Blackened Universe"," Papá","Sanatorium","Creepy Stories To Tell In The Dark", "El Justiciero Oscuro","Uncle Mortem:Nana Sangrienta/ Pacto Malvado/Pánico En El Cementerio/La Venganza Del Guillotinado","Tramposo Hanky","Alas Del Destino"," Uncle Mortem:Visitas En La Noche/Corazón Gélido/La Jardinera Difunta","Fortweird","¿Would You Marry Me?", "Short,But Smart","…

No Girls Allowed «JaeYong»

No Girls Allowed «JaeYong»

7,106 1,183 37

Después de causar un montón de drama, el famoso rapero TaeYong es enviado de nuevo a la escuela, donde conoce a JaeHyun, un chico tímido que sueña con poder convertirse en cantante, aún cuando es incapaz de pronunciar la letra "R" . Historia original de: @littleLion4321 [ÚNICA TRADUCCIÓN AUTORIZADA]…

Behold my Grace in All its Forms. Try Not to go Blind.

Behold my Grace in All its Forms. Try Not to go Blind.

271 46 4

Howdy y'all. This is a book of my art. Not the best artist, and I don't have a lot of original art. Right now I'm going through an anime phase, and I'm in love with all the art on Google, so I've been copying, I guess you could call it. Uh, I'm not sure what else there is to say.. Oh! I guess I could take requests, but try to keep it PG. And I need your description to be really detailed, otherwise you'll get some ancient-style piece of art that really wasn't what you were hoping for. Thank you so much for reading this far, I guess we'll get started. Behold my grace in all its forms. And quiver in fear. The cover is not mine, though I should probably draw something like it to make things more personal.. I just can't get his nose right. Total Tangled reference there y'all! Okay, I'll shut up now.…

Boxing with You

Boxing with You

35 8 2

Skarrlet Moore,ambiţia şi misterul o definesc.Frumoasa boxeriţă, studentă la facultatea pe care o visa de mică, doreşte să înceapă o viaţă nouă şi să lase trecutul dureros în urmă.Frumoasă, inteligentă, misterioasă,cu un trup şi caracter de invidiat, seducătoare şi arogantă:aceste cuvinte o pot caracteriza cel mai bine pe tânăra Skarr. Însă ce sa va întampla atunci când acea fată fară încredere în oameni şi în iubire, se schimba.De ce ? Din cauza necunoscutului ce intră în viaţa ei.Ce sa va intampla cand, rand pe rand, secretele trecutului vor fii descoperite si readuse la viata ?Atunci cand EL,ii da peste cap lumea ?Atunci cand redescopera senzatii de mult uitate,sentimente neştiute şi dorinţa arzătoare de a devenii o nouă Skarrlet? El:Max Weel,Adonis pentru fete, incapatanat si arogant.Obisnuit ca orice fata sa ii cada la picioare si sa ii se faca pe plac. Ea:Tanara boxerita si totodata studenta a facultatii sportive din New York, misterioasa si puternica . " -Ești invincibilă, unică și frumoasă! Să concurezi cu determinarea și cu puterea ta de caracter este la fel de imposibil ca şi cum ai încerca să influențezi forțele naturii. Ești un fenomen extraordinar și oriunde te-ai afla, ești o delectare! -Da, o fi aşa, însă, nu uita că şi cel mai frumos înger are demonul său." *Povestea, ideile şi drepturile de autor îmi aparţin în totalitate.Atentie ! Această poveste conţine limbaj licentios, scene de violenţă fizi…

Mi 1er Libro:Parte 31/My 1st Book:Part 31

Mi 1er Libro:Parte 31/My 1st Book:Part 31

3,495 185 200

Kun:Hola De Nuevo,Queridos Com. y Visitantes,y...,Err..., Sean Bienvenidos a Otro Gran,Aunque Nuuuevo Libro,(Parte 31),Que Va a Tener Relatos Random Como,"Fem. Kart","Kellnay One-Shots:Queen & Princess","Dinocoon", "!Heeeeeere's Brock!","Toonz...,What a Sneaky Weasel", "Rynx Potter:Vs. Lord Fourzevort","Miracles Have Rew.", "Tyler Wicked","Immortal Knights","Kalilady Vs. Vampire Monkeys","Haulin' Nurses","Pluma Negra","Águila Azul", "You're My Sunshine","Danger Wolf:Call Of The Tropico/Night Of The Furtiki","Pink Ghost","Halloween Booguie", "Kakalu,El Mago Cubano","Missouri Murderer","Vampire Sheriff","They Walk The Night","Psychopathical Zombie Voodoo","Banshee Island","Dr. Creep's Spookshow","Tex Wonder:!Chickenscratch In Arizona!","Martian Mummies From All Outer Galaxy","The Gila Ghouls","Cathouse Of Horror","Mighty Purple","Satan's Manor","Kellnay Short Stories:Film Night","Bachata Of Doom","Demon!Marcel", "Lucifer:Po. Edition","H20vanoss:Technological Solaris", ","House Of Aces","Lunar Express","Phantom Renegade: Vs. Ghostcorpion","Bigzipperfreak","Happy Pancakes","…

му Dяαwιηgѕ ♥

му Dяαwιηgѕ ♥

133,721 10,349 161

Pentru inceput, nu copiez desenele altora pentru ca asa am eu chef sa le fur munca, doar le REPRODUC, pentru ca imi plac, dupa cum am mai spus. Incetati odata, devine obositor si jignitor pentru mine. ♥Cartea va contine desene de-ale mele.Reusite sau mult mai reusite la care o sa ma straduiesc foarte mult: ♥Portrete, ♥Peisaje, ♥Schite, ♥Design vestimentar(partea pe care o ador) ℱasℏion ♥Nu stiu sa manevrez chiar atat de bine un aparat foto,dar voi posta si cateva poze pe care le fac ocazional. Desenul e o pasiune de cand eram mica si chiar ma gandesc la un viitor serios in arta. Pagina:https://www.facebook.com/%D0%9C%C4%83d%C4%83-%CE%B1%D1%8F%D1%82-%CE%B1%CE%B7d-%CF%81%D0%BD%CF%83%D1%82%CF%83g%D1%8F%CE%B1%CF%81%D0%BD%D1%83-1649763461957614/ #39-14.03.2016 #35-31.05.2016 #27-25.06.2016 #21-30.07.2016 #13-27.08.2016-Altele Toate drepturile rezervate mie.…

Vino de Dulce Oscuridad

Vino de Dulce Oscuridad

181 0 64

A Wine Might Be Bitter, A Wine Might Be Sour..... And A Wine Might Be Sweet...... But Somehow Not All Sweets Are Good....... Some Of Them Has A Dark Effect...... The Dark Effect That Hides Behind The Sweet Taste That Might Ruin Your Life...... And Will Ruin Everyone Around You...... And As It Ruins Everything, It Will Not Gonna Leave Any Piece Of Peace Anymore....... The Wine Of Sweet Darkness Had Ruined And Will Keep Ruining Everything...... And Will Gonna Leave You Loveless And Hopeless...... What Would You Do If The Wine Of Sweet Darkness Is On You? What Would You Do To Prevent The Toxic Past From Affecting The Romantic Present..... This Is Vino de Dulce Oscuridad And Be Ready For The Toxic Start.....…

Mi 1er Libro:Parte 24/My 1st Book:Part 24

Mi 1er Libro:Parte 24/My 1st Book:Part 24

509 148 200

Kun:Ah,Saludos Otra Vez,Queridos Amigos yyyyyyyyyyy Visitantes,y,Bueno,Hoy,Yo Les Traigo Otro Nuuevo Libro, Que Tendrá Relatos Sorprendentes Para Todos Ustedes Como,"Youtubers:Heroes In Action/Mighty Movie","Puff Warrior","Soldiers From The World","Challe. Nightmares", "Grim Mountain Myths","2-Eyed Mole","Roy && Friends:A Unexpected Present","Hobwolves","Tío Mortem:!El Culto Del Señor De Oakhaven!","Nightstalkers:!Ghostly Piratic Mayhe.!","La Hechicera Encantada",(Crónicas Mágicas), "Dreamlanders:No,It Wasn't...","Hawaiian Nutz","Zombie Academy","Hunchback Of Jacksonville","Kryoz,The Sno. Prince","Mentally Creative","Wildtoonz:Young Prince And Demon King","…

𝐖𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞

𝐖𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞

95 4 3

Questa storia ambientata nel 1999 parla di due semplici famiglie che vanno a vivere nella villa ereditata dai propri genitori ormai deceduti, ai loro figli viene dato un vecchio diario dalla nonna in fin di vita, il quale conteneva segreti e misteri ancora non ben decifrati sulla casa da loro ereditata.I ragazzi inizieranno grazie alla loro acuta curiosità, ad indagare nelle più oscure e inaspettate parti della casa...buona lettura…

Jennifer Lopez  - Her style

Jennifer Lopez - Her style

7,264 243 200

Photobook about incredible JLo's style. She's a fashion icon!Fotoksiążka jest po prostu przeglądem stylu Jennifer Lopez ze wszystkich lat jej kariery. :)Będę zamieszczać tu zdjęcia jej stylizacji z różnych okresów, zbierając je wszystkie w jednym miejscu (celowo nie w kolejności chronologicznej).Zachęcam was do opinii i komentowania jej modowych wyborów, bo przecież styl zależy od gustu.…

El gozo de la locura

El gozo de la locura

19 0 3

Deseaba la muerte, anhelaba cerrar mis ojos y no abrirlos de nuevo. El dolor que me carcomía solo acabaría cuando dejara de respirar, solo me abandonaría el día en que mi corazón dejará de latir. Él, mi amado Nathaniel entenderá que la muerte es lo mejor para mí, quiero creer que no se entristecerá al verme exhalar mi último suspiro, quiero creer que mi recuerdo será suficiente para acompañarlo.Su cabello opaco me parecía tan brillante como el oro y sus ojos adornados de violáceas ojeras eran para mí los más hermosos que había visto en mi larga existencia. Aún a sabiendas de su condición efímera, había sido cautivado por su tierna amabilidad y su cándida pureza.No pude hacer nada por ella, solo fui capaz de presenciar como su vida se extinguía entre mis brazos, como ella me dejaba antes del tiempo estipulado por Edra. No lo aceptaba, no lograba concebir aquella injusticia concebida por Élle.Sin ella a mi lado, no existía sitio para mí en ningún lugar. Me incliné a los pies de Edra, el ángel cegador de almas, con la esperanza de que terminara con mi existencia, pero solo recibí su más tajante negativa. Sin poder discutir ante aquel rostro imperturbable, no tuve más opción que corromperme más y más con la esperanza de que algún día le permitieran acabar conmigo. Me convertí en un caído.Nathaniel al haber perdido a su amada Camille, decide convivir con la oscuridad. Decide llevar a cabo actos atroces con la intención de que finalmente el consejo de Élle le permita a Edra asesinarlo. Pero, justo antes de que eso suceda Edra decide pactar un trato con él. Un trato que podría costarle muy caro a ambos. ___________________________________________________________________________La historia comenzará a publicarse a partir del 21/04Actualizaciones: 1/2 cap. por semana. Obra registrada en Safe Creative: 1804216644121Creada por mí, por lo que no se aceptan adaptaciones ni copias.…

Shark Tank Gummies Reviews

Shark Tank Gummies Reviews

1 0 1

A solitary container of Keto Shark Tank Gummies has at least 30 sweet tablets at any rate. These are sufficient to provide you with a full stock of energy sustenance and body support. Prompting quicker weight reduction result is not something troublesome for them. Further, you can consume such a cure with no master discussion and a remedy too. No matter what your orientation and age, you get extraordinary weight reduction results.Must Read Get More Info: -https://www.outlookindia.com/outlook-spotlight/keto-shark-tank-gummies-beware-scam-alert-shark-tank-weight-loss-gummies-is-it-worth-buying--news-252123Click Here to Visit Official Website!https://www.outlookindia.com/outlook-spotlight/bioscience-keto-gummies-scam-warning-2023-bio-science-keto-acv-gummies-elite-keto-gummies-you-need-to-know-all-about-it--news-273932https://www.outlookindia.com/outlook-spotlight/keto-gummies-reviews-beware-scam-alert-acv-keto-gummies-2023-acv-gummies-shark-tank-complaints-fake-side-effects-news-273947https://www.mid-day.com/brand-media/article/peak-power-cbd-gummies-reviews-beware-scam-report-2023-high-peak-cbd-gummies-23279147https://www.mid-day.com/brand-media/article/avana-cbd-gummies-reviews-scam-warning-2023-beware-scam-avana-gummies-shark-23279140https://www.mid-day.com/brand-media/article/hona-cbd-fruit-gummies-reviews-fraud-warning-2023-beware-scam-honda-cbd-23279146…