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Brianna or Bri for short is a 17 year old girl, who always thought she was an ordinary girl. But ever since her 10th birthday everything started changing for the worst, everyone she loved like her Uncle John, Aunt Grace, Grandpa Ed, Grandma Isabel, Granny Amelia, Granddad Jack and everyone else in her family slowly died away.. Only because she kept seeing these weird creatures, but she never bothered to tell well anyone. Because she would be seen as crazy, they would send her away.. To a metal hospital or even a asylum if it was seen as Brianna was going insane, which any normal kid wouldn't be seeing any of this..So by the time Bri turned 17 she was done, she wanted to tell someone anyone what she has been seeing.... But it was too late, it was beyond fixable now.As Brianna Evelyn Anderson-Smith's disappearance was so sudden, nobody knew where she was.. Nobody could find any trace besides bloody footprints that stopped as soon as they left the Anderson-Smith's property, so police had very little evidence to work with to try and solve this case.. The chief of police was a very good friend of the Anderson-Smith's family, so he would do his best to bring Brianna home.…