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Some heroes are not born, but made. Within the depths of Cadmus, an experiment has been made, created to perform an abominable task: to kill the Man of Steel. One year after the Titans assembled, Lex Luthor has vanished from sight. During this time, his position as CEO of his old company, LexCorp, has been succeeded by his former secretary, Mercy Graves. One of her assets, Cadmus Labs, has been secretly commissioned by Mercy to create a clone of Superman to destroy the Kryptonian once and for all. All, of course, under Lex Luthor's orders. However, this clone, simply called Kr, deeply desires to see the world for himself. When an opportunity arises for him to escape, Kr flees from Cadmus in order to make a life of his own. Unfortunately, his creators are not going to let him go so easily. This superclone will have to fight for his freedom, and he may not be alone in this fight.…