Only One Thing Matters Now
-------------------------------------------------------------------------///Stiles was crying; there was no doubt that the hot streams of liquid rolling down his face were tears. He had loved someone who had only been using him. Derek had been meeting up with Stiles and taking him on secret "dates" for over a year. And Stiles was tired of it. Everytime they got together, it was in a hotel room. Derek would never let Stiles sleep at his place. Everytime Stiles woke up, it was to empty sheets- and Stiles was done. He was done being Derek's plaything. So he left. He wasn't going back. He didn't care if it meant sleeping in his car for a few days; he just wanted out of Beacon Hills.///------------------------------------------------------------------------Derek is no longer the controlling aspect of his life. Only one thing matters now. And Stiles will do anything to protect that one thing. Stiles will do anything to protect his daughter.…