le destin de ramata tome 2

le destin de ramata tome 2

372,238 54,527 25

tome 2 du destin de ramata pour ceux qui n'ont pas eu l'occasion de le lire sur facebook.…

Guilt, trust, love

Guilt, trust, love

81,640 3,503 37

This story begins from the scene when Raman sings a song to calm Shagun down and Ishita heard it.…

The Tales Of A Pregnant And Rejected Luna|✔|2fab4reads|#projectcharacter

The Tales Of A Pregnant And Rejected Luna|✔|2fab4reads|#projectcharacter

3,208,545 83,210 49

Highest ranking: #25 in werewolfL- life giving U- useful and strong N- natural care taker A- attractive That's what Luna stands for, all the things I was told I was not.....**********Colleen Daniel. 18. That's the number she would want to forget. That's the day, she lost it all. Her mate. Her friends. Her family, all because of a titled status. Because she was an omega. On her 18th birthday, a party is held for her by the Beta's daughter, whom she considered as her friend. When she finds out her Mate is none other than the alpha Reese Gold, she is beyond happy to have found her mate. But when her mate rejects her the next morning because of her status, she is forced to live in the pack city away from the pack house where she works as a maid for the alpha. When she finds out she is pregnant, she decides to keep it hidden from anyone and everyone. But working for your ex-mate as a maid, how do you hide a pregnancy? ©RamataMaguiraga 2016. Copyright All Rights…

His Hidden Child|✔️

His Hidden Child|✔️

1,325,532 30,679 38

Warning: Last chapter is only available on inkitt ⚠️Rejection was the last thing I could ever think of. To think, I the bakers daughter, would be mated to the Alpha king, only to be rejected afterwards. *********The mistake of a lifetime was what Isabelle Grove never expected coming her way. Being a simple pack bakers daughter, she never expected to be mated to the alpha king, Sin Dillan Vladimir, only for him to use her then reject her. After going through the pain of rejection, Isabelle moves away from her pack, but carrying a secret. What does destiny have in store for the simple bakers daughter and the alpha king? ©RamataMaguiraga 2017 Copyright All Rights Reserved.…



42,815 1,302 22

It's a new dimension to the story of YHM from the point where Subbu reentered in Raman-Ishita's life.…

La chiamata

La chiamata

153 99 16

L'equipaggio della Eos, guidato dal capitano Ellis, si trovò di fronte a una decisione cruciale. Nonostante le precauzioni e il senso di incertezza che permeava l'aria, sapevano che investigare sulla nave abbandonata era l'unica scelta possibile. Con il cuore pieno di speranza e un brivido di apprensione, si prepararono a entrare nel mistero che si celava oltre l'oscurità dello spazio interstellare.A bordo della nave fantasma, ogni passo dell'equipaggio risuonava nell'aria carica di tensione. Le luci intermittenti e i corridoi silenziosi sembravano narrare una storia di abbandono e desolazione. Mentre esploravano le sale vuote e i laboratori in disuso, cresceva il senso di inquietudine per quello che avrebbero potuto scoprire.Fu quando arrivarono alla sala di controllo principale che il segnale di soccorso divenne più intenso, vibrando nell'aria come un lamento silenzioso proveniente dall'abisso dello spazio. Era lì che, con un sussurro sinistro, le creature ombrose fecero la loro comparsa. Esseri evanescenti e inspiegabili, che sembravano danzare tra le ombre proiettate dalle lampeggianti console di controllo.L'equipaggio della Eos, improvvisamente catapultato in una lotta per la sopravvivenza contro avversari invisibili e misteriosi, trovò le loro abilità e la loro resistenza messe alla prova. Ogni incontro con queste entità oscure era un balzo nel buio dell'ignoto, un confronto tra il fragile equilibrio dell'umanità e le forze incomprensibili dell'universo.Nonostante le terribili perdite subite e gli orrori che avevano dovuto affrontare, l'equipaggio riuscì a lottare con coraggio e determinazione. Grazie a un'ultima, disperata resistenza, riuscirono a fuggire dalla nave fantasma, portando con sé il peso dei sacrifici compiuti e la promessa solenne di onorare i loro compagni caduti continuando a esplorare e a comprendere le profondità misteriose e affascinanti dello spazio infinito.…

Motel 6 // n.h

Motel 6 // n.h

61,786,756 1,048,727 69

Motel 6- where you may find cockroaches in the showers, questionable food in the vending machine, and maybe, possibly, some love along the way. © Copyright 2017. All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced, displayed, modified or distributed without the express prior written permission of the copyright holder. For permission, contact _HakunaMatata_ on Wattpad.com.…

Tomato Love Story (Tamatar n bana di Jodi) ✓

Tomato Love Story (Tamatar n bana di Jodi) ✓

11,216 1,256 11

This story is completeIf you are a sucker of Romance, comedy, and drama then you are at the right place. If you have read 'His Queen, Her Beast' then you would be able to connect more but it is ok even if you haven't read it. You can read it as stand-alone.I won't say anything else 🙊. Peep in to know more 😺❤Cover credit goes to @dash4120…

Ready To Run // h.s

Ready To Run // h.s

3,487,306 172,668 46

"This time I'm ready to run,escape from the city and follow the sun." "Well, I should probably get going." He said. "Me too." She hummed along in agreement. "Where are you off to?" "I'm going on a road trip." He grinned. "And you?" "My wedding." © Copyright 2017. All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced, displayed, modified or distributed without the express prior written permission of the copyright holder. For permission, contact _HakunaMatata_ on Wattpad.com.…

Юнмин's stories

Юнмин's stories

3,345 82 9

Cборничек по Юнминам. Возможны дополнения в виде других парочек или отдельных сториз.…

The Forest Fic

The Forest Fic

304,885 9,741 21

NOT MINE!!!I don't own this story; all credit goes to the original author SoloChaos on ao3 Trigger warning: suicide/sexual abuse/mature content Make sure you have some tissues....…

A week in Hwasun [completed] √

A week in Hwasun [completed] √

14,178 1,003 25

Liliyana, Mengunjungi negara itu adalah hal terakhir yang ada difikiranku Mencintai lagi pun adalah hal tersulit yang akan kulakukan Tapi, dia merubah semuanya, Merubah lelah dan ketakutanku menjadi sesuatu yang indah melalui kota kecil itu, Perlahan membawaku kembali pada diriku sendiri, dan aku bersyukur karenanya.. Lee Yongdae, Tidak pernah ada satu gadispun yang membuatku ingin menikah, Semua wanita sama saja, mereka hanya mengincar jabatan, kekayaan dan ketampananku saja, Tapi gadis itu hadir dihidupku, mata indahnya seolah mengatakan bahwa dia tidak tertarik sedikitpun padaku, hingga kuputuskan aku harus menikahinya!(private dibeberapa part)Amazing cover by : @junglefishmjje…



31,130 603 7

My version of Jay and Carlos' relationship. It's just a random story.…

Queen Rouge |✔| #BadassReads| 2fab4reads|

Queen Rouge |✔| #BadassReads| 2fab4reads|

378,177 9,808 45

After being humiliated and disowned by her own pack and family the 18 year old Noella Cindy James, goes Rouge. After tumbling in the depths of the unwanted city, she begins to challenge life. Day after day, anger, hate, malice, eating her up, she becomes bloodthirsty for revenge. A street fight occurs and she just happens to be in between, and in defence of protecting herself, she accidentally killed the king of Rouges. The crowd in happiness to be out of the rule of the king, choose Noella as their queen. With the Power and authority as queen, nothing is sweeter than revenge. Isn't it? Copyright All Rights Reserved…

Darcy // h.s

Darcy // h.s

13,013,518 237,246 39

*y'all DON'T READ THIS. i wrote this at thirteen. you've been warned.* "Harry, it's been rumored that if you have a daughter you would name her Darcy. Any particular reason why?" The interviewer asked. I gulped and glanced down at my feet, not wanting to talk about the girl that I had lost. "Um, yeah, actually." I admitted. "I used to be friends with a girl named Darcy... but she was kidnapped and never found again. I think that I'd like to name my daughter Darcy in her memory." My heart started to ache as I remembered Darcy Monroe and knew that I would never see her again. Or so I thought. © Copyright 2013. All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced, displayed, modified or distributed without the express prior written permission of the copyright holder. For permission, contact _HakunaMatata_ on Wattpad.com…



92 6 4

Chizuru Kagura had decided to host another King Of Fighters tournament. New participants and old ones participate in this tournament to prove who are the best. Find out, which Team is gonna be called the new KING OF FIGHTERS.…

Die for you

Die for you

3,719 418 14

나는 너를 위해 내 생명을 바칠 것이다 .그만큼 좋아하니까 , 많이 사랑하니까 .[ 깅규빈 | 한유진 ]…

Within The Flames Of Anger  (book One Of The Fire Series)

Within The Flames Of Anger (book One Of The Fire Series)

18,945 665 29

"I can never love and I won't even try to love. Cause once you have experienced the pain of it, you automatically shut it down, despise it" Fire has different colors and emotions have different sides. Felicia Francis. A 23 year old Beautiful, smart and woman every man wants for a wife, lives a simple life with her parents, in their simple home. When her father's debts begin coming in, the only way for her family to pay, without losing much of what they have left, is to marry their daughter to the CEO's son. Alexander stills. Cold, ruthless, cunning and uncaring and despises the word "love." that's Alexander Stills. The man of every girls dream. After getting into an arranged marriage with the billionaire bachelor, she learns things about him aren't as they seem, and there always seems to be a climax in his personality. But what more is, the man she is going to spend the rest of her life with, has got major anger issues, and a past that turns him away from romance and love. What makes Alexander so angry? And what's more us, will she be able to change the twisted man's fate? And make him love once again? ©RamataMaguiraga 2016. Copyright All Rights Reserved. (Warning⚠: there will be violence, traumatic reminders, and a few grammatical errors. This book under no circumstances can be copied, both the title and content in the book belong to me, the writer, alone. Plagiarism will be reported.) #projectcharacter#youngadultreads#projectwomanup…

Percy & Annabeth

Percy & Annabeth

23,467 450 13

Remake of the play by William Shakespeare. Two foolish teenagers, a forbidden love, and a feud destined to break them apart. Or... will it? xxPERCABETH!xx AU. FanFiction.…

Winter Tangerines (IU x SUGA)

Winter Tangerines (IU x SUGA)

27,355 2,106 53

"I guess now I understand why fate was not in our favor the first time we met." Yoongi took a sip of his coffee."You do?""Yeah. Well we were two stubborn young souls back then. If we stayed together for more than a week, we could've killed each other."Jieun almost choked on the pizza she's been savouring. She couldn't stop coughing, laughing and crying all at the same time. She was a total mess."But that was before; when we were ten years younger. Now, I know better. And I won't let fate mess up with us again.""Wow Yoongi. I never thought you're fond of watching dramas now. Are you okay?" Jieun finally had the chance to talk after almost losing her breath."I don't think so. I am not okay. I think I'm in love.""You're full of surprises, Min Yoongi. So who's the lucky person?" Both were unprepared for this moment. But when Yoongi found the courage to hold Jieun's hand, he knew there's no turning back.…