Tags: romance
Her Eyes

Her Eyes

97 9 1

A short story from a young girl's perspective. Read it if you want to know the rest. I apologize in advance for any medical inaccuracy.Comments appreciated.…

Last Regards

Last Regards

24 5 1

A Tale of Two Cities poem. If Sydney Carton had a chance to write a last farewell to Lucie Manette before his execution at the Guillotine.…

Ongaku Never Dies (Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso) (Two-part)

Ongaku Never Dies (Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso) (Two-part)

1,442 61 2

Kousei's time has finally come. He wonders if he will see her again.Kaori.The girl who had loved food and music.The girl who had loved him, only for it to be too late.In his final days, he swears that he will reunite with her, if only to thank her.It's the least he can do, after all she did for him.(Disclaimer: I do not own Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, nor any of its characters. All rights go to Naoshi Arakawa and A-1 Pictures.)…

Mercutio and Bill Hutchinson on the topic of Appearance vs. Reality

Mercutio and Bill Hutchinson on the topic of Appearance vs. Reality

25 1 1

This is something I wrote at the end of the year for English. We had to write a dialogue between two characters that had shown up in something we had read that year, and the topic between the two would be something off of a list our teacher gave us. My characters are Mercutio (from Romeo and Juliet) and Bill Hutchinson (from the short story "The Lottery"). The topic I picked was Appearance vs. Reality, but I didn't approach the topic directly. Enjoy. (It's actually quite deep and funny, despite how it sounds. At least I got a good grade on it.)…

The Loudest Minds

The Loudest Minds

2,724 149 9

"Quiet people have the loudest minds."-Stephen HawkingRose Gheata is a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a hoodie three sizes too big.And she is slowly losing her mind.Her life is rapidly spiraling down the drain. Her parents and twin brother are dead. She'll be moving across an ocean in two weeks time, leaving all her loved ones behind. Those that are still alive, anyway.She gives herself a choice: live in silence, and reside in the hell that is her current state of mind; or die with the family she played a part in killing. So will she bite her tongue? Or take her life?The strength to face death.The cowardice to refuse it.But what happens when she meets someone who teaches her that taking her life is the easy way out? Someone who teaches her that only the strongest can convey emotions without words? That staying strong means facing her fears and actions, instead of running from them? That the quietest people have the loudest minds? (Read Rate Review please)…

•𝐒𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐚: 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 [𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 #1]

•𝐒𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐚: 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 [𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 #1]

1,467 221 29

BOOK #1 OF "ENTANGLED CHRONICLES" SERIES Safira Ahad Rahal finds herself thrust into an unexpected marriage with Ahad Ahmad Rahal, a man whose heart she must unlock. As Safira navigates the complexities of their forced union, she discovers that Ahad's feelings for her run deeper than she could have ever imagined.However, Safira's past holds a haunting secret, one that threatens to unravel the fragile bond between them. With prying eyes lurking in the shadows, determined to claim her for themselves, Safira must confront her past and confront the truth before it tears them apart.In this captivating romance filled with passion, intrigue, and mystery, Safira and Ahad must navigate the complexities of love and trust to uncover the truth behind their veiled hearts…

The Brutal Life Of A Delinquent

The Brutal Life Of A Delinquent

89,746 4,132 51

Once upon a time, in a city, was born a boy.This boy grew up to be a delinquent. Without mercy, he would beat up anyone who annoyed him.Men... Women... Children... Animals... Nature... Technology... None were safe from his wrath.His school has students with record-breaking good behavior because they are too scared of this delinquent.This delinquent was living a pretty good life from his viewpoint. But when an infamous Mafia arrives at his city and stirs up trouble at his school, what will he do?There's only one obvious answer....................... Beat every single mafia member to a bloody pulp that can never walk again.Join this Delinquent in his rampage against crime In...... The Brutal Life Of A Delinquent.(All Pics/gifs/vids/etc belong to their respective owners)This story might be... Brutal…

the nacho salsa fic

the nacho salsa fic

348 11 1

you've watched it on pinof 7 and now you can read it…

Selamat Tinggal Kenangan

Selamat Tinggal Kenangan

294 6 1

Cover by salshabilla adr SELAMAT TINGGAL KENANGAN…

Accidentalmente Enamorados

Accidentalmente Enamorados

522 15 4

- ¿Qué harías si te proponen ser novia falsa? ¿Aceptas o no aceptas? Bueno, Hetty pudo rechazar. Pero, no, acepto el desafío. - ¿Qué pasa si le propones a la chica equivocada que sea tu novia falsa? Bueno, Oliver, quería salir de un rumor, sí o sí. Así que no tuvo opción. Pero lo que no sabía es que no era la chica que debía proponerle. ¿Fuen un error? Ambos prometieron, no enamorarse. ¿Pero podrán enamorarse un día para otro? Cuando menos te lo espera, todo sucede ¿no? ¿Qué pasa si ellos tienen un accidente, muy accidente? ¿Se enamoraran accidentalmente? Ya lo veremos. ♡ PROHIBIDO ADAPTACIÓN O ALGUNA COPIA. Primer capítulo: Último capítulo:…



99 11 14

"Vou historiar uma experiência fascinante de um velho amigo seu, que pagou o preço do desafio ás leis eternas do amor e da compreensão".Ninguém fica impune quando desafia a Lei e, em conseqüência, enquanto não purgar todo vício que o conduziu na afronta a Ela, não receberá outra coisa que não o tormento da fúria divina, que o perseguirá por quanto tempo for necessário, até que desperte do pesadelo que está adormecido o seu ser imortal. É uma experiência que está sendo vivida neste instante por milhões de espíritos que não souberam controlar seus instintos mais viciados, e se deixaram se levar pelas falsas aparências das situações que, se vistas com amor e com respeito pelos semelhantes, o levariam ao sétimo céu.Mas, como não foi isto que aconteceu com o Barão, então contemos a fascinante história do Guardião da Meia-Noite. Fascinante porque nos revela de modo humano, o estranho desenrolar da vida desse personagem que tinha tudo para ser uma vida tranqüila, mas que, infelizmente, pela forma como agiu, provocou seu tormento, mesmo depois de morto seu corpo carnal. O Guardião da Meia-Noite é o personagem real que mais coragem teve ao nos contar sua terrível história. Hoje ele é um dos melhores servidores da luz da Lei. Mas como todos os romances, contos místicos e histórias de Pai Benedito de Aruanda tem por finalidade ensinar-nos algo, espero que esta narrativa possa trazer um pouco de esclarecimento sobre as coisas divinas que se encontram espalhadas nas frases, diálogos e situações vividas pelos personagens, todos humanos e em constante evolução, que povoam o desencadeamento dramático da história do Guardião da Meia-Noite. (RUBENS SARACENI)…



1 0 1


The One

The One

105 1 1

No llores, sigo aquí (SeokSoon)

No llores, sigo aquí (SeokSoon)

493 80 1

Mientras Seokmin lucha por seguir adelante sin la presencia de Soonyoung físicamente en su vida, un espíritu particular lo acompaña en su rutina diaria, viendo cómo la amistad de sus amigos más íntimos se convierte en un bálsamo para el duelo y cómo es la vida de su amado desde un punto de vista de espectador después de su partida. Esta es una historia de amor y amistad que desafía los límites entre la realidad y la fantasía.ADVERTENCIAS: - Muerte de personaje principal.- Angustia. Prohibida la copia y/o adaptación Hanna Lee (c)…

One Of A Kind

One Of A Kind

11 0 2

I know that I am different, it's not like EVERY wolf in the entire land has told me that before. My name is Crystal Feather, I'm unlike any other wolf. Not just from personality, but the way I look.…

The Greedy King

The Greedy King

39 1 1

no description…

Is this Love?

Is this Love?

0 0 2

This is about absurd love story, Let's read:)…

passionate lovers

passionate lovers

8 1 1

Hii!! Guys I'm shafiya and I'm just 16 years old and I'm not very good in english so just ignore grammatical mistakes so story is write by me hope u will enjoy it..…

El Diario de Argentina

El Diario de Argentina

11 0 2

El día a día muchas veces puede ser caótico, más cuando queres avanzar, progresar y no podés hacerlo por ser una persona de ingresos bajos independiente. Acompañame en este diario de realidades que se viven día a día, y que muchos coincidirán... o no. Liberar un poco de estrés mediante la escritura, es liberador, muchas veces reconfortante y además es una manera de expresarnos mucho más detalladamente.…