Ruby Red and Amelia Green Lesbian Story

Ruby Red and Amelia Green Lesbian Story

3,222 110 21

Mel hadn't really questioned her teenage life or her average style, and didn't see any need to, until that strange day. On a whim, she skipped math class to go outdoors and enjoy the lovely spring weather, and that was the cue for a series of mysterious events.Who was the strikingly beautiful lady in red? Where did the book come from, and who was Mel - really?…

Mr. Delinquent Natsu Dragneel & Little Miss Nerd Lucy Heartfillia ON HOLD Sorry

Mr. Delinquent Natsu Dragneel & Little Miss Nerd Lucy Heartfillia ON HOLD Sorry

35,320 1,220 12

Delinquent Natsu Dragneel had just been late to class. And as punishment, by Erza, he has to show a new student around the school. But she isn't new to our characters. She was their childhood friend. But, she only remembers Erza and Gray. Just what happened to Lucy Heartfillia's memories?…

The Haunted House Of Edna Brooks
True Love Never Dies (Short Story)
Tag(s) (Sorry)

Tag(s) (Sorry)

18 4 1

So, this has gone for a while. Many people "tag" me and I Have No Idea, how that works. I'm a noon of the internet. So, to try and make it up to anyone that has tagged me (for who knows in the name of everything in this world), I'll make this. Which can someone help me out, if you have time that is ^^|||…

Perfect Nights in Ullyse

Perfect Nights in Ullyse

18,563 879 10

The fate of Almen family changes when Daner Algot arrive in Ullyse in search of his four year old son kidnapped by the Almen Mafia.…

Unexpected Nonsense: A Story Of A Banana And Dog

Unexpected Nonsense: A Story Of A Banana And Dog

8 1 1

Unexpected Nonsense is a humor genre short story (also my first story made) based on an rp that I did with my friends on a game. This includes many things that may seem unfamiliar or unexpected (hence it's name) and makes the story much more funny.…

upside down , chris sturniolo. ✓

upside down , chris sturniolo. ✓

442,996 8,145 36

in which he finally answers her dms.chris sturniolo x fem!ocCOMPLETED!themegamet, 2022.…

Um Ômega Para o Duque (Duologia Meu Destino - Livro 01)

Um Ômega Para o Duque (Duologia Meu Destino - Livro 01)

2,113 384 18

Em uma sociedade onde os laços familiares e as tradições ditam as regras, o Duque Henry Evans retorna da guerra como um herói aclamado, pronto para enfrentar seu próximo desafio: cumprir o último desejo de sua mãe. Contudo, o que ele não esperava era que esse desejo envolvesse casar-se com um ômega, desafiando as convenções e suas próprias expectativas.Enquanto isso, Archi Taylor, o excêntrico irmão mais novo do respeitado Visconde Louis Taylor, luta contra a pressão de uma sociedade que não consegue entender suas peculiaridades. Com uma mente brilhante e uma alma sensível, Archi é constantemente alvo do desprezo de seus irmãos mais velhos e, principalmente, de sua mãe, cujo olhar de desdém parece pesar sobre ele como uma sombra constante.Enquanto Henry se prepara para enfrentar seu destino imposto, Archi enfrenta sua quarta temporada social sem sucesso, sua reputação manchada pelas fofocas cruéis da alta sociedade. Seu coração, no entanto, permanece aberto à possibilidade de encontrar o amor verdadeiro, mesmo que pareça cada vez mais distante.Um encontro fortuito durante o baile do Duque acaba em desastre, quando um mal-entendido cruelmente ampliado pelas línguas venenosas da elite social separa Henry e Archi de forma abrupta, sem nem lhes dar uma chance.No entanto, o destino é imprevisível, e um ano depois, seus caminhos se cruzam novamente de maneira inesperada.Conforme Henry e Archi enfrentam os obstáculos impostos pela sociedade e pelas próprias inseguranças, eles descobrem que sua conexão vai além das convenções superficiais. Unidos pelo destino e pela vontade de seguir seus corações, eles se lançam em uma jornada emocionante rumo a um futuro incerto, onde o amor verdadeiro pode finalmente encontrar um lar.…

Cutie's Bad Boy

Cutie's Bad Boy

102,214 5,892 43

Gulf was just going to school and going through his classes just like any other day. He didn't expect to go to school and get confessed to by an alpha right in the school courtyard in front of his classmates. Especially since this alpha was their school's famous bad boy.However, both of them have a slight negative about their own character. Gulf is sometimes painfully too kind and bad at reading character while Mew has his own insecurities and issues he's never been able to overcome.Will their love be able to overcome these obstacles or will the end up in misery and a failed courtship?This will be an omegaverse story so obviously there will be mpreg and all of that good stuff in there. Please read the information chapter at the beginning of this story because this one will be a little different from regular omegaverse stories.***Any pictures I use I have pull from the internet and go to the original creators. This is a fanfiction and nothing about what I write relates to the real relationship between Mew and Gulf. PURELY FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES***…

Szerelmem maga a maffia

Szerelmem maga a maffia

23,647 718 12

Nora Ferell szülei kiskorában meghaltak. Apja régi barátja veszi szárnyai alá Norat, aki inmár felnőtté cseperedet. Orvosként dolgozik New York egyik kórházában ahol, összesodórja az élet egy úgyszint fiatal maffiózóval, Theo Ortegaval.A lány élete teljesen felfordúl mikor, gyámja meghal és Theohoz kerül akarata ellenére.Kiderül apjáról egy-két infórmáció ami miatt a lány élete veszélybe kerül.Vajon Theo meg tudja védeni Norat a múltjától?Nora a családja után vágyakozik?Képesek-e ennyi szenvedés és csaló után szeretni?Tarts velem és mindez kiderül!A történet néhol 🔞jelenetet és trágár szavakat tartalmaz!…

Jack Duff's sister

Jack Duff's sister

593 9 5

Hi my names Jayden Duff I'm jack duffs twin sister we both sing except plot twist hes the only one in roadtrip I have a solo career but anyways gotta go later skater 😉…

Happily never ever

Happily never ever

394 13 10

Alvhilde is trying to prevent war with the giants.…

NaLu One-Shots

NaLu One-Shots

992 32 6

Were all my one-shots will live. And new ones will go. I hope you enjoy…

King of Emlet

King of Emlet

102,220 3,618 19

Arthur finds out about Merlin's Magic. he doesn't know what else to do and banishes Merlin, much to his friend's chagrin. Merlin is greeted by some old friends who help him become the powerful warlock he is meant to be while providing refuge for all magic beings.…

illicit affairs , lando norris.

illicit affairs , lando norris.

2,654 134 8

in which they fell too hard way too fast.lando norris x fem!ocONGOING!themegamet, 2024.…

Sassy omega ; joshler [omegaverse]

Sassy omega ; joshler [omegaverse]

152,007 20,818 35

O M E G A V E R S E❝Tyler simplemente no quería un alfa, y mucho menos a el❞***Historia originalmente mía, espero les guste ♡#167 EN FANFIC: 19/04/17#229 EN FANFIC: 08/06/17#173 EN FANFIC: 24/07/17…



2,627 53 9

Zane and Travis and both still single no girls want to date them soo they…

Break up with your girlfriend - A Josh Richards story

Break up with your girlfriend - A Josh Richards story

155,577 1,219 29

In which Macy Hall, Bryce Hall's little sister, meets a taken Josh Richards via Omegle. In that Omegle call there was a spark neither of them could ignore, not even Josh's girl who immediately tried to skip Macy but never got the chance. Will they come together or will Josh stay with Nessa?A sway house fanfic (I do not own many of these pictures or characters) This book is over a year old, some references are outdated and my editing isn't as good as it is now..…