the endless tunnel of my mind

the endless tunnel of my mind

1,338 457 200

A collection of poems written for my 2019-2020 poetry challenge.…

"You are mine, demon... Credo che in pochi abbiano un padre morto... e in ancor meno abbiano visto ilproprio padre morire davanti ai propri occhi e ucciso da proprio fratello e dalla propria madreEh si... questa è la realtà e l'ho scoperta pure da poco... ma prima mi presento:mi chiamo Megan Horan ho 14 anni, ma vedrete che tra poco ne avrò 17... ho la pelle pallidissima o per meglio dire bianca come il latte, sono una ragazza dai capelli scuri e occhi scuri come la pece.Vivevo in Inghilterra prima di compiere 14 anni e di scoprire cosa sono...Io sono un demone, no meglio dire IL demone. Sono figlia di Lucifero, il demone per eccezione, e di Isabelle, l'angelo per eccezione; ho un fratello più grande di me di 3 anni di nome Niall...Io da piccolissima sono cresciuta senza sapere nulla sul mio mondo (il mondo dei demoni), ma sapevo tutto sul mondo degli angeli perché dicevano che "ero una di loro", ma tutti erano diversi da me ed io ero esclusa... avevano la pelle colorita, quasi abbronzata, capelli chiari e occhi talmente perfetti che potevi leggerci dentro l'anima e quando crescevi ti spuntavano delle magnifiche ali bianche e soffici con anche dei poteri straordinari che col tempo potevi controllare.Mia madre è l'angelo più potente, ha dei magnifici occhi verdi quasi azzurri e dei capelli tanto dorati da sembrare seta; mio fratello è quasi identico a lei: ha capelli biondi però alla radice ci sono alcune ciocche nere prese da papà, occhi azzurrissimi quasi trasparenti.... Io invece ero identica a mio padre (almeno così sentivo dire in giro quando passavo), ho, come ho già detto, degli occhi scuri ma con un potere di mia madre al sole diventano di un colore verde smeraldo, ho capelli molto lunghi e lisci, ma nelle punte sono ondulati, sono di un castano scurissimo, ma mi hanno tinto le punte di biondo tanto da sembrare più simile agli angeliDa piccola vivevo nel mondo degli angeli e dei demoni (quando Lucifero era vivo i due mondi erano uniti) fino a quando mia madre e mio fratello non uccisero nostro, o ormai meglio dire MIO padre, davanti ai miei occhi facendomi perdere così ogni speranza, traumatizzandomi e dividendo così i due mondi. Mia madre venuta a conoscenza che io avevo visto la scena fatidica pensò bene di farmi perdere la memoria e mandandomi sulla Terra da un'altra famiglia, ma lei non sapeva che compiuti 13 anni io sarei diventata definitivamente il demone tanto atteso da mio padre e lui, prevedendo questo, aveva scelto una persona che mi avrebbe fatto tornare la memori al momento giusto e che mi avrebbe aiutato nel nuovo mondoOra spiego un po' i due mondi:Il mondo degli angeli è semplice da spiegare perché esistono solo loro con poteri alcuni più potenti e altri meno, ma i demoni si suddividono in più categorie, in ordine di importanza e potenza:- Demone- Protettori e Speciali- Licantropi e Vampiri- Zombie e FantasmiIl Demone è solo uno e nessuno, neanche tutti quanti i suoi discendenti insieme, possono distruggerlo o metterlo in difficoltà; i Protettori sono stati creati molto tempo fa con qualità protettive per proteggere in prima linea il Demone e poi se mai qualcuno avesse bisogno di loro, loro dovrebbero esserci; gli Speciali sono a pari merito di forza con i Protettori solo che sono delle modificazioni di tutti i generi e cioè possono essere misti tra Licantropi e Vampiri e così via... oppure possono semplicemente avere dei poteri troppo diversi dagli altri per essere definiti in altre categorie; i Licantropi sono uomini (o donne) che si trasformano in lupi e hanno una forza micidiale, hanno il potere di persuadere le persone grazie al loro calore e comportamento, hanno di solito stazze molto grandi; i Vampiri "nascono" mordendo degli essere umani e iniettendogli il loro veleno, sono particolarmente bianchi di carnagione, sono eccellenti in qualsiasi cosa e bellissimi e attraenti agli occhi degli umani; gli Zombie sono degli esseri viventi morti, puzzolenti, brutti, ma indistruttibili (se vengono colpiti si ricompongono da soli) e non essendo "normali" e neanche rassicuranti vivono nel mondo dei demoni; i Fantasmi sono i più "adorabili" perché possono scomparire e ricomparire quando vogliono, sono nelle stesse sembianze nell'esatto momento della loro morte e lo si diventa se si ha dei conti in sospeso...La mia storia inizia al mio quattordicesimo compleanno....Inviato da iPad

114 6 1

Ci sono demoni…



64,466 493 192

Random Quotes that I find and create…



3,488 297 193

Just a bunch of random crap that nobody asked for!Kinda like a diary, but knowing me, probrably unlike any diary you've ever seen, and will probrably give you nightmares!Unless you're Ginny Weasly, in which case, you've seen worse.Now come! Come into my wonderful world of grammar and spelling mistakes and just all around craziness!!!(Any art or videos I use are not mine unless I specificly say)…

God's Descent in the Magical City

God's Descent in the Magical City

140 0 57

"God's Descent in the Magical City" is an action-packed and fantasy-filled novel that tells the story of a regular individual named A Lai who gains the power of the Thunder God after being attacked and buried alive. In a life-or-death experience, A Lai is struck by a bolt of lightning, not only surviving but also gaining the extraordinary ability to control thunder and lightning. This transformation plunges him into a mysterious urban adventure, where he must use his newfound powers to battle against evil forces and unravel the various mysteries surrounding him. In a life-and-death struggle against Scarface, A Lai demonstrates his intelligence and courage. When he is buried underground, facing the threat of death, a sudden thunderstorm not only saves him but also grants him unparalleled abilities. In the subsequent story, A Lai uses his powers to protect himself and others, uncover conspiracies, and confront dark forces trying to disrupt order, all with the help of a loyal group of companions. The novel is filled with thrilling combat scenes and portrays A Lai's internal struggles as he grapples with the choices between justice and survival. As the plot unfolds, A Lai gradually grows into a true hero. His story is not just about superhuman adventures, but also delves into themes of humanity, courage, and sacrifice. "God's Descent in the Magical City" will take you into a world where fantasy and reality intertwine. Follow A Lai's footsteps and experience an enthralling urban fantasy journey. If you desire to witness the rise of an ordinary individual in the face of adversity, becoming a guardian, then this book is a must-read for you.…

The Camaraderie

The Camaraderie

143 0 50

Hannah is approached by three threatening men whilst heading home from martial arts practice. Convinced they intend to attack her, she takes them down with ease, but then moments later finds herself accused of assaulting undercover police officers and tasered for failing to drop her weapon. She wakes up in a very different world: the language spoken is foreign, her real name is unrecognized, and even her body has changed. She soon learns she has been living for months in complete oblivion, a captive at the Camaraderie in Hellyn, which turns out to be a very long way from home. The Camaraderie feels like a prison even though the staff call it a training school, and her fellow inmates insist they are thrilled to be there and desire no other life. They say they are the chosen ones training to serve Hellyn and there is nowhere else they’d rather be; even the deliciously attractive Adam laughs at her when she insists she has been kidnapped. Their Camaraderie captors play a cruel game of manipulation to ensure inmate compliance and obedience and they target not just the rebellious ones, but also the most beautiful amongst them. The internees might have more desire for freedom and less passion for their studies and following the rules if they had any recollection of life before the Camaraderie, or if they knew what fate awaited them come graduation day, but they are carefully kept ignorant of both their prior lives and the world beyond the Camaraderie walls. Hannah has her suspicions that Hellyn is a violent, backwards and misogynistic country; a place that is unforgiving of untamed, free-thinking Camaraderie trainees like her, and she wants no part of it. She must leave before she becomes a lost cause just like her friends, destined to spend the rest of her life either in oblivion or dying in someone else’s war.The story unfolds through the eyes of three characters: Hannah and Adam, both trapped in the Camaraderie, and Arras, a graduate of the Camaraderie.…

Shadows of Power

Shadows of Power

47 8 25

gets better after chapter 3 In the heart of a sprawling metropolis, where power and influence intertwine with danger and desire, two individuals from opposite worlds find themselves drawn together in a forbidden romance that defies all odds. "Shadows of Power" is a gripping tale of love, betrayal, and redemption set against the backdrop of a city gripped by the clutches of organized crime and corporate intrigue.Giovanni Salvatore, the notorious mafia boss, commands respect and fear in equal measure, ruling the streets with an iron fist and a heart of ice. Isabella Rossi, the ambitious CEO of a multinational corporation, navigates the cutthroat world of corporate politics with grace and determination, her every move calculated to ensure success.When their paths collide in a chance encounter, sparks fly, setting off a chain reaction of events that will change their lives forever. As Giovanni and Isabella embark on a tumultuous journey of forbidden love, they must navigate the treacherous waters of their respective worlds, where danger lurks around every corner and trust is a precious commodity.But as secrets are unveiled and old enemies resurface, Giovanni and Isabella find themselves facing impossible choices that threaten to tear them apart. Will their love be enough to overcome the obstacles that stand in their way, or will the shadows of their pasts consume them both?"Shadows of Power" is a captivating tale of passion and intrigue that will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very end. With its richly drawn characters, pulse-pounding action, and sizzling romance, this book is sure to leave a lasting impression on all who dare to enter its dark and dangerous world.…

Lessons From God 5

Lessons From God 5

233 6 200

Lessons learnt from God volume 5…

"Human Resources : Decoding the Significance in Today's World"

1 1 1

Meaning & DefinitionHuman resources (HR) refers to the department within an organization that is responsible for managing and overseeing the various aspects of the employer-employee relationship. It encompasses a wide range of functions aimed at effectively utilizing and developing an organization's human capital to achieve its strategic objectives. The primary focus of HR is on the people who work for the organization.key Aspects Of Human ResourcesRecruitment and Staffing: Identifying workforce needs, creating job descriptions, and recruiting qualified candidates to fill job vacancies.Employee Onboarding: Welcoming and integrating new employees into the organization through orientation, training, and providing necessary resources.Training and Development: Identifying skill gaps, designing training programs, and fostering continuous learning to enhance employee capabilities.Performance Management: Establishing performance expectations, conducting evaluations, and providing feedback to employees to improve their performance.Compensation and Benefits: Designing and managing compensation structures, including salaries, bonuses, and benefits such as healthcare and retirement plans.Employee Relations: Managing relationships between employees and the organization, addressing conflicts, and ensuring a positive work environment.HR Policies and Compliance: Developing, implementing, and enforcing HR policies and procedures to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.Workforce Planning: Anticipating and planning for future workforce needs, including talent acquisition, succession planning, and workforce restructuring.Diversity and Inclusion: Promoting diversity and inclusion within the workplace to create a more equitable and welcoming environment.To read complete blog :…