I'm Right Here(The Maze Runner/Minho)

I'm Right Here(The Maze Runner/Minho)

10,866 312 30

Trap in a moving lift will surely make your leg feel like jelly and your heart beaten faster.That's what exactly happen to her...and soon,she'll find out that she's the only girl in the glade.Confuse,scare,mad,sad are all combine into one small box of feeling that belong to her,she soon find out someone......just someone who can make her feel better...Slowly,she found out that she play an important role to the WICKED and her connection to a girl name Teresa(My first The Maze Runner Fanfic)…

π’Žπ’† 𝒐𝒓 π’‰π’Šπ’Ž || π’Œ.π’‚π’Œπ’‚π’‚π’”π’‰π’Š

π’Žπ’† 𝒐𝒓 π’‰π’Šπ’Ž || π’Œ.π’‚π’Œπ’‚π’‚π’”π’‰π’Š

26,956 842 26

"its simple y/n, its either going to have to be me or him." Which of the two did you end up choosing?…

Tiket Ke Syurga: Jalan Keluar

Tiket Ke Syurga: Jalan Keluar

266 21 22

Perjumpaan Haizal bersama Abang Tahfiz mengingatkan dia kepada arwah abangnya Mahdi. Hati Haizal mula terdetik untuk berubah daripada seorang budak nakal kepada seorang muslim yang taat pada perintah Allah. Tapi dalam setiap hijrah bukan mudah untuk istiqomah kerana pelbagai ujian datang menghampiri serta ada yang akan kurang senang. Berjayakah Haizal mencari jalan keluar dari hidupnya yang kelam itu atau tidak?…

I'm More Than You See(Ki Hong Lee fanfic)

I'm More Than You See(Ki Hong Lee fanfic)

4,285 104 23

Melody Parkour.Once you see her,she's just normal girl with really really lonely life.Her family died in a car accident three years ago.Speaking of family can sure tear her heart apart,No friends or good life are making her heart begging for a little happy light of life to be shine through her day by day,She only got enemy.Yup,finding the one that hate her isn't hard,but finding the one that adore her...maybe a few other years.Though one day,a new student is transfer to her school,all i could say is they'll get along pretty well.(Ki Hong Lee fanfic)…

Between Love And Power(TMNT)

Between Love And Power(TMNT)

2,975 214 52

Who know,Lily Enderson,a normal sweet girl is now mutant after she had fall into a big tank of mutagen.And all of it were done accidently by one of the turtles.Will she survive knowing herself a mutant.Things also got worse when Shredder is now hunting her.For what?…

The Death Trials

The Death Trials

5,247 322 61

What possibly happen when two group that doesn't know each other except it's own group meet the other group.Will chaos happen? Or they will work together to escape the hell?My story will combine all the trials,starting from The Maze Runner until The Death Cure.All in a story,but from the 'Group B' view that is the girls.I'll cut off a few parts and create my own story,but it's based on the movie and books. Okay,hope you enjoy.Special thanks to my friend that help me get some ideas especially when it come to Newt.Thank you so much!…

Fairy x Naruto : Lucy's resolution (Book two) (Sasuke love story)

Fairy x Naruto : Lucy's resolution (Book two) (Sasuke love story)

8,578 116 21

Sequel to Fairy x Naruto : Lucy's training (Book one) It's already three years since Lucy and Sasuke leave the village. Lucy had become stronger than before. She had train herself because she want to achieve her goal. She want to save Itachi and stop Sasuke's revenge. Sasuke had become taller than her. He had been train by one of Sannin, Orochimaru. He want to achieve his revenge toward Itachi. Lucy and Sasuke had meet their former teammate. Lucy have to stay by Sasuke's side to save Itachi from killed by Sasuke. Will Lucy successful to save Uchiha Itachi from Sasuke? Will Lucy can resolve everything?Start : 31/10/2020End : 11/12/2020…

Watch the future of Uzumaki Naruko

Watch the future of Uzumaki Naruko

5,012 64 4

Konoha 12, team Hebi, Akatsuki, Minato, Kushina, Fugaku, Mikoto Jiraiya, Tsunade, Hashirama, Tobirama, Madara and Izuna were bring to the place where they watch the future of Uzumaki Naruko's life. Also the future who she married and her kids.…

Fairy x Naruto : Lucy's training (Book one) (Sasuke love story)

Fairy x Naruto : Lucy's training (Book one) (Sasuke love story)

15,882 225 20

Lucy Fullbuster had lost her parents since her parents died in accident because of Deliora. Not only that, her brother had disappeared without knowing that Lucy still alive. She was train by a queen dragon who name Calliana. Her power was really powerful. One day, Calliana had disappeared in 7 July 777. Lucy was upset that her dragon had disappeared. Then she meet a mother of fox demon. She was give her child to Lucy before she died. Lucy was name a fox Himeko. She was really take care of Himeko. Then she go to Konoha village and meet Third hokage. Third hokage had know Lucy's mother so he give a permission to Lucy staying at Konoha village. Two years later, Lucy had successful in exam that given by Iruka for getting Konoha headband. She was place a team with Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke. Their sensei was Hatake Kakashi. Sasuke was seem have interest on Lucy. Lucy have be friend with them. But Lucy seems always protect her team especially Sasuke. She was going adventure with them. Sasuke have a rough past in his life that give impact on Lucy anyway. It's make Lucy want to stay by Sasuke's side. What will happen to Lucy? Will Lucy stay by Sasuke's side? Will she follow Sasuke?Start : 07/10/2020End : 30/10/2020…

Uzumaki Naruko (Book one)

Uzumaki Naruko (Book one)

5,621 45 13

This is a story about Uzumaki Naruko. Uzumaki Naruko was the daughter of Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina. She had been taken care of by her adopted brother named Uchiha Obito who was already married to Kakashi's twin sister, Hatake Katsumi. She was the strongest kunoichi in Konoha.Will Naruko get along with her teammates?…

Kau Untuk Aku

Kau Untuk Aku

5,968 151 4

Aisya Qalila seorang yang berperangai seperti lelaki , hyperactive dan sedikit kasar tapi syukurlah sikap keperempuanan nya masih ada . Walaupun perangainya sebegitu Aisha tutup aurat dengan sempurna dan tetap menjaga batas pergaulan nya . Aisha Qalila mempunyai seorang kawan lelaki iaitu Faiq Amsyar . Mereka sudah berkawan sejak berumur 5 tahun dan sekarang mereka sudah berumur 17tahun . Betapa lama nya persahabatan mereka yang sudah melebihi 10 tahun itu.Faiq Amsyar pula seorang pelajar yang popular di sekolah mereka kerana wajahnya yang kacak dan sikapnya yang disenangi oleh setiap para manusia di sekolah itu . Ramai pelajar perempuan yang tergila-gila kan Faiq , bukan sahaja pelajar malah cikgu muda atau cikgu yang dilatih di sekolah itu juga turut cair apa melihat senyuman Faiq yang cukup indah di mata mereka itu . Tetapi adakah salah seorang mempunyai perasaan yang tidak diingini mereka dalam sesebuah hubungan persahabatan ini ? Apa yang akan terjadi ? Nak tahu kena lah baca cerita yang seterusnya . Keep Support , XOXO ❀…

I love you! - (Sasuke x Naruko)

I love you! - (Sasuke x Naruko)

1,291 11 5

This is a story about Uzumaki Naruko. She was a daughter of Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina. She had fall in love with the youngest son of Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Mikoto which be Uchiha Sasuke.Will Naruko and Sasuke be together? Will they say 'I love you' at each other?Main pairing :Sasuke x NarukoItachi x InoraGaara x HinataNeji x ShirayukiShikamaru x TemariLee x TentenSai x InoShisui x IzumiKakashi x female IrukaObito x KatsumiSlight Satoru x KatsumiJiraiya x YukimaruKabuto x KikyoOrochimaru x Tsunade Good DanzoGood OrochimaruGood KabutoSakura bashingKiba bashingKonoha bashingCouncil bashing…

Naruto fanfiction : Uchiha's twin love

Naruto fanfiction : Uchiha's twin love

287 13 7

This is a story about Uchiha's twin which be Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Akira. They were son of Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Mikoto. They were also a little brother of Uchiha Itachi. They were popular in academy who have many fangirls. Even so, they were only interest on Uzumaki's cousin which be Uzumaki Naruko and Uzumaki Kimiko.What will be their fate? Will they can be together with Uzumaki's cousin?…

Change the future - (Itachi love story)

Change the future - (Itachi love story)

647 15 3

Uzumaki Naruko who a daughter of Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina. She had lost the fourth war which her nined tailed fox, Kurama bring her back to the past. Naruko have a second chance to change the future. Will she success her mission? Can she save them once again?…

Never Ending Revenge

Never Ending Revenge

160,852 4,867 56

A story of a girl and her brothers who hate each other. Her mum was indirectly killed by her dad and brothers due to depression and so she decides to take her revenge. Her brothers also hate her for an unknown reason. But was it really that simple? Watch as the truth will be unveiled and secrets will be unravelled.NOTE: This description is terrible. I know. But please give this book a chance. I'm a first time writer so please support me!…

A way of freedom - (Levi x Female Eren)

A way of freedom - (Levi x Female Eren)

1,810 46 11

Eren Jaeger was a girl and a twin sister of Erin Jaeger. She was a titan shifter like Reiner, Belthodlt, Zeke and Annie. She had lost her mother since her mother got eaten by the smiling titans. Eren has seen a vision and has a way of freedom for humanity. She will do anything to save humanity and get freedom.Will she succeed in saving the world she is staying for? Can she help humanity?Main pairing :Eren x LeviErin x FurlanMikasa x AkiraAnnie x ArminHistoria x YmirSasha x ConnieHange x ErwinIsabel x Marco…

Uzumaki Naruko - (Uchiha Sasuke love story)

Uzumaki Naruko - (Uchiha Sasuke love story)

2,525 32 5

This is story about Uzumaki Naruko. She was a daughter of Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina. Not only that, she was a granddaughter of Uchiha Madara. She also have a cousin name Namikaze Minako. She have a hard life but she was good handle herself. She had become the strongest kunoichi in Konoha. She had been team with Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Tsunako and Haruno Sakura. Their sensei were Namikaze Minako and Uchiha Itachi.What will her life be? What will she do if she like Sasuke? What will she do if Sasuke also like her? What will happen when they get engaged because of Fugaku and Minato's promise? What will her decision?Obito aliveRin alive No Uchiha massacreOrochimaru is good personSakura bashingUchiha Izumi bashingInuzuka Kiba bashingInuzuka Hana bashingCouncil bashingGood Danzo…

Lucy Fullbuster - (Jellal love story)

Lucy Fullbuster - (Jellal love story)

121,906 1,921 108

Lucy Fullbuster was a sister of Gray Fullbuster. They were separate each other after their parent's death because of Deliora. Lucy was adopted by a silver dragon name Calliana. Calliana was teaching Lucy of her power. Not only that Lucy will be a dragon slayer, she was also being Celestial spirit and planetary form mage. In 7 July 777, Lucy's dragon was disappeared. She is upset for losing her dragon. Then she had found a white fox. She make her decision to take a fox and name it Himeko. She meet a blue boy name Jellal Fernandes. She was friend with him and quietly she has a crush on him. She follow him to Heaven tower and meet his another friend. She was really happy with them. But her happiness not too long. She leaves the Tower heaven with Himeko in 782. She was really hurt and promise herself that she will save Jellal one day. She was going to make her goal to find her brother. Two years later, she was travel at Hargeon city to find Celestial keys. After she gets what she needs, she then leave the place. There she meet Natsu and Happy. Himeko was on her side. After defeating Bora and leave the place, Natsu take Lucy to Fairy tail guild. There she meet Gray, her brother. Will Gray acknowledge Lucy as his sister? How Lucy Fullbuster life? Start: 09/02/2020End : 23/08/2020…

Team 7 : Bond of friendship and love

Team 7 : Bond of friendship and love

992 19 7

Team 7 is Uzumaki Naruko, Haruno Sakura, Haruno Shira and Uchiha Sasuke. They were childhood friends since kids. Naruko had been engaged to Sasuke's older brother, Uchiha Itachi. But she had to hide her emotion when come to Itachi because of Izumi. Sasuke is always there for her the same as Sakura and Shira who stays by Naruko's side.What will she do when Itachi was her sensei in her team? Will she be tough with him? Will she still love Itachi?…

Tanpa Noktah

Tanpa Noktah

241 33 33

"mencari entah sampai bila..apa mungkin ada atau hanya sia-sia"☁Mencari identiti sebenar...mencari hala tuju yang sewajarnya dituju...berhasilkah??β˜β€¦