Aphmau Insta! (Completed)

Aphmau Insta! (Completed)

345,374 4,409 200

The title says all....(None of the following artwork is mine)…

The Lost Key to Wonderland

The Lost Key to Wonderland

22 0 10

"Join Lily, Oliver, and Sparkle on an enchanting journey filled with magic and adventure in this captivating children's book. Follow their quest to discover the lost kingdom, unlock the power of the Heartstone, and transform the world with their unwavering friendship. Dive into a world of imagination, where bravery triumphs over darkness, and the extraordinary awaits at every turn. A heartwarming tale that will inspire young readers and ignite their belief in the power of friendship and the wonders of the imagination."…

I'm sorry...for everything

I'm sorry...for everything

4,646 173 6

How I would imagine things happen after ep 6 of only friends.___Nobody had ever loved him. Not his so called friends nor his father. Not even his own mother had ever told him that she loved him. Ray was sure of that. They all just saw him as a burden. Was he really that unlovable?But also, did he even deserve to be loved?…

Heart Of The Game  Yugi X OC

Heart Of The Game Yugi X OC

637 11 10

Cara Lane is a shy teenager who never had friends. When she moves to Domino City with her father, Simon Lane, as the new detective, she encounters Yugi and his friends who are welcoming and friendly. She was especially drawn to Yugi when she had trouble fitting in her new school life. Before she was able to settle in, she also encountered a strange egyptian man who gave her Millenium item known as the Millenium Bracelet, claiming she was destined for it. Unsure of it, Cara has yet to discover what the bracelet holds for her future as she and her new friends venture into an adventure of a lifetime.…

Just a Lovely Day

Just a Lovely Day

1,948 60 6

Valentine's Day special!it's a 5+1 thing(6 chapters total) about our fav Fk couples! One of them is so new (not cannon) that I couldn't help but write a thing about them 🤭please enjoy :)…

Always Mine / Minsung

Always Mine / Minsung

34,302 4,652 70

Mimo upływu lat wciąż byli ze sobą. Wciąż odczuwali miłość i ekscytacje na myśl o drugiej osobie. Planowali własne plany na przyszłość i wszystko szło dobrze. Mimo bycia na dwóch końcach świata wciąż byli razem.Wszystko wydawało się idealne aż do dnia kiedy wyszły plotki na temat Minho a Jisung stracił swoją twórczą wenę. A może stracił ją już dawno temu i o tym nie wiedział? Co się stanie kiedy postanowi odciąć się od wszystkiego i wyjedzie bez poznania prawdy? Czy Minho ruszy za nim?-Czy prosząc cie o rękę nie dałem Ci wystarczających dowodów na to że Zawsze będziesz mój BabyboyTrzecia część Be mineUwaga na przekleństwa, smuty i podteksty seksualne…

The Goddess of Death's Son

The Goddess of Death's Son

99,499 3,743 40

Dessyr, the son of two poor commoners who has no magical abilities, is fighting as a soldier for the human kingdom, Vessaga, in a war against the kingdom of the beastkin, DesconWhen a sudden enemy battlemage casts a high ranked spell that wipes out a large portion of the battlefield, he is protected by Gena, a powerful magician and his childhood friend, when she used her magic power to cast a barrier around him.However, the barrier couldn't protect him from the enemy spell. He wakes up in a half awake state in a dark domain, and when he looks up, a beautiful woman with pitch black hair is standing over him.This story follows Dessyr and his new life of adventures and sorrows. I hope you enjoy.Note: I do not own the cover art it belongs to its respective owner…

(Legacy) RWBY and Destiny crossover  Volume 1

(Legacy) RWBY and Destiny crossover Volume 1

203,923 2,096 14

Thrown onto a distant world with no way back, this four-manned fireteam of Guardians must learn more about this Remnant of a planet.The cover for this fanfic was created and rendered by me, Sylis_3D, (formally known as GhostKing2552) in the 3D software Blender.…

Bitter Lies - TOM 1

Bitter Lies - TOM 1

1,122 98 11

Nessa Garcia na pozór cudowna córka, z przeciętnymi ocenami i dziewczyna bez problemów. Jej życie było tajemnicą, nocą walczyła w nielegalnych walkach, piła i miała problemy z samookaleczniem. Każdego dnia tonęła, czuła tą cholerna pustkę dopóki nie poznała Veina - chłopaka „chodząca śmierć" właściciela nielegalnych walk który jest cholernie tajemniczy. Ale czy aby napewno było to ich pierwsze spotkanie? Czy wszystko okaże się być kłamstwem? Karty zostały rozłożone. Książka 18+…

Hidden Feelings

Hidden Feelings

13,337 472 8

First discovers his love for his best friend of 5 years, Khaotung during the GMMTV 2023 Outing. He comes to understand that he has two options: give up or go all out. How will First navigate these newly discovered feelings? Most importantly, how will Khao react to learning about how his best friend feels about him?…

Tron Pierwszego Świata

Tron Pierwszego Świata

2,112 393 51

Laura ma wszystko, a mimo to czuje, że wciąż coś jej umyka. Jej codzienność ulega diametralnej zmianie, gdy dziewczyna spotyka potwora chcącego pożreć jej duszę. Wkrótce potem na jej drodze stają jeszcze dwaj tajemniczy mężczyźni, którzy zdają się zbyt wiele o niej wiedzieć... Czy Laura odważy się podążyć za swoim przeznaczeniem? Czy porzuci wszystko, co kocha, by rzucić się w nieznane?#37 w ROMANTASY od 24.05.2024…

Gift- Book 1

Gift- Book 1

1,144 181 43

- - -Don't underestimate your influence.- - - Before she knows it, Leiea's done with school and whisked away into Kiira by the brother of a girl she can care less about. Yet, while trading and learning along the way, she can't shake the sense something will happen while she's away from her home, the place she has never left until now. To her and her sale's partner, or her family. Maybe his family. Maybe everyone.…

Love & Betrayal . (A Trilogy to The Maid)

Love & Betrayal . (A Trilogy to The Maid)

1,320,607 30,104 49

Love and Betrayal is the Trilogy to The Maid . More Drama More Lies More Cheating Wanna find out more ? Read On .…

Little Sprout 🌱 A SandLongtae Story.

Little Sprout 🌱 A SandLongtae Story.

7,153 361 18

Hope. Growth. LifeWhat happens when Sand, who was suffering from the death of the love of his life Raymeets Longtae aka. Ray's Look-A-Like? Would the Small Town Boy, Longtae be willing to get to know Sand when he had been burned once and had sworn never to fall in love with a City Boy again?…

✔️ TOUCH ᵃᵛᵃᵗᵃʳ

✔️ TOUCH ᵃᵛᵃᵗᵃʳ

64,762 1,191 17

ao'nung's becomes head over heels for an "odd" looking na'vi boy. how will it end?male readerboyxboy (lowercase intended) all rights go to james cameron.i do not own any of the artwork shown in this book, they respectfully belong to their creators.…

miłość na lodzie [14+]

miłość na lodzie [14+]

437 37 33

Wanessa, piętnastoletnia łyżwiarka figurowa, a zarazem jedna z najlepszych uczennic prywatnego liceum w Warszawie, całe życie dąży do perfekcji, którą narzuca na nią toksyczna matka. Drastyczne diety, brak snu, nauka do późnych godzin nocnych to tylko cząstka tego, co przeżywa nastolatka, by spełnić niespełnione ambicje swoich rodziców. Dla Wanessa' y zawsze liczyły się tylko dwie rzeczy: bycie najlepszą uczennicą i najzdolniejszą łyżwiarką. Przynajmniej było tak, dopóki do jej drużyny dołącza dziewczyna, która nie namiesza tylko w sporcie, ale także w uczuciach dziewczyny, o które ta nigdy by siebie nie podejrzewała. Czy miłość może zmienić wszystko?…

☆* Valentino Heels*☆

☆* Valentino Heels*☆

15,426 613 24

[Mitsuya Takashi x Male Reader]Y/N is an upcoming model with a side hustle at a clothing thrift store on the corner of his street.Takashi is a upcoming designer looking for clothing to revamp.So revamping clothing + thrift store = romance…

Noritaro Oneshots (Jotakak)🐬⭐️🍒

Noritaro Oneshots (Jotakak)🐬⭐️🍒

335 12 10

This is my first ever fanfiction!!! I love writing, and I thought it'd be fun to publish fanfiction. I have loved this ship w my heart and soul, and I hope u love what I wrote. There will be no smut or lemon since I am a minor, and I don't feel comfortable writing that. But there will be lots of fluff which I LOVE! Anyway, I hope u enjoy it, and pls comment if u like, and if u don't like it, tell me how I can fix that.⚠️SPOILERS FOR PART 3, PART 6, AND POSSIBLY PART 4 AND 5⚠️I'm a female and would like u to use she/her pronouns but I don't mind they/them either. I just prefer she/her pronounsART NOT MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Love u ❤️…