Mbi te gjitha ajo donte veten!

Mbi te gjitha ajo donte veten!

3,394 191 30

Ne ditelindjen e saj te 18 morri vesh se ishte e biresuar, pse e biresuan pikerisht ato dy njerez , cfare qellimi kishin?Kush eshte Ardi dhe pse hyn ai ne jeten e saj ? Po Eni kush eshte ? Si do ti perballoj Erla rrjedhat qe i sjell jeta... A do mund ta perballoj largesen e Ardit pas asaj qe I beri dhe a do te mundet Nag ta bej ate per vete ...Cfare do te ndodh me te ...Po prindetit e saj biologjik kush jane ...Dhe pse ne fund te historise se saj tha qe mbi te gjitha ajo donte veten !!!…

Një shënim mbi bankë

Një shënim mbi bankë

162 54 13

"Elio ka pëlqim të fshehtë për ty- Dikush që ju njeh nga afër" Është ky shënimi që Stela gjen një mëngjes mbi bankën e saj. Është e mundur që ai, Elio, djali që ajo pëlqen të ketë pëlqim për të?Gjatë "aventurës" së tyre për të gjetur autorin e letrës disa ndjenja të reja do krijohen, ose më mirë do dalin në pah...A do mundet një shënim i lënë anonim të bashkojë ata të dy?Po autori i letrës kush është?___________________Kjo është historia ime e parë në wattpad. Do ju duket pak cringe apo fëminore në fillim dhe e kuptoj. Ama nuk është vetëm një histori adoleshentësh. Edhe pse e shkurtër jam munduar të fus brenda më shumë se vetëm një romancë të thjeshtë. Kam përfshirë pasiguritë dhe ndikimet që ka familja dhe shoqëria te adoleshentët. Te ata si Stela dhe Elio, dy personazhet tanë.Filluar: 31/5/24Mbaruar / /…



10,145 271 26

JUST LOVELexojeni😂Nuk lejohet te kupjohet pa lejen e autores dmth timen.❤️…

Kur  Zemra Nuk Pyet

Kur Zemra Nuk Pyet

38,369 2,268 50

Dy njerez te cilet jeta i takon rastesisht ne rrugen e saj , dy njerez te cilet jan aq sa te ndryshem edhe te ngjashem Ata te dy kan gjera te fshehta ne te kaluaren e tyre Deani diten njihej si nje djale I fort , i pamposhtur nje student i shkelqyer dhe nje njeri i pastere ndersa ne jeten e tij ai ishte i vet quajtur si Diablonje njeri I frikshëm, i pameshirshem, njeri qe nuk e njihte te pamunduren Ndërsa ajo nje studente e shkëlqyer nje vajze qe ju kishte ber balle sfidave te jetes qe ne adoleshencenje vajze ne jete e te ciles fjala e pamundur nuk egzistonteAjo kishte luftuar shume per te qen aty ku ishte per te ber realitet ëndrrën e saj me te madhe nje enderr e cila ndoshta nje dite do te ishte penges qe ajo te pranonte ndjenjat e saj dy kokefort te cilet jeta do ti takoj shume here dhe te gjitha heret ata do te jen ne luft se kush do te jet I pari por a do te pyesin zemrat e tyre per krenarin, per te shkuaren dhe per vendimet e tyre? A do te arrij ajo te bej pervete Deani deri ne piken qe ai te heq dore nga jeta e dyfishtë? apo Deani do arrij ta bej ate qe ta dashuroj aq shume sa te heq dore nga gjithcka per te ? nje histori me drame, lufte, trishtim, lot edhe dhimbje por ama nje histori qe do te tregoj se kur dashuria vjen askush nuk mund ta ndaloj as dy persona qe mendojn se jan aq te zotet sa te mposhtin gjithcka madje edhe zemrat e tyre Por ajo qe askush nuk e din eshte cfare ndodhe ateher kur zemra nuk pyet ?VAZHDIMI I HISTORIS ( A ESHTE DASHURIA MBI GJITHCKA)…



19,342 1,293 36

Arzalea një vajzë e cila ka vetëm nënën e saj sepse babi i ka vdekur nga një aksident automobilistik kur ajo ka qenë 1 vjeç. Ajo ka dhe 4 shokë të ngushtë që në cdo moment janë pranë saj. Ajo tashmë do të hynte në gjimnaz dhe ajo aty takon një djalë që e bën të kuptojë se cfarë është dashuria. Ajo ishte e lumtur me të u bë e tija sepse e dashuronte. Të dy e donin shumë njeri tjetrin dhe ishin të lumtur derisa....Ajo merr vesh që shkaktari i vdekjes së babit të saj është babai i djalit që dashuron. Për shkak të një armiqësie idjote ajo nuk e ka patur babanë e saj afër. Nuk ia mbante mend as fytyrën, as erën, zërin e tij vetëm prej një gabimi të vogël. A do të qëndrojë ajo dhe të vazhdojë jetën me djalin që dashuron apo do të largohet? Do luftojë për dashurin e saj ajo?Po ai? A do ia dalin ata të jenë të lumtur bashkë?Një dashuri, një vdekje, një gabim,një armiqësi,një trathti, një jetë, dhe një luftë për mbijetsën e dashurisë së tyre. ɴᴜᴋ ʟᴇᴊᴏʜᴇᴛ Kᴏᴘᴊɪᴍɪ🚫🚫…

4 Your Eyez Only

4 Your Eyez Only

121,836 4,395 25

"Don't leave." I cried clinging on to Keshion."I'm coming back for you Kaelyn. When I get my shit together. Believe that." He told me. "Promise me." I said. "I promise. Keep your head up sis. It will be a year at most." He promised. I nodded and let him wipe the rest of my tears. I held my head up following the case worker into the child services.…

WWE: Dead Silence

WWE: Dead Silence

2,787 37 12

After killing Jamie Ashen, Mary Shaw thought that was the end of it. But Mary feels that her work isn't done as she continues to possess Ella, her "Prefect Doll". But what Jamie didn't know is that he has a sister that was born a couple of years before him. His parents gave her up for adoption in order to get her away from the family's curse. Jamie's sister is Bayley Hardy. She has no knowledge of Mary Shaw, the Ashen family curse or the fact that she is an Ashen. Will Bayley find out about Mary before it's too late? And what happens when a strange package arrives at Bayley's door?!A/N-If you don't know the Dead Silence movie, then you're not gonna understand this story. I wrote the story as if it were Dead Silence 2.⚠Warning: Violence.…

Adoleshent do të thotë...

Adoleshent do të thotë...

8,929 1,174 19

Just for fun.…

Sun Kissed

Sun Kissed

359,966 24,158 40

"They become like us, but beautiful. Dangerously beautiful. Oh yes. And they can make the sky do their bidding. They cast spells with their music that can take away your willpower. And their hair . . . is the color of blood."***There's a legend in the Amazon that tells of attractive and dangerous shapeshifters known as Encantados. When Sofia Aguilar meets one in the flesh, her life is turned completely upside down. Can she reunite a legendary shapeshifter with his past without losing touch with her own reality?***"We call them . . . Encantado."The word was familiar, yet it tickled Sofi's inner ear in a way that only foreign sounds could. It felt like a name from another world. Somewhere far and lost. Somewhere that should have never been or perhaps might never be.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Stunning cover done by the exceptionally talented @LigiaNunesCopyright © 2015 by Coco Nichole…

Kur ti te dashurosh .

Kur ti te dashurosh .

8,226 469 27

Luiza dhe Oriel . Dy adoleshente qe jane femijet e dy familjeve mafioze. Dy familje qe dikur ishin miq me njera tjetren por sot urrehen. Pse ? Cdo ndodhe kur Luiza dhe Oriel te jene ne te njejtin universitet . LOVE+18Mafia romance urrejtje…

The Great Galactic Score!

The Great Galactic Score!

549 140 40

Demi had tried to atone for her criminal past, but when a bold, adventurous, slightly insane narcissist of a Captain, Frisson 'Friss' Packlightly, falls into her orbit, she finds criminality has not finished with her.Along with Lap, a two-dimensional, very opinionated being who only Friss can understand, their found (stolen) Galactic Navy corvette (Zapasnoy), Bognrd BloodRage, an ultra-violent chef, Briyun, the rodent-killing stoat-like creature who talks exclusively in questions and Lodka, Friss' lost, organic ship that Friss has an 'interesting' relationship with, they must find a way to break into the most secure facility in the entire Galaxy.A facility located in the very centre of the Black Hole at the galaxy's core.Demi must navigate intimate relationships, blaster fire, wormholes that really don't like people using them and mathematics that would make most people's ears bleed, in order to find a cure for the disease that ravages her brother and sister. Except, they have no idea who she is.🥉3rd Place, Sci-Fi Category in Banana Awards 2022 (10th Oct. 2022)🥉🏵Featured - Ambassador Profile - Humor - Nov 2023🏵🏵Featured by Ambassador Profile - Science Fiction - Jan 2023🏵Cover created in Canva, using Pixabay stock pictures.…



2,269 691 17

𝙾𝚕𝚍 𝚜𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚕 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 If you are looking for a romantic ride with university love, then this is your stop.Join the love story of friends and their way to love. A tender tale that captures the excitement and uncertainty of adolescence, and how they embrace the joys and challenges of young love.**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚**:..。o○ ○o。..:*𝓤𝓷𝓲 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓕𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓹 🅁🄾🄼🄰🄽🄲🄴🄲🄾🄼🄴🄳🅈 🄵🅁🄸🄴🄽🄳🅂🄷🄸🄿(≡^∇^≡)Tropes:☆☆☆Grumpy-SunshineOld School LoveBubby girlFriendshipUniversity RomanceBest friends Brother Brother's best Friend…

Anywhere But Home {Available on KOBO}

Anywhere But Home {Available on KOBO}

707,966 4,031 8

{Complete} Highest Ranking : #1 in Teen Fiction (11/29/2018) (Thank you so much!)Emma Thompson it's on the run from her past. After seeing her mother being killed by her father and after two years of being held hostage, beaten and damaged by the men who swore to protect her, she decided that it was time to run away from the living hell she's been living through. Looking for a fresh start, she moved state and changed her name, with only one goal in mind, get her degree done without exposing her dark past. Everything changed when she met the one and only Christopher Smith, son of the multimillionaire Jonathan Smith, the owner of the best software company around the world, which made him a guy feared by some and respected by others. With an attitude out of this galaxy that will collide brutally with Emma's personality. Wrapped up in personal and family dramas, dark secrets, old friendships, gang disputes, her college experience will definitely be something out of the ordinary, leaving her questioning everything she believed in. Highest Ranking : #64 in Teen Fiction (01/21/2017)…

Strings Attached (Harry Styles FanFiction)

Strings Attached (Harry Styles FanFiction)

14,167,181 243,405 38

DISCLAIMER: This story was written in late 2012. I wrote Strings Attached as an adolescent with no idea how a healthy, adult relationship should function. This story is dark and twisted in a way that my teen mind couldn't comprehend at the time. There are more than a few scenes in this book with sensitive content. I--in no way--support rape culture and I do not condone my character's actions. However, as I said, this story was written in an ignorant state of mind. I will not remove this story from Wattpad. It is part of my past and though I am disappointed with the content, it shows how far I've come not just as an author but as a free-thinking adult. Thank you for reading.**Excerpt**"Say... it," She gasped, throwing her head back, cupping my face in her hands so that I was forced to meet her gaze."You're mine." She held my gaze for a second more, before crushing her lips against my own, arms wrapping tight around my neck, pulling me down to her level.Arms sliding easily around her, she wrapped her legs around me as I lifted her up, lips traveling over her chest and collarbone. She moaned as my hands dug into her tender flesh, pulling on it, their violence a stark contrast to the gentle kisses teasing their way up her neck. Bright lines marked the paths that my nails had etched into her skin, marking her, beautiful red tattoos, spreading out over her entire body. Her small hands knotted in my hair, pulling harder and harder as she fought the urge to cry out...…

The Star Pirate's Folly

The Star Pirate's Folly

203,701 11,923 41

Set after the postwar collapse of an interstellar empire, a young orphan girl embarks on a quest for violent retribution. Six years old when her mother was killed, Buttercup endured an unforgiving adolescence on the streets of her home city. She's scraped by ever since, always searching for the man responsible, knowing one day she'll find him.…

The Last She (Books 1-3, the Last She Series)

The Last She (Books 1-3, the Last She Series)

13,649,668 675,324 191

Ara, the only woman left alive after a plague, is searching for a way to save humanity. She thinks there isn't a man she can trust, until she meets Kaden. ***** A plague has swept over the Earth, killing the majority of the population and every female. Except one. Ara witnessed the horror and destruction, but for the last three years she has survived. Now, desperation and hunger force her out of the mountains and onto a dangerous path; across the flooded downtown and through the gangs of survivors is hope. Ara's father spoke of a clue that could save not just her, but humanity. Then she is captured by a group of men. Despite the seeming kindness of Kaden, a young man her own age, Ara doesn't know if she can trust them. Then again, there's no way she can cross the plague-ridden city on her own. Men. Monsters. Is there a difference? This is the story of The Last She.(This book contains all of The Last She Series - Book 1: The Last She, Book 2: The Last City and Book 3: The Last Creation)[[word count: 250,000-300,000 words]]…

2 javet e jetes sime

2 javet e jetes sime

7,425 549 32

Ne dukje thjesht 14 dite normale kthehen ne 2 javet e jetes sime.... Kush e pati fajin? Ai dhe vetem ai…

Brew Books

Brew Books

568,963 28,636 59

Free to read!19-year-old Jane, newly-single, moves to London to work for her friend, Kitty. But Kitty is hiding something about the café - and about Jane and Kitty's past. ***** If you looked at her Instagram, you'd think Jane had the perfect life. But a family tragedy and a big break up shatters that illusion, prompting Jane to drop out of university and move to London. She gets a room above a bookstore and a job as a barista, thanks to her childhood friend Kitty. Struggling with feelings of loneliness among the happy staff, Jane feels further ostracized when Kitty refuses to discuss Matt, who used to live in the bedroom Jane took over and who left under mysterious circumstances. As Jane struggles to find herself, and get the attention of the cute bartender, Harper, she discovers that the Brew Books café is brewing with dark secrets.[[word count: 70,000-80,000 words]]…

The Love I Give (A Jamie Volk X Reader Story)

The Love I Give (A Jamie Volk X Reader Story)

14,344 338 26

Y/N L/N has come to Rosewood to surprise her best friend in the whole entire world, Lottie Pumpkin. But, when Y/N arrives, she finds out Lottie has changed. Is Lottie really the Princess of Maradova? Can Y/n get Jamie to open up? Find out more in The Love I Give.…

Stiletto Sisterhood

Stiletto Sisterhood

482,196 23,363 87

Stiletto Sisterhood is now published by W by Wattpad Books, available in paperback and E-book!As a Wattpad reader, you can also access the Wattpad Published Edition here upon purchase, or read the Wattpad Original Edition for free. *****When they first met, best friends Priya, Isobel, Caitlin, Eshe, and Shayne swore a vow: Chase dreams not drama. Now, years later . . . *****Priya Seth is determined to win the coveted one-year mentorship with her idol at New York's hottest law firm. Her rival? Last night's hookup, Hadrian Marek. Despite having a privileged upper hand, Hadrian is willing to form an alliance. Priya's only condition? No sex.Isobel Morgan is planning the perfect wedding, fighting to get the promotion she deserves, and caring for her dependent father. But when a video of her cheating fiancé goes viral, her world comes crashing down until she gets an offer that merges her passion for news and activism. The caveat? Long hours and travel away from her father.As these young women discover that achieving dreams is often erratic, and drama is as inevitable as adulting, the foundation of their friendship begins to crack, putting their sisterhood to the test[word count: 90,000-100,000 words]…