Different (Currently Rewriting)

Different (Currently Rewriting)

4,251,408 110,205 51

Cover by @Miss_Sarcastic27(I'm currently rewriting this book, but I am keeping the original version up until I finish the new version for anyone who wants to read it. Please keep in mind that I had no writing experience when I first wrote this and that I am aware that it is not very well written. I'm working on it. I personally did not like how it turned out in terms of plot, characters, and other factors that I won't go into right now, and I'm working on bettering the entire book. When I first wrote this, I didn't expect for it to gain as much attention as it has, and I'm so, so, so grateful for the attention that it has gotten, but it was mainly for fun and to better my writing skills. Thank you all for reading this message and for understanding!)Rayna isn't a normal werewolf. She was born a sacred wolf: a wolf with white fur, stronger senses, and powers. Some might say that she is has a gift from the Moon goddess herself. When Rayna meets her mate: the most feared alpha on the earth, everything goes downhill from there. Read on as Rayna faces situations that no one else should face. Just because she is different.* Highest ranks:#1 in Pack: October 14th, 2021#1 Different: April 6th, 2021#1 in Silver: February 7th, 2020#1 in Terrifying: February 17th, 2020#1 in Territory: February 17th, 2020#1 in Wolf: March 5th, 2020#1 in Beta: March 14th, 2020#1 in Moongoddess: March 15th, 2020#1 in Wolfsbane: April 30th, 2020#1 in Rejection: June 17th, 2020#11 in Werewolf: April 11th, 2020…

Hidden Away

Hidden Away

210,696 8,396 42

Norah Bloodmoon had been forced to live away from her family for seventeen years after being taken from her pack at only two weeks old. Being kept in oblivion for her entire life, she was led to believe she belonged in the pack of rogues Alec Nightfell called their home.But after being found, Norah is forced to leave the life she had known all that time and must build a new one with her rightful family. What she didn't know, however, is that with the death of the man who claimed to be her father, the destruction wouldn't come to an end.As a new danger arises, Norah quickly realizes she will need to sacrifice all of what she knows to save her friends and the werewolf world from being overtaken by a group that calls themselves the Destroyers. They seek dominance over the werewolf species and Norah knows she cannot let them gain it. And she'll be damned if she lets them obtain it.…

Tuff Chaser (The Outsiders FF)

Tuff Chaser (The Outsiders FF)

348,653 6,275 33

Tammy Hicks is an ordinary girl with a feisty spirit. She stands up for what she believes in, and doesn't bat an eyelash when it comes to dishing out justice. Yet, she's still human: hard on the outside, but soft on the inside.Enter Dallas Winston, a guy who just doesn't care, or that's what he wants people to think. He spends his time lifting various useless pieces of junk from the store, jumping innocents, smoking, cheating, partying and drinking. He thought could get any girl, until he meets Tammy.What will happen when their paths cross? Will Dallas have finally met his match in this ruthless game of relationships? Or will Tammy's facade surrender to the irresistible Dallas Winston?…

Azula: Dragon Tales

Azula: Dragon Tales

2,278 150 14

Not long after the disappearance of Ursa, Azula, struggling with new responsibilities and stress, lashes out and hurts Mai. Confused about how to handle the situation and feeling lost she accidentally stumbles onto an injured dragon while clearing her mind. This is the journey of her life from pre-canon to post-canon with drastic changes.Canon-divergence, Azula-centric, Good!Azula…

Finding Love

Finding Love

325 45 23

Lord and Lady Coves moves their family back to London for the season. Their daughter is getting over a broken heart. Will she find love in London or will someone force her in marriage?…

Do I love you? -Henclair

Do I love you? -Henclair

32,481 826 10

I shouldn't love you, but I can't help it…

One piece reaction to ships

One piece reaction to ships

108,021 1,130 24

I have no words but this is hilarious 🤣😂 leave a comment on what ships you want me to do…

SpaceLiving English

SpaceLiving English

92 7 18

This is the story of the SpaceLiving Network, a network of spaceships that was created to help the sad teens.It was created to help teens to overcome depression and anxiety.The company that owns the SpaceLiving Network is called Think Outside The Box.Lisa is one of the residents of the SpaceLiving Network.She was teleported to one of the spaceships, called LonelyShips, to live there, she haves a fridge that produces food and a super-powerful computer.Em Português:https://www.wattpad.com/story/274104479-spaceliving-portugu%C3%AAs…

Graceling-Dream Cast for Movie

Graceling-Dream Cast for Movie

1,124 10 10

Just a quick ideas of actors/actresses who I think should play them! :DI love this book sm…

Young love (Gilbert Blythe)

Young love (Gilbert Blythe)

1,654 92 15

After a fire that left behind broken hearts, Evelyn leaves Avonlea to free herself from the pain she felt because of losing her sister. However, three years later, she finds herself back in Avonlea, reuniting with the boy who was always spending time with her sister.Gilbert is surprised that Evelyn is back home. Even if the two couldn't stand each other when they were children, Gilbert is now trying to get closer to her.After three years in which they did not see each other, in which they changed, something changes between the two.....10# ranking on Gilbert Blythe->1 March 2024…

House Of Memories - Star Wars

House Of Memories - Star Wars

15,878 713 11

((StormPilot))A long time ago in a galaxy far far away...The StarKiller Base has been destroyed, and both the First Order and the Resistance are weakened by the attack.Rey has left to find Luke Skywalker leaving her friend Finn alone at the Resistance Base, giving him a chance to strengthen his friendship with Poe and prepare for the future.But trouble is brewing and the First Order still rule over large parts of the galaxy. Kylo Ren has disappeared for now but a dark energy is getting stronger every day.…

I Feel Empty(Kim Namjoon)

I Feel Empty(Kim Namjoon)

117,904 4,206 38

This story talks about eating disorders, suicide, and death. If these things trigger you, then I advise you to skip this story. (The plot kinda gets confusing and a little out of order but that's ok)"Fat" is all that the haters have been calling Namjoon on Twitter. "Fat monster" "fatty". Namjoon tries to forget it, but he can't. He can't deal with The pain. He can't deal with The fact that he has suicidal thoughts. And with all the nightmares he has been having he is really suffering. Yet the other members have no idea what's he's really going through.Started. March 2018Ended. June. 2018 ⚠️ i started this story when i was 12/13 so it's kinda bad and the grammar is kinda ehhh so it's kinda bad and doesn't have much of a GOOD plot line so yea [COMPLETED]…



233 4 20

"I don't want the freedom anymore, i Just want to be with you." -Ash Felipe Montejar David 2024…



16 1 1

A princess trapped in a tower discovers who she is…



1,033 289 26

She was chasing her dreams.He was running away from his. *******Joshua Kim is a man of various mysteries, holding a burning jewel in the core of his heart that took up all the space and cast aside anything and everything else. He might be a crook hungry for power or a thief who risked his Life knowing the value of the stone.Meredith, a mage watching Joshua like a game of chess from the void, but is Valarie Rose Alexander, a persistent journalist, ready to call checkmate? *******…



367 52 10

Araceli, a carefree, stubborn and outgoing girl. Her friends calls her crazy, but she just feels unique. Talks to anyone she wants and isn't afraid of anyone. Comes from a loving home. Jamarion, an orphan. He is cold and quiet, also scary. No one wishes to cross his part. Everyone believes he has no emotion but he just had a bad past. What would happen when these two creatures clashes?. A crazy girl and a cold emotionless boy. Would Araceli's outgoing nature and jovial self rub off on Jamarion? Would Jamarion show feelings to this girl? Or would it just be fights and disagreement between them? Read ARACELI to find out.…

Not the fourteenth

Not the fourteenth

17,124 619 5

D-Gray Man - What if Cross never sent Allen to Headquarters, but kept him instead? When the Noah attack the Generals a team is sent after the invasive man they hadn't seen or heard about in years. Their only help to tail him are rumors. What no one knows is that General Cross Marian has a pupil. What if instead of the team sent to collect him find him General Tiedol and his team meets the pair…

Second Chances(Joshaya)

Second Chances(Joshaya)

5,011 157 15

"The long game" the words that Maya was over the moon to hear.She waited for Josh to say the long game is finally over.A week after Maya turned 17 Josh finally realized he wanted to be with Maya.So they ended the "long game" and started dating.They had an Amazing relationship.They dated for 3 years almost 4 years.Josh had just finished college so he had an amazing opportunity in Italy so of course he took it.Josh wanted to do the whole long-distance thing but Maya didn't want to do it because it will be too hard on the both of them and she still had 2 years left in college.It has now been five years after they broke up and since Josh went to Italy.But there is a huge secret Maya has not told Josh.What happens when Josh comes back to New York for good and he sees Maya for the first time in 5 years.BTW THE CHARACTERS DO NOT BELONG TO ME IF I MAKE ANY OC I'LL TELL YOUAND I DO NOT OWN GIRL MEETS WORLD THIS IS JUST A FAN FICTION. *Also i don't think there will be any smut i don't feel comfortable writing that*Enjoy reading.…

Aceline One Shot Stories

Aceline One Shot Stories

17 2 9

this is my one shot stories collection, some of them I already post in my fb page but I delete it and decide to post it here na lang.…



1,365 16 3

Durante mais de três anos, na década de 70, pouca gente ousou abrir a gaveta do Instituto Médico-Legal de Vitória, no Espírito Santo, onde se encontrava o corpo de uma menina de nove anos incompletos. E havia motivos para isso. Além de o corpo estar barbaramente seviciado e desfigurado com ácido, se interessar pelo caso significava comprar briga com as mais poderosas famílias do estado, cujos filhos estavam sendo acusados do hediondo crime. Pelo menos duas pessoas já tinham morrido em circunstâncias misteriosas por se envolverem com o assunto.Ainda assim, corajosos enfrentavam os poderosos exigindo justiça, tanto que o corpo permanecia insepulto na fria gaveta, como se fosse a última trincheira da resistência. O nome da menina era Araceli Cabrera Crespo e seu martírio significou tanto que o dia 18 de maio - data em que ela desapareceu da escola onde estudava para nunca mais ser vista com vida - se transformou no Dia Nacional de Combate ao Abuso e Exploração Sexual de Crianças e Adolescentes.Por uma dessas cruéis ironias, Jardim dos Anjos era onde ficava um casarão, na Praia de Canto, usado por um grupo de viciados de Vitória (ES) para promover orgias regadas a LSD, cocaína e álcool, nas quais muitas vítimas eram crianças - anjos do sexo feminino. Entre a turma de toxicômanos, era conhecida a atração quePaulo Constanteen Helal, o Paulinho, e Dante de Brito Michelini, o Dantinho, líderes do grupo, sentiam por menininhas. Dizia-se, sempre a boca pequena, que eles drogavam e violentavam meninas e adolescentes no casarão e em apartamentos mantidos exclusivamente para festas de embalo. O comércio de drogas era, e é muito enraizado naquela cidade. O Bar Franciscano, da família Michelini, era apontado como um ponto conhecido de tráfico e consumo livres.…