Would You Rather : Sherlock

Would You Rather : Sherlock

3,053 83 12

"High functioning sociopath, with your number."These are BBC's Sherlock 'Would You Rather' questions! Enter at your own risk, as these will be pretty hard to choose between.…

Julien Bam Ff

Julien Bam Ff

2,377 53 6

Einführung: Es ist eine erfundene PersonName: Lisa Alter: 25_____________________________________________________________________________________1 Kapitel: In Köln Ich bin immer noch in Hamburg. Und verabschiede mich von Familie und Freunden! Denn ich siehe nach Köln! Ich will dort ein neues Leben beginnen und gucken was auf mich zu kommt.30 Min. SpäterIch sitze im Zug schreib mit meiner Freundin und höre Musik, und ein paar YouTube Videos. Mein Lieblingsyoutuber ist Julien Bam! Er ist aber auch mein Idol! 6 Stunden später (sorry kann es nicht so einschätzen wie lange eine fahrt nach Köln geht war noch nie in Köln)Ich stehe in Köln und gehe. Ich kenne mich noch nicht so gut aus oder gar nicht. ich frage ein paar Leute.20 Min. später Ich sehe vor meine Haustür, und sehe sehr viele Kartons, und Trage sie einzeln nach oben. Ich wohne im Zweiten Stock. Und dann gucke ich kurz zum Nachbarn auf die Türklingel. Lee, Bam und Kim stand darauf. Ich dachte mir nichts bei, aber, als ich die Kartons nach Oben gebracht hatte. Dachte ich mich tritt ein Pferd! Denn ich dachte Julien "Bam"! WTF... Mein Nachbar ist Julien Bam! Doch plötzlich ging die Tür auf und ich sah wie ein asiatischer Mann raus kam sehr jung auf jeden Fall doch dann. Es war Julien Bam! Ich versuchte ruhig zu bleiben. Das dann auch klappte. Er sah mich und fragte:" Hi ich bin Julien, soll ich dir vielleicht helfen?" "Hallo ich bin Lisa, ja gerne." Ich ging nach unten um noch mehr Kartons zu holen. Dann hörte ich noch wie Julien in seine Wohnung rief:" Joon und Vincent kommt mir mal helfen!" Joon und Vincent kamen dann zu mir, Joon sagte:" Hallo ich heiße Joon und Du?" bevor ich antworten konnte, kam Vincent zu mir und sagte:" Hi ich heiße Vincent, und du?" " Ich heiße Lisa." ____________________________________________________________________________________So das Wars ich hoffe es gefällt euch Morgen schreib ich weiter!Stay Fresh und T…

The Witchling Book 5

The Witchling Book 5

139 1 8

Darcey, the young Vampire, is vanquished by her Mom, into the Oracle, for feeding on the human boy, Sy.When she arrives in the Witchling school in Louisiana, she is forced to fend for survival.And as Dresmondra, and the other witches and warlocks enter the new school term, they're unaware that they're spied on by one of their own.And, as the demons and vampires rage a war, Princess Ambreicxa orders the school to be closed again...before hell comes to the city...and destroys it.The exciting 2nd book in second YA "Witchling" horror saga by Robert Helliger, that will chill your blood.Rated PG-13 for strong, bloody violence, sex scenes, some coarse language, and supernatural themes.Warning: For readers 13 years and over.…

Highschool years part 1

Highschool years part 1

271 4 3

Boo yah hey guys I'm gonna be starting an anime type of story and it's gonna be good but this only for mature readers it's a love story and slice of life (contains ecchi here and there) Hey wait up tosagaw! Gavin says. where are you going dude?tosagaw: Dude you won't believe but I found a way to look in the girls changin room bro!!Gavin: imagines how his crush xenon looks like. Oh yeah let's do this!!(In the air vent over the girls changing room) Gavin:Holy hot damn. xenon looks hot no wonder she has the biggest boobs in school......?(The air vent is breaking)both: oh shitty fucking damn! Gavin tosagaw are you alright bro? yeah I'm fine.....oh good noooo!!!!! bam crack punch. xenon: sees gavin. you dirty perverted bastard!!!!!!2 days later. Gavin: man math sucks. Some guy: you bitch let me grab those tits! Gavin: hides and sees the guy wi th xenon up the wall.I think I just left you on a cliff sorry guys I don't have enough room on the page so thanks for reading!!…

[Jujutsu] Ta chủ nhân là mạnh nhất

[Jujutsu] Ta chủ nhân là mạnh nhất

58 12 2

Ta kêu Gojo Hisashi, bởi vì ta chủ nhân thích ăn Kikufuku.Ta chủ nhân là cái hoàn mỹ nam nhân, trừ bỏ ăn xong điểm tâm ngọt không rửa tay liền loát ta điểm này.Ta rất muốn hỏi hắn, vì cái gì ta không gọi Gojo hỉ hoặc là Gojo phúc?Ta lần đầu tiên mở miệng hỏi hắn kia một ngày, không biết vì cái gì, hắn bất động.Ai? Chẳng lẽ là bởi vì ta không có mặc quần áo sao?Vẫn là bởi vì, ta cùng hắn lớn lên giống nhau như đúc?Itadori nhập học ngày đó, nghe nói mạnh nhất Gojo lão sư dưỡng một con mèo.Sau lại, hắn lại nghe nói này miêu là giáo năm 3 Getou lão sư dưỡng.Lại sau lại, hắn lại nghe nói chủ nhân là mỗ thích ăn cay cà ri tóc đỏ sát thủ, phù thế hội đinh xảo quyệt quỷ, thậm chí là mị mị nhãn tóc bạc Tử Thần......Lại lại sau lại, hắn gặp được này chỉ miêu.Itadori :...... Miêu đâu? Nói tốt miêu ở đâu??Này căn bản là không phải miêu được không!?#cp Gojo, giai đoạn trước tồn tại đại lượng năm hạ hữu nghị miêu tả QAQ, anh# chủ đề khúc: Miên る miêu【 ta ở chú thuật giới đương cao tầng 】 khoa học cường chú thuật giới, cải cách mới là thật đạo lý, cầu dự thu ~Bìa mặt cùng cơ hữu quan ải dưới ánh trăng 【 Gojo biến thành ta miêu 】 liên động!Tag: Ngọt vănTrưởng thànhManh sủngChú hồiTừ khóa tìm kiếm: Vai chính: Gojo Hisashi ┃ vai phụ: Gojo ┃ cái khác:Một câu tóm tắt: Một con có thể nói miêuLập ý: Quý trọng hiện tại, mại hướng tương lai…

The Caterpillar Girl

The Caterpillar Girl

18 0 2

There was this young girl who is shy timid,always left unnoticed by everyone. Her name is Isabella. She is the only daughter of her parents. Young as she is,she sometimes wished herself to be someone else. Her mother would always tell her "Dear,don't you worry, your time will come and you will be noticed. Just be patient,try harder,be friendly to other children like you". Isabella sighed, "I am trying mommy but they don't seem to like me. Even my teachers don't noticed me, sometimes when i raised my hand but my teacher wouldn't call me. I feel disappointed everytime". Mother would kiss me in my forehead and say, go to sleep now baby, tomorrow is another day.This has become her everyday battle when going to school. That's why she is unhappy and lack of interest in her studies. Every night Isabella and her mother would always argue in doing her homework "You are so lazy! When would you ever learn to stand on your own. During my time i work on myself. I didn't ask my mom to help me".…

The Story Of Life (TordRaven)
Saved. (Levi x Eren x Reader)

Saved. (Levi x Eren x Reader)

10,548 291 14

(Y/N), who lives outside of the wall Maria. When she gets caught saving the scout regiment from a Titan attack, she is forced to join since she has amazing 3DMG and Titan Killing Skills. Will she find love? Or will her secret get spilled to the people she will accompany?…

Strength-Levi x Reader

Strength-Levi x Reader

1,299 42 8

If you're one of those Levi fangirls (like moi) then this Levi x Reader fanfic could be for you!Next chapter will be out soon!Request are always open!…

Buffalo. || R.D.

Buffalo. || R.D.

759 10 4

Rasmus Dahlin falls for a hard working girl in college. Will they be able to make their relationship work when they're almost always apart?(I'm literally a garbage writer lol but I know he doesn't speak perfect English just go along with it okay??)…



469 40 3

Yurio plisetsky y Viktor Nikiforov son rivales a muerte con más en común de lo que imaginan. Ambos comparten un pasado manchado de pecados, pero juraron no volver a hablar sobre ello en lo que les restara de vida. Ahora, muchos años después, ambos rivales vuelven a reunirse por un objetivo en común; Katsuki Yuuri. Ellos deberán darse a la tarea de protegerlo de su viejo mundo y al mismo tiempo reparar todos los errores que cometieron. No será una simple guerra contra su pasado sino también una guerra entre ellos por el amor de Yuuri. Viejos enemigos de Viktor y Yurio volverán para atormentarlos involucrandolos en algo más peligroso de lo que puedan imaginar mientras sus secretos salen a la luz poniendo en riesgo algo más preciado que sus vidas.…

Death - Levi Ackerman FanFic

Death - Levi Ackerman FanFic

176 4 17

- NOT AN X READER -Gwen Rivera lives life as a member of the survey corps carrying her hauntingly traumatic past as weight on her shoulders. Yet, that isn't the main burden of her life. It's the curse of being unable to die.Nobody knows, but a specific person will soon grow suspicions over this.TW; self harm, suicide, violence…

Information about Vehicles Or Weapon Companies in The Wrath of the Reich.
Just my art

Just my art

319 42 16

Cover by @Decambers I'm putting the art that I do in here for you to look at if you want. It's mainly paintings because I suck at drawing 😂😂Hope you enjoy xx…

Teh Book Of Adoptable's and Oc's

Teh Book Of Adoptable's and Oc's

8,816 313 51

A book of Ocs and Adoptable's. First in best dressed!!!Enjoy.NOTE!!!Do not steal these and call them your own.Or I will hunt you down and I will murder you!…

Bruised and Broken on the Battlefield

Bruised and Broken on the Battlefield

12 2 1

Tragedy strikes and Levi loses memory of his life above ground. With the help of the 104th; the new Levi squad, and of course Hange will he ever recover?…

A glitched tale(cancelled)

A glitched tale(cancelled)

780 73 15

What if jsab, mlp, unikitty, (placeholder), Steven universe future, and glitch tale, came together to fight one common evil, H A T E...…

Cover Shop

Cover Shop

551 90 11

Jedes Buch braucht ein Gesicht! Leider werden viele Bücher nach dem Cover bewertet, aber es ist der erste Schritt, denn ein Cover bringt Menschen dazu das Buch lesen zu wollen, aber der Inhalt ist das was sie am lesen hält!Und da ich gerne Covers erstelle, werde ich hier einige meiner Covers hochladen. Weiters könnt ihr dem ersten Kapitel entnehmen :) [X ] GEÖFFNET [ ] GESCHLOSSEN…

Art book, I guess...

Art book, I guess...

14,127 547 91

Welcome to my art book, full of crappy and bad art.❕❗DISCLAIMER❗❕DO NOT REPOST MY ART WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ME!!DO NOT STEAL MY ART!!DO NOT TRACE MY ART!!AS MUCH AS I MAKE FUN OF MY ART I WILL BE UPSET IF YOU STEAL OR REPOST WITHOUT PERMISSIONIf you wish to use repost/use my art in anything, it's just a simple DM asking for permission and specifying exactly what piece of art/pieces of art you would like to use. Once I get back to you I can guarantee 9 times outta 10 I'll probably say yes. It's that easy, don't make it hard for yourself.(If you're reading/seeing this on another site that's not Wattpad my book probably got copied and pasted onto an unsafe fanfiction app page.)…