Shattered Veil of Hearts

Shattered Veil of Hearts

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He spins to face me, looking at me with nothing but murder in his eyes. He starts to take slow steps towards me, I keep taking a step back with his one step forward.We stop this little dance when my path is obstructed by the wall.'You are absolutely nothing to me." his voice raising with each word. "NOTHING!", he yells at me.------------------------------------------------------Emma Hart, the 21-year-old daughter of the American Mafia Boss. She is a lovely girl who loves everyone and treats everyone with kindness. Ever since she was 5 years old all she knows is pain, being abused by her father for the past 16 years. She has built walls around her heart and does not let anyone in. Regardless of the pain, she endured everything just to get her father's love and approval. All she has ever wanted is to have a good life with friends and parents who will love her.'Sometimes a father's hate can come across as love when he gives you food after starving you for so long,' I say, tears betraying the stoic facade I wear like armor.Raffaele 'Diavolo' Benedetti. Towering, menacing, and etched in sin and muscle. Abused and left broken in his childhood by his father. He is a man you would never want to cross paths with. He gets sinister happiness out of torturing people. His heart, encased in scars both visible and hidden, beats to the rhythm of revenge, fueled by the memory of his mother and sister's brutal murder at the hands of Emma's father.Bound by a shared history of pain and loss, Emma and Raffaele find themselves entangled in a dangerous dance of fate. Raffaele, consumed by the desire for retribution, orchestrates a plot to marry the daughter of the man who shattered his world. Can Emma's compassion thaw the ice around Raffaele's heart, and can he, in turn, unravel the walls imprisoning her soul? In a world where betrayal is as common as breath, their destinies collide, showcasing love, revenge, and the fragile threads that bind two tormented souls.…

Best Bariatric Surgeon in Thane

Best Bariatric Surgeon in Thane

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Best Bariatric Surgery in Thane | Weight Loss Surgery in ThanePublic health is a major issue in India due to obesity. India has 124 million obese adults, and obesity rates have been rising alarmingly in recent years. The bariatric surgery procedure can help people who are 100 pounds overweight or more to lose weight and improve their health. Some people should not undergo bariatric surgery: Those with serious mental illnesses, chronic substance abuse problems, or medical conditions that could worsen with weight loss. Many of the effects of Bariatric surgery cannot be reversed, so it may not be appropriate for those who wish to get pregnant. .What Is Bariatric SurgeryWeight-loss surgery refers to a set of procedures that alter your digestive system to help you lose weight. It's also known as bariatric surgery (the term "bariatric" refers to the treatment of obesity). Some weight-loss procedures shrink your stomach, restricting how much you can eat and drink at once and making you feel full faster. Other weight-loss procedures alter your small intestine, which collects energy and nutrients from foods and beverages. The body's ability to absorb calories is reduced as a result of this procedure. Weight-loss surgery can also alter hormones or microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract, reducing appetite. Bariatric Surgery Means Under general anesthesia, the procedure typically takes about two hours and may result in improved quality of life, better sleep, and a reduced risk of chronic diseases in the long run. The goal of bariatric surgery is to help people lose weight and live healthier lives. Visit our Website:…

Taking Care Of Pearls

Taking Care Of Pearls

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Pearls are the symbol of class and give a feeling feminity. They are an immortal option to any lady's gems collection and add iridescence to anybody wearing them. Notwithstanding, as radiant as pearls seem to be, they are the most delicate gems by nature. They should be cleaned with consideration and took care of delicately.Top jewellers in Delhi work their best to win the hearts of their customers. TBZ Delhi is one such brand who value its customer and prioritize their choice above all. Jewellers in Delhi offer alluring jewellery for all kinds of occasions. Wearing Your PearlsWhen getting dressed, your pearls ought to be the keep going thing you put on before venturing out the entryway. Lotions, creams, cosmetics, scent, and hairsprays contain synthetic compounds that can dissolve your pearls' characteristic radiance after some time.Abstain from cooking with your pearls. They are inclined to erosion by even mellow acids like vinegar, organic product squeezes and lime juice.Store Pearls CorrectlyAnything can be kept for a lifetime if you store it correctly and properly. Storage plays a huge role when it comes to caring of pearls. Cleaning any pearl is an unfinished business if you have failed to store it properly. Store your pearls in silk, velvet or softened cowhide material or pocket. Some other non-grating material will work, as well. Never store them in anything made of plastic. They transmit a synthetic that will break down the outside of the gemstone.Cleaning Your PearlContinuously wipe your pearls after taking them off and before putting away them. Make a point to utilize a delicate fabric to maintain a strategic distance from scratches. You can likewise utilize gentle cleanser and water to clean and deal with your pearls. Never utilize unforgiving cleaners like cleansers or arrangements that contain smelling salts.…

Delilah's Black Book of Poems by Dark Whisper

Delilah's Black Book of Poems by Dark Whisper

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I DO NOT OWN THIS STORY NOR DID I WRITE OR ALTER IT IN ANYWAY. This is my favourite book from HarryPotterfanfiction and they are taking everything down but I absolutely love this story and need to save it.Delilah's Black Book of Poems by Dark WhisperFormat: NovelChapters: 40Word Count: 191,730Status: COMPLETEDRating: MatureWarnings: Contains profanity, Strong violence, Scenes of a sexual nature, Substance abuse, Sensitive topic/issue/theme, SpoilersGenres: Drama, Romance, AngstCharacters: Hermione, Draco, OtherCanonPairings: Draco/Hermione, Draco/Pansy, Ron/Hermione, Harry/HermioneFirst Published: 01/28/2011Last Chapter: 02/14/2017Last Updated: 02/14/2017Summary:Nominated: Best Romance ~ Best Darker Fic ~ Most Addicting ~ Best Description ~ 250,000+ Reads!A sad dream at Christmas has Draco scheming to prevent it from coming true. The two get close and on the night of Dumbledore's death, she says, "No." But a magical book keeps them connected during the deadliest times of their lives."Granger, I hold on to every memory of you for dear life…

Reaching You  - Jin

Reaching You - Jin

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Yoon Mi Sun starts on Hana Academy Seoul where she encounters seven arrogant boys wanting nothing to do with ordinary people. But as things heat up between Kim Seokjin and Yoon Misun she has to decide whether it's just her hatred of the arrogant boy or something more.…

King Trump

King Trump

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Read T. J. P. Campbell's alternative history futuristic sci-fi novel. See what happens when President Trump gains biological immortality and buries all trace of the event and even buries the past itself. Marvel at how he elevates himself to the position of King of the world and the status of a god. Find out if anyone can stand in his way, especially as he now intends to expand his reign across interstellar space.______________King Trump: main description blurb.President Trump gains biological immortality. Quickly, ruthlessly, he bends the world to his obstinate will, exterminating billions of innocent people along the way. Setting himself up as King of the world and a god among humanity, it would be suicide to question his authority.King Trump quickly buries the truth of his past and even history itself in order to create his self-serving new world.Thousands of years later, King Trump's astronomers discover an unsuspecting race of peaceful intelligent aliens living on a planet orbiting a relatively nearby star.A few citizen generations further on, King Trump's engineers build a starship that heads off to the alien planet, and will reach it in a matter of mere years.Can anything stop Trump spreading his evil omnipotent authority to the unsuspecting aliens?Onboard the speeding starship, some graduating officers make a clever discovery of mind-blowing revelations. Could these revelations provide the stimulus for the start of some serious resistance?Can King Trump be stopped?______________Please note this is parody and not to be taken as bearing any relation to fact (it is "future fake news" if you like). Furthermore, parody is not defamatory if the absurdity is so clear no reasonable person would consider the statements to be true. See copyright page of published novel for more details. ______________King Trump is a 132,000 word alternative history futuristic sci-fi novel by T. J. P. Campbell.…

~Poem Book~

~Poem Book~

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Like a Diary, This Book will be, Through my head blows a breeze, it makes the leaves freeze, Orange leaves falling down,This is my story,and I won't let it drown.…