Lauf nicht weg [ Hoodie x Reader ] - Abgeschlossen

Lauf nicht weg [ Hoodie x Reader ] - Abgeschlossen

564 37 11

Y/N? Bitte Hass mich nicht... ich brauch dich doch-Hoodie…

G biggest secret

G biggest secret

85,970 1,145 22

What if G Callen isn't the lone wolf as everyone thinks? What is if he in fact has a fiancée that also is the daughter of the one and only Leroy Jethro Gibbs. And what happens when someone dares to kidnapp her. How will the rest will react to the news?Read to find out!…

Who are you?

Who are you?

19,864 277 5

Gibbs adopted a troubled girl 8 years ago. He didn't tell anyone since she never did really good with a lot of people around. She was a foster kid since she was 3 years old, it's safe to say that she doesn't trusts easily and is afraid of losing the only person who ever cared for her, Gibbs. He safed her from her 47 foster dad, who abused her quit badly. When said ex foster dad escaped out of prison and went to get his hands back on El, the secret was revealed.A short story…



2,438 55 22

Kathrin zieht nach Köln. In genau das Haus wo die drei Chaoten leben...Wie sie sich kennenlernen und alles drum und dran könnt ihr hier lesen!…

Warrior Cats - Dunkler Sturm (S1, Band 2)

Warrior Cats - Dunkler Sturm (S1, Band 2)

1,697 125 22

Krähenschwinge ist nun endlich ein Krieger des MoosClans. Trotz der Verluste in den letzten Monden, fand der MoosClan zu neuer Stärke zurück.Alles scheint wie immer, aber die Clans ahnen noch nicht, welche Gefahr auf sie zukommt.Dazu taucht eine Katze auf, die in einer Verbindung mit Krähenschwinge steht. Aber nicht jeder im Clan heißt das gut.-Staffel 1:Band 1: Wald des Todes [Abgeschlossen]Band 2: Dunkler Sturm [Abgeschlossen]Band 3: Fremdes Territorium [In Bearbeitung]Band 4: Blutiger SchneeBand 5: Blendendes LichtBand 6: Sturz der Sonne Staffel 2:Band 1: RattenkönigBand 2: Wispern des Wurms?…

Working for the BAU

Working for the BAU

194,647 3,304 28

Susan Reid was kept a secret for a long time. Her older brother who practically raised her made sure of it to keep her safe. When she however finished her schoolwork and Training to become a profiler herself, it was only a short time till that secret gets out. Or does is?What happens when a certain hot profiler falls for her? But would he ask her out, after all, he thinks she is taken by his best friend Spencer.…

Jane and Alec's mate (Bella's sister)

Jane and Alec's mate (Bella's sister)

602,285 11,302 38

Amalia is Bella Swans older sister. Other than bella, she had been staying with her father for most of her life. She always was a pretty outgoing person, that however had changed immensely after she lived in Italy for nearly a year and a half. No one really knows what had happened back than, but ever since than she had become nearly a shadow of herself. But how else should she move on from her broken heart?Another thing no one knows about her, is that she is really gifted. Not only can she manipulate the elements but she also has visions. With times she also has learned to show others and how to hide her own thoughts within her mind.When the Cullens have left, Bella just like herself had gone heartbroken. But what will happen when Alice reapers to safe her brother Edward?Is Amalia going to help? Even though she has to return to Volterra once again?…

Wounds,     Steve Harrington

Wounds, Steve Harrington

16,190 867 20

WOUNDS, Steve Harrington loosing ground, I'm reaching for you!steve harrington 𝒙 fem! ocⒸ︎COSMICVSPᵗᵐAbgeschlossen!…

Mated to 4 volturi guards

Mated to 4 volturi guards

392,468 7,863 31

Meredith Cullen is the sister of Carlisle Cullen. She decided to go and enjoy the world a little before returning to her brother and his family.One of her gifts are quite useful for that since she can look like a human if she wants to. With heartbeat and everything.Right now she is in Italy, Volterra to be exact. Carlisle has warned her to keep on the lookout for the volturi, she knows that as well. That's why she was just about to leave again since she has pretty much seen the whole city already. That's however when a vampire thinks she could be a nice snack. Just as she was about to kill said vampire, he collapsed on the floor in front of her screaming out in pain. To her left now standing four volturi guards.„Fuck!" she mumbles out.What will happen when the four volturi guards are her mates? Would it be wise to stay or better to run?…

Countryhumans Ships *abgebrochen/abgeschlossen*

Countryhumans Ships *abgebrochen/abgeschlossen*

22,141 504 31

Bitte Disclaimer lesen!!!•Titelbild nicht von mir•Es gibt tausend Bücher dieser Art. Aber Egal!ich werde Countryhumans ships bewerten ^-^ihr müsst mir nur Anfragen senden…

Volturi kings mate

Volturi kings mate

588,795 12,632 34

Maya has been hiding nearly her whole existence. She is an angel, and no I don't mean she acts like one, no she actually IS an angel! The angel of death to be exact. She makes sure that vampires that have abused their powers were punished. It's funny how they always seem to beg her to please stop and instead hand them over towards the volturi instead. It might be because she is ruthless when she is handing out her punishments. Not only were they tortured for long period of times but in the end she killed them as well. Since she is extremely powerful she has gained a lot of enemies, but to her luck no one knows her secret to whom she really is.When however one of her oldest friends asked her to help him fight against the volturi, she agreed! Not because they where after her ever since they heard of her, but because Carlisle is her only true friend! What will happen when right on the field all three of the volturi kings find their mate in her? Will she ran away? Or is she going to stay?…

Potter und Malfoy

Potter und Malfoy

475 8 11

Wie der Titel schon verrät geht es in dieser Geschichte um Harry Potter der sich in seinen Erzfeind Draco Malfoy verliebt. (Das erste Kapitel ist schon im Harry Potter Adventskalender vorgekommen)…

Bilder für larry

Bilder für larry

2,543 92 41

ein paar larry bilder vielleicht für ein paar coverNur weil es anzeigt das es abgeschlossen ist heißt es nicht das es abgeschlossen ist es kann nämlich vieles passieren das dadurch es nicht abgeschlossen angezeigt werden mehr kann fals z.b. ich sterbe…

Troublemaker 2

Troublemaker 2

32,327 1,633 19

FORTSETZUNG VON TROUBLEMAKER!!! ABGESCHLOSSEN!Die Beziehung von Harry und Tony wird auf eine harte Probe gestellt.. kann Tony Harry verzeihen oder werden sich ihre Wege endgültig trennen?!…

Reasons Why You Should Love Yourself✔

Reasons Why You Should Love Yourself✔

5,045 535 13

❝And I always thought I could only be happy when I'm with you but I was wrong. I was more happier when I could be myself.❞ -herzschreiben © by herzschreiben All Rights Reservedo3.o5.2ol8…

Y O U N G ~ R O Y A L S || ONESHOT BOOK || 1 || [Finished/Abgeschlossen]

Y O U N G ~ R O Y A L S || ONESHOT BOOK || 1 || [Finished/Abgeschlossen]

14,448 334 48

Hey! This is supposed to be a book full of Young Royals oneshots! If you have any wishes, please write them in the comments or send me a private message. I'll try my hand at all categories! 👑❤I have no rights to the characters except the ones I add myself!! 👑❤…

The Voice that changed their Life (Good Charlotte Fan Fiction)

The Voice that changed their Life (Good Charlotte Fan Fiction)

2,128 43 10

Thanks to ConsolKing92 for this amazing cover!!! Summary:She didn't really like to sing. Not in front of others anyway. But she was told to do her best and get the money there was to win. She was just 5 years old. And one of the tattooed coaches won her heart.This is Fanfiction! It never happened and I do not own most of the people mentioned in this story. Songs are written by Good Charlotte and Kasey Chambers. Have fun!…

Wannsee ich dich wieder || Why Nils FF

Wannsee ich dich wieder || Why Nils FF

5,314 298 14

Tami ist unabhängig. Tami ist fröhlich. Tami ist frei. Tami reist gerade per Zug durch Europa und hat sich dafür ein Semester Pause von ihrem Studium genommen. Tami will sich finden.Doch dann trifft sie in Berlin auf Nils.ABGESCHLOSSEN 11.05.2020---Ausdrücklich ist zu Erwähnen, dass dies gänzlich meine Fantasien sind und somit Fiktion.Außerdem ist es meine erste Geschichte. Also ist Feedback ausdrücklich erwünscht.…



8,650 239 8

Whose name made you drink enough to forget your own?…

Haikyuu Zitate/Quote [completed]

Haikyuu Zitate/Quote [completed]

558 60 50

Here I will write down the quotes of different characters.--------------------------Hier werde ich die Zitate verschiedener Charakteren aufschreiben.…