Blood Of My Enemies (Outdated)

Blood Of My Enemies (Outdated)

82 33 33

Bloody tears leave tracks down my cheeks, and I wipe them away again. My heart has broken into pieces, bleeding, scraping my insides, so many shards that I surely will never fit it back together again, even with the help of Claire. What's left of my heart is in agony, screaming, crying out for David, yet knowing that he will never come, knowing that it's hopeless to cry. On the outside though, I don't show my pain.Diabolo has done this. Diabolo is going to pay. It's only right for him to feel the same pain that he caused me.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The second book of the Shattered Fangs series, Jess goes on a mission to get revenge for David's death, leaving behind her home, and her sister, Claire. The only thing is, David isn't actually dead, and he is looking for her. Will they ever find each other? Will Jess get her revenge? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~What about Claire, though? She stays behind in town, with Melody, using her powers to make sure that nobody gets suspicious of Jess. Things start to fall apart, though, when strangers show up in town.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Kinda violent, but no worse than the first book.AS A NOTE: The plot is subject to quite extreme changes in the future, as I am currently working on totally rewriting the first book and changing my writing style up, so these current chapters are in no way final to the plot of the overall story arc.Credit for the image on the cover to:…

The white Iris

The white Iris

30 5 1

You can make a mistake once in your life.But if you d the same mistake again ,its never a mistake but a choice....... Strange but true..Clearly I never wanted these words at first for truth is something I lived for ad it was truth that ruined my whole life..I have no notion at this very moment but they say to be 'me' in life.... I live in alien world and under an alien sky where truth betrayed me bringing inconsolable wickedness to my deep soul.I don't just feel what my soul and heart is up to,except that at the very moment I'm holding a pen with the fingertips of the first three fingers you raise up to show 'three''.I know I'm mistake and I lived a mistaken life with nothing but the hateful impostures of truth and faith which eventually turned up on me for a much better one.Allow me to say all these bewildering statements for this is never a story of me but of another me whom I had lived for,restrainedly or in other words chastity of desires.,today,is just a piece of breath made out of evil ,yet born without it!Well,I,do think 'I' spoke,for confusion can't stay much loner,but recall again and again that this is a story of love,love of youth.....They always say a 'he' brings pain to a 'she' which I never took notice of,but something I repent today...... I'll start my reminiscence with jotting the following line.."A painful thing in life is having commitment with someone you know would not last"...which is the very thing I did..Throughout my whole story up to now it was bleary and ark let me begin memories of a day dating back to about 21 years when I was just a little girl of 14 ,with a spiritual elegance as of a white Iris..It was an elated time for I had 'friends'....People who fought for me,included me,encouraged me,needed me,stood by me and clearly deserved me..!They never would have let me make such complications for myself if only they were there...Well,useless repenting on whom I rejected for 'love'...totally from my heart..... the start..…

The Lemniscates

The Lemniscates

208 14 36

The lemniscates are a clan of immortals existing since the dawn of time. The only condition to be a part of it is to be immortal. Simple. There are vampires, cursed, damned, drug addicts, scholars and some powerful witches amongst the most representatives. Each one of them has their own goals and agendas.No matter how they earn their immortality, the only two rules that exist require they have to protect their secret and especially control its spread. Losing control, would be to break the second rule and would result in the total eradication of the breed. Everything went fine when a simultaneous out of proportion attack against the Paradise and Hell occured. Why did it happen? Who did it? This is definitely a threat. One that must be dealt with.The story happens in our world. Well kinda. Chapters focus on pieces of conversations between characters and the story is told through that. It is part of an event greater universe that I created. I have written many stories but never published them. This is my first work but I deliberately mention them as an introduction for later. The story is told through many characters cause I don't believe in one character doing all the work and saving the universe all by himself. This is a group effort.I'm trying English. I know it's not perfect. Not my first language but, hopefully, you'll get the mood and help me correct it. Counting on you ;)…

Band Jokes 5

Band Jokes 5

45,226 4,972 139

This is my legacy.[Property of Previous Owner: Cecilia][Credit to Tumblr]…

The Unlikely Hero

The Unlikely Hero

1 0 1

Marcelino is just like every other superhero you know.He was strong, yet reckless.There was a story when he killed a dragon menacing a small village. The dragon fell, leaving our hero blood-splattered, yet remains ruggedly dashing in his barely existent leather armor. The small village was totaled, not because of the dragon flames, but by Marcelino’s taunting swordplay. Despite that, everyone is quick to forgive him for his charm.Marcelino clocks in another day to battle a hydra; and everyone knows hydras can be very tricky. Cut one head of and you’d get 3 more heads sprouting from the f*cker. Thankfully, canoodling with the pixies worked well for Marcelino as he was given a salve that would prevent new heads from regenerating. Sounds easy, right? But the fight begins.Fast forward to a few reckless hacking and certain miscalculations left our hero fighting a hydra, now, with nine heads. But he was quick to his feet. Contrary to the common notion that heroes need big pieces of armor, Marcelino’s nakedness and close-to-non-existent armor worked to his advantage. The sweat made it very hard for the hydra to get a good grip of the Marcelino. You can sense that he tires from his dodges, but like any hero he pushes on.Heads rush to him left and right, gaping mouths fit full of teeth. Until, one head caught him by the shoulder. It hit him. “This is Death.” Seeing another one of these massive mouths directly rushing towards face…“Dude!”Marcelino stirred in his sleep.“Dude, wake up!”“You were so drunk, you fell asleep on your pizza.”Marcelino quickly sat up, “Pizza?!”The pizza slides down his face and lands on his lap. “Pizza!!” He grabs it and poised eat it just as the hydra was to bite his head off. Then gobble as much he could finishing the big slice in less than three bites.Marcelino’s hero story is not set in medieval time; of knights with very little pieces of armor that barely cover them.Marcelino’s hero st…

Juniper Nyooms into The Abyss

Juniper Nyooms into The Abyss

2,544 869 200

Next random book…

My Little Turtle

My Little Turtle

3,439 19 194

Roses are red, violets are blue, these poems are not as sweet as you! :D This is probably my most confusing piece of work. My most confusing but real, true, down to earth story. Only few would probably get it. Maybe your one of them.…

UNDERCOVER || Jeon Jungkook

UNDERCOVER || Jeon Jungkook

8 1 1

"You guys are in dangerous i swear." she said with straightforward and serious tone."What did you said? Are you trying to playing us?" Jungkook asked her with unbelievable look because this is the very first time she look care about him or the members."I'm totally serious. You're under spying. Trust me, you guys are in really dangerous situation. There are some people that have been trained to kill all of you guys. They bring a gun. We get to leave quick before it happens. Seriously we don't have more time to discuss about it. Just follow me if you want to live." she said while her eyes vigilantly looking to every person who's look like suspicious."What? Why they want to kill us? That's insane!" Taehyung ask with his worries faces."I don't have much time to explain that. Now...---Oh God it's already started." and then a cessation gun voice heard. Unfortunately someone died in front of them."Shit, i trust you. Now run..." the BTS member run with following her way. Hide and escape together.Until another they passed and someone realize something weird happened."Bae Seulhee i'm going to asking you this one more time." he sighed. "Why you have a gun when last time you said if we found a person with a gun,.... then they are the aggent who treated to kill us."She looking at his eyes with weakness look. She know her identity will expose immediately."I'm sorry." she started letting her tears down. Her heart totally hurt when he saw his eyes turning red.Jungkook bloods boild up. "I asking and need your answer, not your apology! Just tell me that you're not one of the----""Shoot me, Jungkook. Just kill me. I don't mind." she gave her gun to him and crying unstoppable. Unknowingly their heart start break up into small pieces.Started : 17.28.11Finished : -This is my first story. So i apologize if my work still have some disorder plot or rare in English.Jeon Jungkook fan fiction.…

Inner Voices - A Book of poems and quotes

Inner Voices - A Book of poems and quotes

1,689 178 149

"Listen to your own Inner Voice, your own soul, too many people listen to the noise of the world, instead of themshelves." - Leon Brown I re-started working on this book but with a change in concept. It will no longer work as my dairy. Instead, I will posting my thoughts on random issues in this book. It's a little more than a rant book. It contains my Inner Voices in various matters. All the quotes, thoughts and sayings updated in this book are my original work and is also available at my Instagram, YourQuote, Facebook, lettrs and Mirakee Accounts under my username - Awwthentic. Cover: Awwthentic~ © Awwthentic All Rights Reserved 2016…