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Main reaction will be to the web series in particular. I won't do reactions to fan content, this is to the show. Maybe I could do some minor filler reactions, but that'd only be to upcoming fanfics I'm writing, but even so, writing the reactions to the episodes alone is heck difficult with how many micro-details are put into each episode. Like, my gosh, so, many, details. I can't likely cover them all lol, but I'll do my best.Gonna try and keep the characters as close to canon as possible, but still gonna be OOC moments cause I can't make stuff perfect. I thought Uzi went more crazy after DD nanites repaired her, EMP scrambled her drone brain, and absolute solver now online in her is messing with her. This react fic has shifted into AU territory I guess, thinking Uzi wasn't as crazy a week or two ago before the pilot's events begin, she's a teenager going through a phase, I think. But after the solver program was awakened and stuff, maybe she goes more crazy after stuff went downhill? Among other things. Yes the cover is made by me.Characters Included:Uzi, Khan, Thad, Lizzie, Doll, SD-J, SD-V, SD-N, Random Background Worker Drones (Teacher, Riley, Sarah, WDF (Todd, Braxton, Green-Eyed One, Makarov), Students (Rebecca, Brandon, etc), Other Ones Who Are Unnamed, Minor Named Drones), OCs as Hosts, Plushies.(Rated T for mild language & robot violence, mandatory disclaimer of I don't own anything except my OCs, this is a fanfiction, updates are painfully slow)…