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Zero White, a hundred percent Otaku with the sass to boot, spends his last month of life after being diagnosed with stage four brain cancer, reading and watching anime like it's his last breath, and it was.Zero spends his last week watching and reading the Twilight series because of the rumours he heard about how good it was.Having decided that Twilight wasn't a bad choice, he began to search for something interesting and finds nothing.Fealing frustrated, he decides to just get on with it and jumps of the tallest building he could access, not wanting to wait any longer.As he fell he smiled and... Black.*** Long white eyelashes slowly flutter open to reveal cold, peircing grey, almost white eyes. The young man who looked to be fifteen or sixteen sat up from the bed he was laying on, looking around, confused.'Did I fail and get saved', Zero tilted his head to the side, feeling his head pound, 'this doesn't look or smell like the hospital'.Zero frowned slightly, farrowing his snow white eyebrows he focused on the surrounding environment, it looked like a bedroom, single bed, side tables filled with photo frames of a happy looking family, although there was a white haired teenager who didn't look like the rest.Suddenly Zero felt a tremendous amount of pain flare through his head as he continued to look around the room. It felt like something was drilling into his brain slowly, as he clutched at his head, there was a sudden wave of memories that didn't belong to him. Suddenly the door opened, snapping Zero out of the barrage of memories as a girl who looked to be seventeen walked into the room."Zero wake up, or we'll be late for the plane to forks", the girl... no Bella said.Zero's eyes widened to the point of almost rolling on floor, along with his sanity, because right now he was looking at Bella Swan."What the actual frickity fu...***First book. (Picture is not mine and Twilight does not belong to me.)Enjoy😋…