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Immerse yourself in the Descendants Franchise and pursue love and adventure with the 5 VK's!Gino Gothel, son of Mother Gothel, spends his time along the Isle of the Lost as any of the other villains kids do, stealing, lying, and of course, causing mischief anywhere he goes. His mother expects highly of him and he always plans to deliver, taking his place alongside the children of the greatest known villains there've ever been. However, his story will begin to unfold deeper when Prince Ben and his adopted sister Princess Y/N offer a invitation of redemption to the 5 villian kids: Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos, and Gino. Quick Notes and Disclaimers:-This story is based off the first movie of "Descendants"-This is my first ever story I have written on here! (Yay!!) So I'd appreciate any patience on that part, and of course any corrections or mistakes you'd like to comment!- I don't know how often ill update this, but I'd like to have some done at least daily.- This is a romance intended story between Gino and Y/N, who is female.- I do not own "Descendants", the main story belongs the Disney, however Gino is my original character and additional scenes for him and Y/N are also my ideas. - I also do not own the music in this movie, however I recommend listening to it as you read the songs. (In my opinion, its low key a vibe :D)- Cover is AI Art generated by Me (Took many tries but I think he looks good!)- Please don't use my ideas without permission (Gino, and any added Scenes)- Feel free to comment if you enjoyed it! Thanks!…