BOOK 3 The Rise of Abe Chou/Dustin Zhou

BOOK 3 The Rise of Abe Chou/Dustin Zhou

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This novel brings you the story of Abe Chou a young son-in-law in an abusive family. There is nothing good going on in his life. But one fine day he gets to know his reality and actual identity. one that is totally opposite to an ordinary and a poor man. The one he has grown up with and used to.The vicissitudes of life have brought him to a point where he must act swiftly. Take decisions and act precisely otherwise, irreparable loss awaits him. Would he be able to tame the winds that that changes in his fortune bring?Would he steer his own life and the life of people around him on a path of progress and prosperity? Or would the responsibilities and liabilities break his back irreversibly? Read The Rise of Abe Chou novel to find out all.Start from a chapter of your choice and take it to the end. Happy reading!…



6 0 1

Qué más da?, de qué sirve estar viva si solo soy un bicho raro?, qué más da si no soy como las demás chicas perfectas?, lo unico que conozco es el rechazo, la humillación y la maldita tristeza.Violet es una típica adolescente de 15 años en busca de una alegría en su vida, aqui veras como se desahoga.…

turning back time

turning back time

39 4 2

this is a spin off of the hidden children by @mrs_malfoy99 and livtheravenclaw please check it out its an awesome storyread the hidden children first other wise this wont make sensekat sat in her parents living room unsure weither or not to spin the time turner. will she spin it read and find out…



53 0 11

LUCKY has loving and kind parents and 6 overprotective brothers.But everything changed when a guy named MARTIN showed up and kissed her. The 6 brothers went furiously angry and trying to keep Lucky away from that guy but suddenly falls inlove with him.How can Lucky solve this problem?…