peaceful time

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Yoongi is now standing near the window looking at the outside view. He is happy that finally now they got rid of that secretary.

"I love you jungkook,you are the best husband" he said then blushed.

*Door bell*

Yoongi's smile got wide. He quickly went to open the door and when he opened the door,he was met with jungkook's smiling face.

"Kooooooooo" yoongi said while throwing himself on him.

"Oh oh" jungkook stumbled back from sudden force but balanced himself.

"How was your deal?" Yoongi asked clinging onto jungkook.

"Obviously great hyungie, I signed the deal" jungkook said stepping inside the room while holding yoongi.

"Congrats Koo" yoongi said tightening the hug.

Jungkook sat down on the chair and pulled yoongi on his lap in straddling position who wrapped his legs around jungkook's waist and arms around his neck.

"You are looking very happy hyung, is it because of my deal or because of that secretary?" Jungkook asked wrapping both around around yoongi.

"I am happy because of both" yoongi said while dropping his head on Jungkook's shoulder.

"Is your lip okay? And why are you wearing this mask?" Jungkook asked rubbing his back.

"It's okay now koo and we are going out right?" Yoongi asked.

"Yeah we are but are you going to wear this mask all the time?" Jungkook asked softly.

"Yeah" yoongi answered.

"You don't need t-" jungkook was cut off by yoongi.

"It's not paininig now but still it's a little swollen so I want to cover it, please? I will be comfortable"

Jungkook kissed his temple and said
"If you will feel comfortable in this then okay But atleast remove it for now,I want to see your pretty face"

Yoongi lift up his head from jungkook's shoulder and made eye contact with him then removed his mask.

"Hmm it's a little swollen but it's almost healed" jungkook said gently stroking Yoongi's cheek.

Yoongi hummed and asked
"Where are we going today?"

"We will go to the London eye then have lunch in an Italian restaurant and then we can do some shopping and yeah we will also have dinner out" jungkook said still looking at yoongi's lip.

"Ohh but aren't you tired?" Yoongi asked.

"No I am not" jungkook said to him still just looking at his lip.

Yoongi smiled and said
"It's okay now"

"I know, I just really want to kiss you" jungkook said suddenly making eye contact with yoongi who immediately looked somewhere else.

"Oh, it will be fine by tomorrow I guess" yoongi said now looking somewhere else.

Jungkook leaned closer to yoongi's ear and whispered
"Yeah and then we will enjoy alot"

Shiver run down yoongi's spine understanding the meaning of jungkook's words.

"Right hyungie? We will enjoy right?" Jungkook asked teasingly.

Yoongi just hummed while getting up from jungkook's lap and he was surprised because jungkook easily let him get up.

"Oh! You look tall in this outfit" jungkook said looking at him from head to toe while yoongi glared at him.

"I am tall so ofcourse I will look tall" yoongi said confidently while crossing his arms over his chest but his whole confidence disappeared when jungkook towered over him.

"Cute" jungkook said chuckling then went to the washroom after taking his clothes.

Yoongi's cheeks were glowing red. He was blushing so hard.

He Happily sat down on the chair still blushing.

After some minutes jungkook stepped out from the bathroom.

"Ok now let's go" he said looking at yoongi who was sitting on the chair scrolling on his mobile.

"Ok" yoongi said getting up from the chair.

"Wear an overcoat or something hyung" jungkook said picking his mobile from the side table.

"No, this sweater is very warm" yoongi said.

Jungkook sighed then they left from there.

"We are going to an Italian restaurant first right?" Yoongi asked stepping inside the elevator.

"Yeah then we will do some shopping" jungkook said pressing the ground floor button.

"Okay, are we going to buy clothes for tomorrow party?" Yoongi asked.

"We already have alot of outfits right? But if you want new then we will buy" jungkook said.

Yoongi was looking at him then said
"Umm no I was just asking, we have alot of clothes so ofcourse we don't need to buy new"

Jungkook hummed then they went out towards the hall.

"Good afternoon sir,your car is waiting for you outside" manager said while bowing.

"Thankyou" jungkook said then he and yoongi went outside.

"To the xxx restaurant" jungkook said sitting on the back seat beside yoongi.

"Yes sir" driver said and started driving.

"Why Italian restaurant?" Yoongi asked.

"I want to eat pizza today" jungkook said then chuckled when he saw yoongi's shocked expression.

"You? And pizza? The person is who eats vegetables 24/7 wants to eat pizza today?" Yoongi said dramatically then shyly smiled when he saw the driver looking at him through the mirror.

Jungkook frowned when he saw his shy smile but when he saw driver's eyes looking at his husband through mirror, he said
"If you are done looking at him then please concentrate on the road"

Yoongi chuckled.

Jungkook looked at him with a mad face.
"Nobody can make you shy except me!" He said

Yoongi rolled his eyes and said while looking straight
"Calm your jealous ass mr.jeon"

Jungkook's Expressions darkened hearing that. He grabbed yoongi's hand in his tightly.

Yoongi looked at him with a frown but his eyes widened when jungkook licked his hand then kissed his wrist.
He tried very hard to free his hand but jungkook's hold was tightening more and more.

"L-leave jungkook!!" He said but jungkook just ignored and looked towards the window while doing something on his mobile.

Yoongi looked at the mirror and saw driver's eyes looking at them. He felt weird and squeezed jungkook's hand.

"Last time, I forgave you when you didn't noticed the red signal but if you didn't remove your disgusting gaze from us then I will not stop myself from complaining about you to the manager" jungkook said still just looking outside.

Driver gulped and looked straight.

Yoongi sighed then turned his head also towards the window. He is tired of dealing with people. Why the hell everybody disturb their moments. He just wants to spend a peaceful day with jungkook without anyone interrupting them.

"I hope we will enjoy the party peacefully" he mumbled.

"Sir we are here" driver said stopping the car.

Jungkook left yoongi's hand and stepped out from the car.

Yoongi also stepped out and asked looking at the long queue outside the restaurant
"You made a reservation or not?"

"Ofcourse I did, you think I will make you wait in a queue?" Jungkook said wrapping arm around yoongi's waist.

"I can wait anywhere if you are with me" yoongi said smiling looking at him.

Jungkook pecked his lips and said
"You don't deserve to wait love, you will get what you want right away"

Yoongi bite his lip feeling his cheeks heated
"Let's go" he said.

Jungkook's hand firmly held his waist then they went inside.

"Good afternoon mr.jeon, please come" a lady said as soon as they both entered inside the restaurant and lead them towards their table.

"This is your table sir" she said.

"But it's for four people, we are two" yoongi said frowning then raised his eyebrows at jungkook looking at him with a look saying 'don't tell me that your clients are coming following you here too'

Jungkook left his hold on yoongi's waist and said
"This was the only table which was in the corner so I booked this one"

Yoongi's look turned to soft and he smiled.

"Take your seats sir, I will come back to take your orders" the lady said and left from there.

Jungkook pulled out the chair for yoongi who sat down while still smiling.

"You are just unbelievable jungkook" yoongi said looking at jungkook who sat down on the chair beside him.

"Why? What did I do?" Jungkook asked while picking up the menu.

"Why did you booked this table which is in the corner?" Yoongi asked looking at him.

"So that we can have our private time" jungkook said looking at the menu.

"Really? Only because of private time?" Yoongi asked.

Jungkook hummed.

"Well then thankyou mr.jungkook, I can sit comfortably here without my mask too" yoongi said removing his mask.

"Ofcourse, that's why I booked this table so that you don't have to worry about about people watching you even if you look sexy and cut-" jungkook stopped when he thought what he just said.

Yoongi chuckled and pulled his cheek.
"My sweet husband" he Said quickly kissing his cheek.

Jungkook looked at him with a smirk and said
"I'll show you my real sweetness tonight hyung"

Yoongi smirked back while saying
"Why can't now?"

They both were literally doing a smirking competition when the lady came back to take their order.

"May I take your orders?" She asked.

Both jungkook and yoongi break their eye contact.

"Oh Ya so one large cheese pizza, pepperoni lasagna rolls for two and wine for the drink"jungkook said

"Would you like anything in sweet sir?" the lady said and left from there.

"We already have too much sweetness I think" jungkook said winking towards yoongi who smiled.

"So umm nothing?" The lady asked looking at the love birds.

Yoongi cleared his throat and picked up the menu then said after a minute
"I would like to have tiramisu"

"Ok sir, I'll be back with your order" the lady said then went from there.

Then both jungkook and yoongi waited for their order but then yoongi gulped when his mobile ranged.

"Is it again an unknown number?" Jungkook asked looking at yoongi who was looking at the mobile screen.

Yoongi looked at him and hummed.

"Give it to me" jungkook said forwarding the hand towards him.

"No, let's just ignore it" yoongi said putting his mobile on silent.

"But these calls are not stopping, let me talk to this bastar-" jungkook was cut off by yoongi who said softly

"Jungkook let's not spoil our mood okay? I want to spend time with you peacefully, can we ignore everything else please?"

Jungkook's face softened hearing him. He sighed and said
"Okay but you will tell me if you again received a call from unknown number okay? We should not ignore it if it's happening again and again"

"Okay I promise" yoongi said then saw waiter coming with their order.

"Enjoy the meal sir" the Waiter said bowing then left from there.

Jungkook poured the wine in the glasses

"Congrats for signing the deal Koo" yoongi said holding up the glass.

Jungkook chuckled and said
"Thankyou love,cheers"

Then they both enjoyed the food happily not knowing what is going to happen tomorrow at the party.


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